Myths of Gods in 1st Person

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DIONYSOS: Alvaro Enrique Florian S.

I was born to hide because my mother was the goddess of harmony who was mortal and
lover of a God. The bad thing is that if Hera finds out that I exist it will cause a war
between Gods because I´m a demigod. Fortunately, my father rescued me, and helped me
get unnoticed. Now that I am older, I must go with Sileno to be able to educate myself and
disguise as a woman, at this time men demigods are not allowed. Now I´m scared because
she found me, and the titans are on the hunt. I closed my eyes and let them do whatever
they want. I´m so confused that I don´t know how to describe it. What I see now is a light
which brings me back to life. The Gods explained me that the goddess Athena found my
heart and brought it to my father, where he brought me back to life, but claiming the
immortality of gods.
Corrections: Emanuel, Ruddy and Balmes.

ATHENA: Emanuel Rojas 10-I

Born from the all mighty Zeus my skill in battle was never challenged. Cercus wanted to
get the blessing of a deity for the city, to which I responded. But my authority was
contested by the god of the seas, who also claimed gifts from the people. He attempted
to win the people striking his loyal trident and creating a well for the city. The water was
salty and useless for the people, on the other hand the plantation of peace and prosperity
on earth represented in the olive tree made the people of the know city of Athens bend to
my will. Poseidon was foolish to accept defeat and cursed my city with no water for my
people. Even if shortages of water are still present today, I won the battle, just like with
my brother Ares.
Corrections: Alvaro Florian, Ruddy and Balmes.

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