Set A: Test Code: JS-X-61-17

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- M1 - Chapter Test - Real Numbers - Set A

Test Code: JS-X-61-17 Set A

1. T his paper has 15 questions.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Each question has four options, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
4. Questions from 1 to 10 carry 1 marks each. T hese questions carry no negative marking.
5. Questions from 11 to 15 carry 2 marks each. T hese questions carry no negative marking.

Maximum T ime: 30 Minutes Total Marks: 20

Name:_____________________________ Roll Number:__________________

Q1. For any positive integer , there exist unique integers and such that , where must
A) B)
C) D)

Q2. T he square of any positive integer is either of the form ____ or ____ for some integer .
A) ; B) ;
C) ; D) ;

Q3. T here is a circular path around a sports field. Sonia takes minutes to drive one round of the
field, while Ravi takes minutes for the same. Suppose they both start from the same point at the
same time, and go in the same direction. After how many minutes will they meet again at the
starting point?
A) minutes B) minutes
C) minutes D) minutes

Q4. If is the sum of first prime numbers, then is always divisible by

A) B)
C) D) None of these

Q5. T he largest number which divides and , leaving remainder and respectively, is
A) B)
C) D)

Q6. If is an odd number, is not divisible by and , then

A) B)
C) D)

Q7. is:

A) rational number B) natural number

C) zero D) irrational number

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Avanti - M1 - Chapter Test - Real Numbers - Set A

Q8. T he product of two irrational numbers is:

A) always a rational number B) always an irrational number
C) can be rational or irrational number D) not a real number

Q9. T he decimal representation of a rational number is a terminating decimal only if, for non-
negative integers and , the prime factors of are of the form:
A) B)
C) D)

Q10. when is any:

A) positive integer B) odd integer
C) even integer D) negative integer

Q11. Representation of in the form where and are positive integers will be

A) B)

C) D)

Q12. If is an even natural number, then the largest natural number by which is
divisible is
A) B)
C) D)

Q13. If is a natural number, then exactly one of the numbers and must be a multiple of
A) B)
C) D)

Q14. When is divided by the remainder would be

A) B)
C) D) None of these

Q15. T he number is divisible by

A) and B) and
C) and D) and

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