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Relative motion between the charge carriers and B that matters

Faraday gave an ingenious explanation:

A changing B induces an electric field

Faraday found empirically

  d  
  E .dl   ;   B.d a
Induced E

  B 
  E . d l   . d a : Integral form of Faraday’s law
   
  
Applying Stoke’s law: 
  v .d a   v .dl
   B : Differential form of Faraday’s law
 E  
Expt. 3 B changes for an entirely different reason from the
first two cases

Changing B B
All the three expts can be explained by the following universal flux rule:

Whenever and whatever be the reason, the magnetic flux through a conducting loop
changes, an emf will appear in the loop, which induces a current:
 
This is Faraday’s law The process is called em induction
The speed at which a conductor is moved in a B affects the magnitude of the
induced I
slow motion Faster motion
v v

Small current Greater current


Larger v  faster rate of moving into the B and hence a greater rate of change in
the magnetic flux 
Quantitative evaluation of motional emf
Consider a rectangular conducting loop, which is moved @
a speed v through a magnetic field B

a c

x h R

b d
Uniform field B out of the page
• Assume  is the magnetic flux of B through the loop
 
    B.d a

  B h x 
• Rate of change of flux due to movement of the loop to the right:

a c
d dx
 Bh  B h v
x h R dt dt
? Ans: x is decreasing with time!
b d
: Flux rule for motional emf

Electromagnetic induction?
The process by which a changing magnetic flux causes charge
carriers to move, establish a charge separation and induce a
Because of Faraday’s explanation:

A changing B induces an electric field E

arises due to separation of charges

This E accounts for the emf:
  d
  E .dl  
Referred in many texts as Faraday’s law

A long cylindrical magnet (length L and radius a) carries a magnetization M parallel to

its axis passes at const v through a circular wire ring of slightly larger dia. Plot the
graph of induced emf in the ring as a function of time.


Due to cylindrical symmetry B inside is uniform is like that of a long solenoid with
surface current :  
 B  0 M
Except at the edges, where B starts to spread out
as the leading edge passes through the ring, magnetic flux  is maximum   0 M  a 2

It drops back to 0 as the trailing end exits the ring

Far from the ring, when the magnet is far away,  is 0
 positive slope negative slope
0 M  a 2

L/v t

Lenz’s law:
• Direction of the induced current through a conducting loop is always such that the
magnetic  that the induced current produces, opposes its cause i.e. the change in
mag. flux through the loop

• Magnetic field that results from the induced current is called induced magnetic field
• Consider a conducting loop in a magnetic field that points up and is increasing in
• What would be the direction of the Bind? To satisfy Lenz’s law it must point downwards
What is the direction of induced I ?
a) B b) Bind
Jumping ring example

As the current is switched metal

on in the solenoid, the ring Metal ring
jumps several ft in the air

Iron core
Solenoid  Enhanced B due to iron core

As the current is switched on in the solenoid,  upward generates an emf in the ring

 Generates an induce a current in the metal ring, whose direction is such that its
field tends to cancel 

 induce current in the loop would be opposite to that in the solenoid

Currents in opposite directions repel  the ring jumps up!

Faraday’s law generalises the electrostatic result
 
  E  0 to the time dependent regime
Gauss’s law is still valid   
. E 
For a pure Faraday E field due exclusively to a changing B with  = 0 we have
    B
. E  0  E  
In magnetostatics
    
 . B  0   B  0 J

Ampere’s law, which in integral form:

 
According to Faraday
  d  B . d l  0 I enc
 E .dl   dt
Plays the role of 0Ienc
Consider two loops both at rest

• A current I1 is passed through loop 1

•  a B1 is produced
• Let 2 : flux of B1 through loop 2

• From B-S law:  0 d l1 
B1  I1 
•  B1 is proportional to I1
 
•  2   B1 . d a2

  2  M 21 I1

Mutual inductance
     
  
 2   B1 . d a2     A1 . d a2  A1 . d l2
 From Stokes’ theorem
Vector potential
For line current, 
  0 I1 d l1
A1 
4 

 0 I1  d l1  
2 
4     

. d l2

 0  d l1   : Neumann formula
 M 21  
4    

. d l2
involving two integrations

• Purely geometrical quantity (size, shape and relative

positions of the loops)
• Swapping the roles of the two loops leave the result unchanged  M21= M12
consider a variation in current I1, 2 will vary and hence induced emf in loop 2:
d 2 d I1
  M
dt dt
 For a variation in current I1, an induced current will flow through loop2 though there
are no wires connecting them!

 For a variation in current in loop 1 an induced emf will

be generated in itself also. Once again the field    I
  LI
(in Henry  volt.sec/A)

Corresponding induced emf is: dI

 L
Back emf

A transformer is made up of two coils,

each with a different number of loops, linked by an iron core so the magnetic flux from
one passes through the other
when the flux generated by one coil changes, the flux passing through the other will
change, inducing a voltage in the second coil
with AC power, the voltage induced in the second coil will also be AC.

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