Reglas para Hacer Lo de CSP

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Definition of HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title> </title>


<body> </body>


<p> </p> - Paragraph of text.

<i> </i> - Italicized text.

<b> </b> - Bold text.

<hr> - Horizontal rule.

<br> - Line break.

<h1> <h6> - If the number gets bigger the size of the letter gets smaller.

<a href= “…”> Text <a/> - You put the link between the quotation marks and then where it says
“Text” you put the word you want to have the hyperlink.

<img src= “…” width= “…px” height= “…px”> - You put the link of the image between the quotation
near the word src, the other two that have the px are the pixels that will have.

<a href=""><img src="" width="" height=""></a> - For you to create a link to a image.


<ul> <li> </li> </ul> - Unorderes list.

<ol> <li> </li> </ol> - Ordered list.

<table border= ”…”> - Container for all table data.

<tr> - Container for a single row.

<th> - Single table header element.

<td> - Single table data element.

<tagname style=”…”> - Different types of styles.

<tagname style=”background-color:type”> - In type you put the color you want.

<tagname style=”color:type”> - In type you put the color you want.

<tagname style=”font-size:type”> - In type you put the size.

<tagname style=”text-align:type”> - In type you put the align.

<head> <style>

Tagname {property:type;} – In the type you put whatever you want.


<head> <style>

Tagname {background-image:url(“…”);} – In the … you put the link of the image.


Width=”100%” height=”100%” – Its for align the table.

<tagname class=”…”>Hello</p> - In “…” you put any name you want. (Cannot have spaces, cannot
start with a number. Can have a number after the word and a line between the words)

.alert { type:””;} – This is the second step after you putting the one up.

p.alert { type:””;} – This rule applies to only <p> elements with the class “alert”.

<tagname id=”…”>CodeHS</h1> - The id should be unique, only one tag with a given id on any

#... {type:”…”;} – This is the second step after you finishing the upper one.


URL: Uniform Resource Locator.

DOMAIN: The part that starts with “www” and before the “/”.

PATH: The part that starts with “/” until the final.

Steps ofx viewing a web page:

1. URL: You type the URL for the web page into your browser.
2. The Request: The browser sends a message to a server requesting a resource.
3. The Response: The server sends a response to the resource attached.
4. Rendering the Page: Your browser takes the resource and renders it in the browser

Unidad 2:





function …(){,,,}

street = row

avenue = column

backflip(); - and facing in the same direction.

Start (); - run the program.

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