MCQ Motivation and Leadership

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Masters of Business Administration

“MCQ Based On Motivation And Leadership”

YEAR - 2019 -20


(Assistant Professor) (Y19282024)

(MBA 2nd Semester)

1) Rearrange the steps of Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory.

A. Self - Actualisation Needs

B. Physiological needs
C. Belongingness and love needs
D. Self - esteem needs
E. Safety needs

2) Which of the following is a content theory?
a. Expectancy theory
b. ERG Theory
c. Equity theory
d. None of the above
ANSWER: b. ERG Theory
3) Who propounded the Need's Theory
a. Frederick Herzberg
b. Alderfer
c. Abraham Harold Maslow
d. None of the above
ANSWER: c. Abraham Harold Maslow
4) The two factor theory is based on which factors?
a. Hygiene and behavioural
b. Safety and self - esteem
c. Self - actualisation and status quotient
d. None of the above.
ANSWER: a. Hygiene and behavioural
5) What does "E", "R" and "G" stand for in the ERG theory?
a. Export, Risk and Guarantee
b. Exponential, Reliability and Growth
c. Existence, Relatedness and Growth
d. None of the above
ANSWER: c. Existence, Relatedness and Growth
6) Which of the following is a need that motivates human behaviour as
per the achievement motivation theory?
a. Power
b. Affiliation
c. Achievement
d. All of the above
ANSWER: d. All of the above
7) What are the alternate names used for the expectancy model?
a. Instrumentality theory
b. Path - goal theory
c. Valence - instrumentality - expectancy theory
d. All of the above
ANSWER: d. All of the above
8) What are the main elements of motivation.
a. Intensity
b. Direction
c. Persistence
d. All the above
ANSWER: d. All the above
9) What promotes a person to act in a certain way.
a. Motive
b. Motivation
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above.
ANSWER: a. Motive
10) Channelling the intensity of action towards a desired direction
a. Intensity
b. Direction
c. Persistence
d. All the above
ANSWER: b. Direction
11) Regarding leadership, which statement is false?
a. Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure
of an organisation
b. When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established
and defined
c. Not every leader is a manager
d. All of the above
ANSWER: b. When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly
established and defined
12) __________ are the approaches to the study of leadership which
emphasise the personality of the leader:
a. Contingency theories
b. Group theories
c. Trait theories
d. Inspirational theories
ANSWER: c. Trait theories
13) Contingency theories of leadership based upon:
a. That there is no single style of leadership appropriate to all situations
b. That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all managers
c. That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all situations
d. None of the above
ANSWER: a. That there is no single style of leadership appropriate to all
14.) Theory that consider personality trait is called
a. Trait theory
b. Behavioural theory
c. Both of these
d. None of these.
ANSWER: a. Trait theory
15) Theory that differentiate leader from non leaders is called
a. Trait theory
b. Behavioural theory
c. Both of these
d. None of these.
ANSWER: b. Behavioural theory
16) Which theory focuses on the readiness and willingness of employees.
a. Situational leadership theory
b. Path goal theory
c. Trait theory
d. Behavioural theory.
ANSWER: a. Situational leadership theory
17) Four separate dimensions have been identified in
a. Situational leadership theory
b. Path goal theory
c. Trait theory
d. Behavioural theory.
ANSWER: a. Situational leadership theory
18) Supportive leaders are:
a. Leads to better results when the task are well defined.
b. More effective during ambiguous task as compared to well defined tasks.
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these.
ANSWER: a. Leads to better results when the task are well defined.
19) Creation of in groups and out groups within a team is a
a. Leader member exchange theory
b. Path goal theory
c. Both of these
d. None of these.
ANSWER: a. Leader member exchange theory
20) Exchange of rewards for good performance and effort is called
a. Management by exception
b. Contingency rewards
c. Laissez faire
d. None of these.
ANSWER: b. Contingency rewards

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