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Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 5 Test B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Match the phrasal verbs (1–9) to the definitions (A–I).
1 urge on A to keep
2 move on B to continue
3 add on C to shout and encourage someone or something
4 cheer on D to start
5 switch on E to change and develop
6 cling on to F to get dressed rapidly
7 throw on G to give encouragement
8 live on H to join two things together
9 keep on I to survive

Mark: ___ / 9

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 The Mountain Gorilla is ___________________ (danger) by human activity.
2 The first Harry Potter book is ___________________ (title) The Philosopher’s Stone.
3 Education and literacy are vital in order to ___________________ (power) women.
4 Chris had to ___________________ (large) the text on his computer screen.
5 Should I ___________________ (trust) him with taking care of my dog?
6 Online dictionaries ___________________ (able) learners to hear the pronunciation of words.
7 The teacher wanted to ___________________ (sure) that everyone finished the homework.
8 Her uncle would always ___________________ (close) some money in her birthday cards.
9 Don’t ___________________ (courage) his bad behaviour!

Mark: ___ / 9

3 Complete the sentences with the phrases below.
take your point at some point from my point of view there’s no point in up to a point
on the point of the point is pointed out
1 _________________________, it’s easier to read the news online than buy a newspaper.
2 Whether it’s now or later, _________________________ you’re going to have to apologize.
3 In his article the journalist _________________________ the problems facing the government.
4 Lily was _________________________ winning the race when she tripped and fell.
5 I enjoyed the film _________________________, but the ending was very predictable.
6 _________________________ buying big novels, as I never have time to read them.
7 You may prefer to work alone, but today _________________________ to practise teamwork.
8 I _________________________, but I think you are simplifying the problem.

Mark: ___ / 8

4 Match the words below to the words in bold with a similar meaning.
expressive preface intricate quirky perceptive abuse transcend protagonists
touching riveting
1 The physicist gave a complex explanation of his research. _________________
2 She wore strange clothes and people often stared at her. _________________
3 Shakespeare was insightful about human feelings and behaviour. _________________
4 This novel is gripping. I can’t put it down! _________________
5 I didn’t think the principal characters in the film were very interesting. _________________
6 Art helps us to go beyond our everyday lives and use our imagination. _________________
7 The film was so moving that I cried at the end. _________________
8 The author talks about his short stories in the first few pages of the book. _________________
9 Natalia plays the piano in a unique and meaningful way. _________________
10 The play shows the harmful treatment suffered by the men. _________________

Mark: ___ / 10

5 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs below.
don’t have to had better mustn’t has to must should shouldn’t
1 I __________________ buy a smart suit to wear to my interview.
2 We __________________ take photos inside the church. It’s forbidden.
3 You __________________ make a note of words that you find difficult to spell.
4 They __________________ buy the tickets now if they want to get seats for the ballet.
5 Chris __________________ meet the deadline or he will fail the course.
6 Students __________________ go on the foreign visit, but it is recommended.
7 You __________________ drink a lot of coffee every day.

Mark: ___ / 7

6 Complete the sentences with the past forms of the modals and the verbs in brackets.
1 He ____________________________ (ought to / go) to see the doctor straightaway.
2 The guests ____________________________ (need to / show) their invitations to the party.
3 She ____________________________ (should not / make) those comments about Sarah.
4 We ____________________________ (have to / take off) our shoes before we entered.
5 He was glad that he ____________________________ (not have to / retake) the exam.
6 Scott ____________________________ (need not / worry) about the test, as he passed easily.
7 They thought the teacher ____________________________ (should / help) them more.
8 We ____________________________ (not need to / complain). The service was very good.

Mark: ___ / 8

7 Circle the correct verbs to complete the sentences.

1 We enjoyed could / being able to hear our favourite singer at the festival.
2 The children succeeded in / managed to climb the tree in the garden.
3 Sue can / will be able to meet you at the train station after school.
4 The cyclists hoped to be able to / could finish the race without injury.
5 After a successful campaign we could / were able to build a new hospital.
6 He loves being able to / can surf when he stays at your house by the sea.
7 The government succeeded in / managed to banning smoking in public places.
8 From my bedroom window I could / was able to see the sunrise.
9 I want to can / be able to take the test before I go on holiday.

Mark: ___ / 9
TOTAL MARKS: ___ / 60

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