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Interview Questions:

1. Can you explain what deeply motivates you and drives you “why”?

A. I am motivated by providing quality service to my internal and external customers. If I am able to

complete a task or fulfill a need I am at my best. Positively catering to others is a contribution to

2. What do you feel you would bring to the team to create amazing value to our clients?

A. I bring to the table a strong work ethic and a wealth of analytical knowledge in various accounting

3. Why do you think you are best suited for this position over other candidates?

A. Typically, I don’t compare myself to others, I just try to be the best me I can. I am a team builder
and motivator by example.

4. What is missing from your present job that you’d like to see in this one?

A. I am missing solid leadership responsibility and/or a role that promotes creativity.

5. Describe your experience in business modeling and data analysis.

A. While working for a REIT manufacturing housing company, I performed business modeling tasks
and analysis on trends and revenues of the rental program. For instance, REIT manufacturing housing
managed properties for mobile home owners that occupy land periodically across the country. I
monitored the occupancy of the seasonal renters over a 5-year period and reported results to upper
management. (e.g. move-in move-outs, age analysis, variance analysis, auxiliary services, turnover
rate etc.)

6. Describe your experience in forecasting for future business growth and general economic outlook.

A. I assisted with budgets (estimates of expectations) and understand forecasting (estimates of

achievement) on sales from my experiences in several positons.

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