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In this essay I’d like to talk about whether it is better to go to a large school or a small school.

Let’s begin considering some arguments for and against each option.

To begin with we should consider how is the studying and learning in a large or a small school.
As far as I’m concerned larger schools usually have better atmospheres to study and learn but
smaller schools could be a good option for its cozy atmosphere.

Secondly we could talk about making friends. In this case one big advantage of larger schools is
that the number of students it’s bigger than in smaller schools so students have the
opportunity to make new friends easily.

Last but not least, I believe having a large variety of facilities in your school it’s an important
advantage and we only need to look at each school and we will see that larger schools have
plenty of facilities such as gym, library and computer rooms while smaller schools usually have
only a library.

All things considered I think both options are great for students who have to decide whether
going to a small or a large school. As I see it, this decision depends often on the personality of
each student.

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