Ai Question Bank For Test 1

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Artificial Intelligence (Question bank for test 1)

2mks question
1 Compare BFS and DFS
2 Explain the properties of agent environment or Task environments?(Any 2)
3 Solve the Cryparithmetic puzzle: TWO
Define artificial Intelligence in your own words. Also provide the technical
4 definition for the same.
5 Sate the limitations and types of hill climbing?
6 Describe the PEAS description for medical diagnosis centre and taxi driver?
7 Draw the figure for goal based agent and state in brief.
8 Define Rational agent and Omniscient agent
9 Explain DLS and UCS.

5mks question
1 Explain hill climbing algorithm with suitable example?(Dont mention demerits and types)
2 Explain A* search with a suitable example?(Algo and example)
3 Explain game formulation steps and adverserial search strategy.
4 Explain what do you understand by problem formulation. Also formulate for 8 puzzle problem?
5 Explain Alpha and Beta Pruning.(steps only)

Site address where you can get access to AI/Is notes for your reference:
Refer strictly to : AI book by Stuart Russell and Peter NOrvig
Handwritten Notes till 3 module is uploaded..Soon the remaining notes will be updated as
Note: moduled will be covered.

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