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DEATHTRAP A THRILLER IN TWO ACTS sy [RA LEVIN * DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC. sibetity. Deathirep, (MRA ferns.) A thriller in rao acta One set, Give characters, (Lifts « menaucript im a paperboard binder.) iA jay wurder in Act One, unexpected developments in Ac Two. Soand construction, good dialogue, laughs in che right places. Highly commercial, (Toses the manaucript on the dash.) MyRA. Why—thar's wender/ad, darling! Tim so happy for you! For boch of us! ‘SIDNEY. Happy? on eurth happy? sas icra eee canoer ek Wa Ws ga smney, The idea I had in August has gone the way of the idea I had in June, and che idea I had in whenever ic was before then: in the fireplace, op the chimney, and our over Fairfield Counry— Pellation in ite micat grisly form. This azrived in che mail this morning. e's che property of one—i(Fimds the covering letter.) —Clifford Anderson. He was one of the the rwerps at che seml- tar. (Reads the letter, rwerpirhly.) “Dear Mr. Brubl: I hope you don't mind my sending you my play Dawtherap, which 1 finished netyping at two o'clock this morning. Since I couldn't bave 7 written it without the inapiracion of yout own work and the i and cocouragemens you gave me last summer, I thought it only fitting thar you should be the frst person co read it. If you find it ome tenth a5 good as any of your own thiillers, Fil consider my time well spent and the fee for the seminar more than ade- ‘quately recocnpensed.” MYRA, (Sitting.) That's nice, sowEy, No it iso's, it's fulsome. "Please excuse che carbon copy; the local Xerox machine is on the frite and I couldn't stand the thoughe of waiting a few days 10 send my fruthors child off vo ics ipiritwal fasber.” My italics, bis emetica “I hope you'll call ot WHtt a5 iii as you've read it and let me know whether you think it's worthy of submitting to” et cerera, et cenera. Son of a ‘binch ewen types well. (Torert the lewer om the dark.) 1 think 1 remember him. Enormouly obese, A ghidular condition, Four hundred pounds. I wonder where he got my addness . . . ‘MYRA. From the wniversiry ‘SIDNEY, Probably. (Rites and beads for she buffet.) MVNA. Is it really that good? His firsr play? SIbMEY, Tt can't miss, A gifted director couldn't even burt it. (Pixieg something on the rocks.) [ell run for years. The mock and smateur rights will feed and clothe generations of Andersons Tt can ganily be opened up for a movie, Cearge C Scon—or Michael Caine. mya. Oh, love him. Sibwit The damn thing is perfect. atrRa J should think you'd be proad that ome of your snadencs ‘has wrigten a salable play, SIDNEY, (Comsders Ser.) For the first time in eleven years of marriage, darling—drop dead. MYRA. My goodness... (Sie pawr thingy right at she buffet az SIDNEY mower wavey wath dix drimk,) SIDNEY. I'm green with envy, I'd like co bear the wretch ower the head with the mace there, bury him in » four-hundred-pound hole somewhere, and send the ching of under my own name. To...David Metrick Or Hal Prince... (Thieks a Bi, looks af MYRA.) Now where's the bese idea I've had in ages, MYEA. (Going fo him.) Ab, my poor Sidney... (Hugr Sim, dhiieet dir cheek.) MONEY. I mean, what's the poine in owning « mace if you don't aye it once in a while? MVEA. Ab... You'll get an idea of your own, any day now, and ie ll curn into a better play than thar one. sbNEY. Don't bet on it, Noe thar you have any money wo bet ‘with, MYBA, We're doing very micely in that department: not one creditor beating at the door. MDNEY, Bux for how bang? I've jose abour cheaned you our now, haven't [7 MYBA, We've cleaned me out, and it's been joy and delight every hit of the way, (Kasey dim.) Your next play will simply have to be a terrific smash, MONEY. (Moving away.) Thanks, char's what I need, an easing of the pressure (Mover to the deh, toys woth phe mtawmrcripr.) MYBA. Why don'r you call ir to Merrick’s atrention? Maybe you could ger—a commission of some kind. SIDNEY, A finder’s fee, you mean? MYBA. If that's whar it's called. SIDNEY. A great and glorious one percent. Maybe one and a hall. MRA. Or better yet, why don't you produce it yourself? ‘You've been involved in enough productions co know how to do it. And it might be a beneficial change of pace. SIDNEY. Darling, | may be devious and underhanded 1 be a successful murderer, bur not, I chink, 2 Broadway One mustn't overestimare one's Mma. Collaborate with him. Init there room for improvement ee ing and. sipsiey. Thas's a ponihilley |. mea. Em sure he'd bbe thrilled at the chance to work with you. SIDNEY. "We'd splir firy-Gfry... MyRA. And you'd get top billing. SIDNEY, Naturally: “Reverse alphabetical ordex, dear boy; it's hone all the rime.” MvRA. On the basis of who you are. sipNeY. Sidney Four-Flops Brabl. MYRA. Sidney Author-of-Toe.Mwrder-Game Brubl. swey, (4 doddering ancient.) “Oh yes, The Merder Game! T remember that ome. Back in the time of King Arthur, wasn’t it?” 9 rest of ws were smoking gras? for six moorks. Paul Wyman is doing a book with ber, He was impersonaring ber for fifteen minates, sipaey, Oh. I thought be was finally coming out of che closet. MRA. You see what a fine murderer you'd be? ten Dorp: eves in practically on your doorstep, and you manag hear about it. iH 5 8 she told Tom abour his beckaches, and the into silver, and his father's ching for tall women. crear bein aw pate girl was going to leave, which Ef eeu api lar and Re Gaekd'g gee Blas ioe 1969: they were under the claches dryer. SIDNEY, Hm. She's in the McBain comage? cL a ee on her radar this miciste, mos like! sc Welt Sem aie NAS abate Ihe Wan 26: laborator, Not thet I really belicve in ESP... MYBA. The police in Europe seem to. That's half of why she's irene ee SINEY. Wait a minuse mow, the fat one didn’t stay the fall week, and his came was—Quinn or Quincy, Anderson, Anderson, 1 wonder if be's the ome with the awful stammer ... 10 MYRA. (Indicating she phone.) Easy way to find our. sibwEY. Yea. Him, (Studies the letter for avother moment, then parr it down, amd referring fo if, deals che phone.) This may be a three-hour conversation, (Léeas awhile, bangs ap.) Busy. Probably talking to Merrick. (He frowns, waiting with his band on the phone: sett MYRA watching bins wth concerm.) ‘What's for dinner? MYEA. Salmon, MRA. Yeu Sidney? Would you—acrually bill someone 1 have anocher succesthal smMey. (Thieks about if.) Don't be foolish, darling, of course I ee ee aevRa. It's Mra; she's divorced, siowey, No wonder. Who could scay murtied 10 a worn with ESP? (The implication of sbis mates Bie wweasy; be picks wp we're not going vo be seated in the kinchen? Do you ‘bow much this play could net ies author in today’s marker? Two mil- lion dollars, and that's noe including the Deathersp T-shires, If Oe ee eater ee ee eas is. I wish you hadn't told me about ber... Senet phone and dialt again.) Ab howe eign Hielo this Anderson? Sidney Brohl. (Covers che howe and momthes “Not the stememeree” at MYRA.) As a macter of fact I have. I finished it about fifteen minuces ago, and 1 most tell you in alll sinceriny that you're got an enormously promising firs: draft. | was jose saying co my wife Myra thar if you give it the reshaping it needs, polor it wp in the right places and work in some laughs, irl be tight up there with Slewh and ‘The Maveler Came and Dial “M." i improved it tremendously, I don’t mind admining. George 5. Kaufmann. He didn't rake credit, though Ged knows 1 urged bien 00, because he was badly in debe at the rime it known thas he had a share of che royalties, Bur look, I could be quite wrong about this; whar sort of reaction have you had from But of cwer—uh, who were at I see. Ho. That sounds. idexl: complete isola- do is check the thermostat and water the plants. I'm surprised you've written only ome play since July; Td have rosed off three or four by now. (mYRA, ameary, far withderere a bit.) Tam; a marvelous chrilber. Irs about a woman with ESP. Based on Helga ten Dorp; you know, the Dutch pay- chic? She's a neighbor of ours, (Fachag MYRA's disapproval.) [c's called The Frowniag Wife... bur thar's only a working title; PM have to come up with something jazzier than thar. I love Desshrrap, i the citk as well as play, Or the promising first draft, 1 should say. Yes, 1 do: far too many of them to: give you over the phone. Perhaps we can pee togerher some time and BO through the manuscript stenc by scene. I'm free this evening, as a maccer of fact; why don't you drive down? It’s moc very fas. ‘Ob. Hm. Well why don't you mke the ain down and IT pick you up ar the Wesnport station and nun you over. rll be benner that way anyway. You'd have a devil of a rime finding us; we're ‘way off in the woods, Have 10 send up flares when we're expect- ing people. Do; T'll bold on. (Covers phe mroathprece.) His car is in for repairs He's bouse-sicting for 2 couple who are in Europe. Unmarried. Mya. Do you—think he'll be open to the ides of collaborating? sONEY, (Tdvahr—abost séweral shim, . Was George §. Kaufman sill ‘{Deceert fhe mouthpiece) Yes? That's a bir carly; when's the next one? That's noo fare; bers make it the seven-twenty-nine. (Jotdmg i doww.) And there's an eleven-ch-something from New York thar I'm sure sop: az Milford; you won't have any problem at all abour getting back howe. Woukd you bring the ‘original with you? The carbon's a bit hard on these weary old eyes. Good. [il see you at seven-twentynine then, Oh Terence? Do you mind if T call you Terence? Why? Oh God, Tim sony; ‘Clifford! Clifford. I may be a few minutes lace, Clifford; | have some errands to run. So just wait by the station and I'll be along evenmally, In a navy-blue Mercedes. Right. Good-by. (He bamgr ep. sips bis drowk MRA is more shan ever amwary,) hime he's the one withour obvioas defects... MRA. What errand: do you have to ran?

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