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Paper Name: Database and Statistical Packages

Type: Theory

Maximum Marks: 50
Syllabus and Marks Distribution

Unit 1: Databases --- Concept of database: entity, attribute and relationships. Database
management systems. Advantages of database processing. Disadvantages of database processing.
(10 marks)

Unit 2: E-Resources--- Concept of electronic resources and electronic library resource.

Characteristics, purpose and weaknesses of E-Resources. Types of electronic resources: CD-
ROM, DVD, E-Journals, E-Books, E-Zine, E-Newspaper, ETDs. Scholarly Databases.
Information Gateways. Digital Libraries. The Internet. E-Mail. OPAC. Institutional Repository
Systems. Access to E-Resources. (10 Marks)

Unit 3: Chi-Square Distribution – Numerical Problems on Goodness of Fit, and Independence

of Attributes (Only Binomial Distribution) (10 Marks)

Unit 4: Interpretation of Multiple Regression Output – R2, Adjusted R2, Unstandardized

Coefficients with their Significance Levels, Detection of Multicollinearity using Variance
Inflating Factor (VIF) and Tolerance Factor, Detection of Autocorrelation using DW Statistic,
Detection of Heteroskedasticity using Charts, F-Test using ANOVA table, Normality of
Independent/Dependent Variables, Normality of Error Term (10 Marks)

Unit 5: Handling Experience of SPSS – Conditions when to apply different tests while
comparing means (One Sample t-test, Independent Sample t-test, Paired Sample t-test, One way
ANOVA), Interpretation of Differential Mean Output using above specified methods, Identifying
Variables (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio), Steps to be followed for Crosstabs, Recoding and
Computing Variable in SPSS (10 Marks)

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