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(1st April 2020 to 30th June 2020)

Current restrictions and difficulties caused by the ‘Corona Virus’ (COVID-19) are affecting
Members, Graduates, friends, family and colleagues worldwide. Although applicants can still
enrol with the College, and Members can re-enrol, and all Members can make good study
progress anywhere in the world, for some Members the ‘Corona Virus’ (COVID-19) is causing
difficulty in arranging to sit their Examination(s) under supervision/invigilation.

Therefore, during this period of time, the College is offering an ASSIGNMENT OPTION as an alternative
in place of an Invigilated Examination. Below we explain how this Assignment Option works, the rules
and regulations, and the responsibilities of Members who choose this alternative Assignment Option:

1. Members must read through this document fully and carefully, and then complete and return the
“Assignment Option Form” on page 2, to the College by email.

2. On the College’s receipt of a clear, legible, acceptable “Assignment Option Form”, the College will
arrange to send directly to the Member, via the Member’s own personal email address only, an
Assignment booklet by email. The Assignment booklet will normally be sent to the Member within 10
days of the College’s receipt of the completed “Assignment Option Form”.

3. The Member will have up to 7 days to complete his/her answers - no more - and to return the entire
Assignment booklet comprising: front page; questions/exercises page; answers; and Confirmation Page
(see below) to the College - as a pdf or jpeg or similar. An automatic “Fail” will be awarded if the 7
day limit is exceeded or if the Assignment booklet returned is incomplete in any way. A Member should
therefore ONLY submit the “Assignment Option Form” if he/she is prepared and able to complete it within
7 days of the Assignment being sent to him/her.

4. An Assignment booklet contains questions or exercises which the Member must answer with full,
clear, well-written responses.

5. An Assignment booklet will comprise:

(i) a ‘front page’ with the Member’s name, Membership Number and Program/Subject title. The front
page also includes instructions on answering the Assignment to be carefully read and followed by the
Member, and the date by which the Assignment booklet MUST be returned to the College by email.
(ii) a ‘questions/exercises’ page (with additional summary instructions and guidance).
(iii) 7 lined answer sheets for answers to be neatly written or typed (not all pages have to be written on);
answers submitted must not be longer than 7 pages in total. If typing answers, a Member may type
answers (maximum 7 pages) on his/her own sheets of paper instead.
(iv) a ‘Confirmation Page’ which the Member must sign to guarantee and confirm that he/she answered
the questions/exercises honestly - without any plagiarism, or cheating, or copying anybody
else’s work or answers, or downloading any information from the internet - and that the entire
set of answers is his/her own work and expresses only his/her own knowledge and understanding.
The Confirmation page also requires the Member to guarantee and confirm that he/she will keep
the Assignment questions/exercises and his/her answers private and confidential, and will not share
them with anybody else, and will not enable anybody else to see or have access to them in any way.

6. A Diploma or other Result/Award will only be awarded if the Member is deemed to have submitted
answers of a sufficient quality and level, and which are relevant to the questions/exercises set.

7. Choosing the Assignment Option and submitting an “Assignment Option Form” means that a Member
understands and agrees that he/she will NOT be sitting an Exam on the Program/Subject - the Assignment
is in place of an Exam. However, at a later date, if a Member wishes to sit an Exam he/she may request
to do so but there will be an additional charge.
(valid for the period 1st April 2020 to 30th June 2020)

To Cambridge International College,

I certify that:

• I am choosing the Assignment Option in place of sitting an Examination Paper under Invigilation,
and that I have fully read and understood everything written on page 1 of this document.
• My Membership details are confirmed below, including my personal email address to which the
Assignment should be sent.
• I will be able to complete the Assignment questions/exercises and return the entire Assignment
booklet within 7 days of the Assignment booklet being sent to my email.
• I will attempt and answer the questions/exercises honestly without any plagiarism, or cheating,
or copying anybody else’s work or answers, or downloading any information from the
internet and the entire set of answers will be my own work and accurately reflect my own
knowledge and understanding.
• I understand that if any of the rules and conditions are not complied with, I will automatically
be awarded a Fail.
• I understand that for various reasons the College may refuse my request to attempt an Assignment
in place of an Examination.

My details are as follows (complete ALL parts and requirements in CAPITAL LETTERS):

Full Name:


on which an
Assignment is

Full Postal Address ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

including area code
(if any) and country:

My personal email
address to which
the Assignment
booklet can be sent:

(if available):

My signature:





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