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L&T Infotech’s Response to Ecrio’s RFP

J2ME Multimedia Exchange Client


Q1. Please read the article “How does it feel to be watched at work all the
time?” ( and answer the following questions:
You are the senior manager placed in charge of an AI project to improve productivity by
implementing some of the techniques discussed in the article.  
 Suggest some less-invasive approaches to accomplish the defensible corporate goals
regarding improvement of employee productivity

 Discuss how you would go about justifying to (a) obtain consent of top management

that the less invasive approaches are appropriate and (b) obtain buy-ins from
employees for the implementation of the less-invasive approaches


Based on the reading from the article, data analysis using AI can help improve productivity at work
place as long as the same is voluntary and communicated properly for its benefits. However, any new
technology is faced with resistance incase the same is perceived to take away autonomy and used to
monitor slack time.
Some of the less-intrusive approaches to accomplish the improvement in employee productivity are
as below:

 Use of RFID-enabled chip implant in all employee for providing access to office equipment’s
like entry door, photocopiers, coffee machine and laptops.
 Use of heat and motion monitoring devices in areas which are not used continuously like
meeting rooms, cafeteria, restroom and break out rooms.
 Use of timely software to help employees find the last work done and improve the
productivity. Thus, enabling the company to understand which employee has higher number
of interruptions in the task.

Some of the justification  to obtain consent of top management that the less invasive
approaches are appropriate are as below:
 Faster Adoption: Resistance to less invasive approach will be low and thus it will help in
faster implementation at workplace.
 Positive Sentiment: Less invasive approach will be perceived in a positive manner and as a
step towards better working condition by employees thus leading to higher satisfaction
and voluntary acceptance.

 Disciplined Work Environment: Employees will be more disciplined in work due to

reduction in loop holes in the system and improved transparency.
Some of the justification to obtain buy-ins from employees for the implementation of the less-
invasive approaches:
 Transparency: AI will help to reduce manual data processing and improve transparency in
the system.
 Work Environment: AI will help improve work life by reducing the monotonous and
mundane work, paving way for more intellectual oriented work.
 Productivity: It will support the employee to perform their task better by aligning with
their work and not replacing them all together.
 Security: AI like RFID enabled chip which provides access to office area will enhance the
overall security by deterring any non-employee from entering the premise. This will create
a safe working environment for employees along with ease of access. Also, the person
with the chip controls when it can be read since it cannot transmit data
unless it is close to the data reader.

Q2. Please read the article “Smart speakers: Why your voice is a major battle in music”
and answer the following questions:
What is the central point/ issue/ problem area dealt with, in the article? How is AI solving
the issue or complicating matters?

The article talks about disruption caused by voice activated or smart speakers in the music
industry. Voice activated speakers allows you to check the weather, play podcasts or order
food delivery, and are becoming more and more common in our homes.

In the space of less than five years, brands like Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Sonos One
have become household names, while voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are already available

Since their launch, voice-activated devices have offered the potential to interact with music in
ways that satisfy even the most ardent fan, no matter what their mood or taste. When it comes
to discovering and listening to music, smart speakers are improving by the month. It’s
becoming easier to find the songs we want to hear on smart speakers, and less risky to ask for a
playlist suggestion. More and more, requests like “Play me happy music” or “Play the latest
from Ed Sheeran” are giving us what we’re looking for.

According to Deloitte Global, the entire smart speaker market is predicted to reach a value of
$7bn, making it the fastest growing connected device category in the world. In 2017, only 7%
of Americans owned smart speakers, a figure that Nielsen says has risen to 24%. By 2022,
Juniper Research expects that 55% of US households will own a smart speaker, which equates
to around 175 million devices in 70 million homes.

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This exponential growth in smart speaker market has created a technological challenge
for music industry i.e. Algorithm. It means that success for record label and music artists
boils down to how well they can optimize their song’s metadata and not on creative
content of lyrics.

AI in smart speakers is helping increase the music market by making the search and listening
process seamless. More and more artists are getting opportunity to showcase their creative

However, AI has changed the way music is consumed and is making music industry slave of
algorithm rather than allowing them to focus on their core expertise and creative content.
Alexa and other speakers’ algorithm will decide the future of any artist as the music search
done by them will showcase the songs which fits in their algorithm-based search.

Phrases as simple as “Alexa, play music” – a startlingly common request according to Amazon
Music UK’s Firth – leave algorithms with wild interpretive freedom. Difficult-to-pronounce, or
similar sounding song or artist names risk not being found, and so labels need to think about
how distinct, pronounceable and memorable their artist and track names are.

This power tussle has created two power centres and technology companies are driving the
way forward and leaving us with a very disturbing question: Should the artist or Alexa be the
one to decide which creative categories a song should be placed into?

Considering the above-mentioned points, it will be too early to comment whether AI is solving
the issue or complicating it. AI is sure to provide greater benefits to consumer and music
industry but if the same is not implemented well and industry is not given level playing field
with technology companies then it is not a good situation.

The article raises the question: “Should the artist or Alexa be the one to decide which
creative categories a song should be placed into?” What future developments will
determine whether the artist gets to decide which creative category (his/her) song will be
placed into?

Considering the development and exponential growth of smart speakers it is sure that the way
music is consumed will change and AI will dominate the future. Artists will have to keep an
eye towards metadata first while developing any new tracks or content in order to fit in the

Those record label and artist which understand the technology and the way algorithm works
will surely have an edge over the technology companies and will be able to decide which
creative category his/her song will be placed into.

Also, the Continuously changing consumer behavior and preferences will play a pivotal role in
shaping the future of industry. The way fans or consumer would like to find music will disrupt
both the technology and record label companies. If consumer get a better product or innovation
which improves the search and listening process, then the same will create.

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