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Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 2 Test B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with the words below and circle the correct prepositions.
respect demand handful relevance responsibility knowledge sense benefits
1 Sarah has __________________ of / for looking after her younger brother.
2 Only a __________________ of / for people can run 100 metres in under ten seconds.
3 Tolerant societies have __________________ of / for people from other countries.
4 There are many __________________ of / for doing exercise every day.
5 The __________________ of / for holidays abroad has increased in the past decade.
6 The film was optimistic and gave me a __________________ of / for hope for the future.
7 He was asked to explain the __________________ of / for his past experience for the new job.
8 Her work requires a good __________________ of / for computer science.

Mark: ___ / 8

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

harsh inevitably profound remote stifling subsistence endanger
1 As unemployment increases, more and more families have ________________ lifestyles.
2 Mongolia has a ________________ climate with extremes in temperature and long winters.
3 She didn’t like to be around people, so she bought a ________________ house in the country.
4 The global economy faces ________________ new challenges in the years ahead.
5 Alex wanted to escape his ________________ school and be free to do what he wanted.
6 The use of online learning will ________________ increase in the future.
7 The growth of English could ________________ minority languages in some parts of the world.

Mark: ___ / 7

3 Match the words below to the words in bold with a similar meaning.
abandoned thriving pointless unappealing neglected efficient renovated worthwhile
1 It was no use complaining to the manager, as he never listened. ___________________
2 Homeless people sometimes find shelter in uninhabited buildings. ___________________
3 The government wants more people to use energy saving light bulbs. ___________________
4 With thousands of visitors every year, Boston is a successful city. ___________________
5 They think it will be worth the effort to build a hotel on the island. ___________________
6 An old factory has been repaired and turned into a sports centre. ___________________
7 The ugly furniture in the hotel made it look cheap and uninviting. ___________________
8 The children were not looked after, arriving to school hungry and dirty. ___________________

Mark: ___ / 8

4 Complete the sentences with the adjective form of the words in brackets.
1 It is a ________________ (sense) idea to take water on a long journey.
2 There was ________________ (consider) demand for festival tickets.
3 An understanding of environmental problems is ________________ (value) these days.
4 The online shop is ________________ (navigate) on a mobile phone.
5 The uninhabited island was not ________________ (vision) from the beach.
6 The behaviour of the football fans was not ________________ (accept).
7 Many hotels in Venice are only ________________ (access) by boat.

Mark: ___ / 7

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

industrial estate high-rise building bus shelter road signs cycle path
parking meters
1 I work at the ________________ on the edge of the town. It’s full of factories, warehouses and
call centres, so it’s a perfect location for the company.
2 It isn’t surprising that public transport isn’t always the first choice. Buses are often late and if the
________________ has been vandalized, it isn’t much fun in the winter.
3 The installation of new ________________ have, in my opinion, seriously affected retailers’
profits. It used to be free to leave your car near the shops.
4 She wasn’t keen on living in a ________________, but when she saw the indoor swimming pool
and landscaped gardens, she was convinced.
5 It’s easy to drive across Europe, but there are different rules, road markings and
________________ in different countries.
6 The ________________ goes straight from our house to school! I’m not giving you a lift!

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Choose the best future form for each sentence.
1 I’ll go / ’m going to the dentist tomorrow morning. I’ve already made an appointment.
2 The sky is getting really dark. It’ll / ’s going to rain.
3 They’re going to / may sell their house, but they’re not certain yet.
4 I don’t think Peter will survive / is surviving in that harsh environment if he travels alone.
5 I hope I’ll have / ’m having the opportunity to study abroad.
6 Eleanor has decided she’s going to / may donate her kidney to save her sister.
7 The president probably won’t win / isn’t winning the next election.
8 The plane will depart / departs at 13.40.

Mark: ___ / 8

7 Complete the sentences using the future continuous, future perfect or the future perfect
1 How long __________________________ (you / revise) for when you finally take the exams?
2 This time tomorrow we __________________________ (fly) to Mexico.
3 By this time next year Ann __________________________ (start) university.
4 Your sister __________________________ (forget) about the argument by Friday.
5 I __________________________ (not be able) to pack before we move next week.
6 When he leaves Moscow he __________________________ (learn) Russian for two years.
7 __________________________ (you / arrive) at the same time as everyone else?
8 By the time those children leave school, their lives __________________________ (change)
9 They __________________________ (not have) time to prepare before the game starts.

Mark: ___ / 9

8 Complete the sentences with the time words below and the correct form of the verbs in
in case until as soon as by the time while unless as long as
1 _____________ you _____________ (get) this message, I will have left the country.
2 _____________ you _____________ (sit) at work, I’ll be lying on a beach.
3 _____________ Gemma _____________ (hear) the news, she’ll phone us.
4 I’ll watch your bags _____________ someone _____________ (try) to take them.
5 _____________ he _____________ (ask) for help, he’ll never finish the project.
6 _____________ we _____________ (be) careful, we won’t have any problems.
7 The police won’t stop searching _____________ they _____________ (find) the thief.

Mark: ___ / 7
TOTAL MARKS: ___ / 60

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