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GEPT High-Intermediate Level Writing TesT

Rating Scale
Part I: Chinese-English Translation (40%)
Band Score Description
5 Demonstrates full competence in translation
The translation fully conveys the content of the original text, is well organized and coherent, and
demonstrates effective control of sentence structure. Errors are rarely found in vocabulary, grammar,
spelling, punctuation, or capitalization.
(pass) Demonstrates fair competence in translation
The translation adequately conveys the content of the original text, is generally organized and coherent,
and demonstrates sufficient control of sentence structure. Errors are sometimes found in vocabulary,
grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization, but these do not impede satisfactory completion of
the task.
3 Demonstrates limited competence in translation
The translation does not adequately convey the content of the original text, lacks sufficient organization
and coherence, and demonstrates limited control of sentence structure. Errors in vocabulary and
grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization impede satisfactory completion of the task.
2 Demonstrates little competence in translation
The translation only partially conveys the content of the original text, lacks organization and coherence,
and demonstrates little control of sentence structure. Most sentences are incomprehensible. Serious
errors are found in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization.
1 Lacks competence in translation
The translation does not convey the content of the original text, lacks control of sentence structure, and
is incomprehensible. Serious errors are frequently found in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or
0 No answer/ Non-ratable

Scales Score Descriptions

Part II: Guided Writing (60%)

Band Score Description
5 The writing addresses the topic and task well; is very well organized and coherent;
demonstrates effective and appropriate use of vocabulary and a range of sentence structures. Errors
rarely occur.
(pass) The writing adequately addresses the topic and task; is well organized and
generally coherent; demonstrates sufficient control of vocabulary and sentence structures. Errors
sometimes occur.
3 The writing generally addresses the topic and task; is generally organized, though
connections between ideas are sometimes not clear; demonstrates sufficient control of high-frequency
vocabulary and basic syntactic structures. Errors often occur in attempts to employ more complex
vocabulary and structures.
2 The writing only partially addresses the topic and task; displays inadequate organization
and lacks coherence; demonstrates limited range of vocabulary. In basic sentence structures, errors
which impede comprehension often occur.
1 The writing does not address the topic or task; is poorly organized; demonstrates very
limited range of vocabulary. Errors frequently occur in basic sentence structures, which make the writing
very difficult to understand.
0 No answer/ Non-ratable**Non-ratable: e.g., (1) the writing is too short ( < 40 words) to be
marked; (2) the writing is totally incomprehensible; and (3) the writing is completely irrelevant to the

Scales Score Descriptions

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