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Experimentation within shoot seven

Within this shoot I wanted to experiment within post production techniques, editing
the photographs after they had been taken, to create a tone highlighting that the
images hadn’t been looked after, to put the audience in the position of Clare
Gallagher, or the individual doing the housework. To create the grubby, and non-
looked after effect I got substances from the kitchen putting them over the photos,
then scrunched the paper up to reinforce the tone of them not being looked after. I
think both photographs were successful, in my shoot plan I had written that I wanted
to use balancing elements, and I did this within both photographs. It was most
successful in the top image, as the egg shell was more obviously on the right side of
the photograph, yet it was still the central focus, due to the clear background and the
fact that I focused the camera on the shell. A reason I like the second image is
because the postproduction editing is slightly more subtle, and the image details are
clearer. As I continue with this project, I would like to continue using experimental
techniques, to reinforce the tone of the images. But overall, I think this shoot was
successful, and especially the images I experimented with.

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