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Management and Organizational Behaviour Dynamics

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Naureen Shabnam 11907578 Dr Shikha Goyal
Shivani Sharma 11907554
Harshit Chandna 11911510




Academic Task -2
Mittal School of Business
Name of the faculty member: Dr Shikha Goyal
Course Code: MGN581 Course Title: Management and Organizational Behavior
Class: MBA Term: One(Trimester) Section: Q1943
Batch: 2019 -2021 Max. Marks: 30
Date of Allotment: 22 Aug 2019 Date of Submission of written: 8th Sept 2019

S Roll No. Objectives Topic Details Evaluation Expected

. of Parameters outcomes
N Academic
o Activity
1 All To improve Students will be Written Report-15 This academic
students the given different Marks (followed tasks focus on the
(Group analytical HBR cases in by peer rating). following:
Assignme skills & groups. They are 1.Help the students
nt with 4- make required Presentation- 15 to apply the
5 students to analyze the marks theoretical
members able to case in detail and concepts to real life
in each understand are required to situations
group) the practical submit the written 2. Make them
situations report. This will understand the
Prevailing be followed by a issues given in the
in the class presentation respective cases
organizatio by the students in and suggest
ns/situation a particular group solution/s.
given in the 3. Good analytical
case. and writing skills
will be developed.


Course Code: MGN581 Course Title: MANAGEMENT AND


Course Instructor: Dr. SHIKHA GOYAL

Academic Task No.: 02 Academic Task Title: WHAT KIND OF


Date of Allotment:22/08/2019 Date of submission:08/09/2019

Students` Roll no: RQ1943B35 Student’s Reg. no:

RQ1943B36 11911510
RQ1943B37 11907554
RQ1943338 11907571
RQ1943B39 11907578

Evaluation Parameters:

Learning Outcomes:




I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other student’s work
or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any
part been written for me by any other person.

1. Manas Raj Srivastava (B35)-

2. Harshit Chandna (B36)-

3. Shivani Sharma (B37)-

4. Abhinav Trivedi (B38)-

5. Naureen Shabnam (B39)-


Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Marks Obtained: _______________ Max. Marks: ______________




1. Summary ……………………………………… 3-6

2. Challenges …………………………………… 7-8
3. Solutions……………………………………… 9-10
4. Concept of OB and Management ………… 11-14



On December 2,2015 Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik ,attacked
Farook’s coworkers at a Christmas party in San Berhardino California killing 14
and wounding 22 other. The investigating agency US Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) recover Iphone 5c which was issued by the employer to
Farook phone has IOS 9, 9th version of Apple operating system. Phone was
secured with passcode after 10th attempt the phone automatically delete the data.
After this FBI and the US Attorney’s Office for the Districts of California drafted
a court order under the All Writ Act (AWA) on Apple to provide technical
assistance. Apple has to cooperate with the court orders but argued that the
software will hamper the privacy of the customers. Tim Cook Apple’s (CEO)
faced many challenges he has to determine the policy regarding security system
and what Apple’s relationship was with the US Government. They have to
protect the privacy and also the security of their smartphone data. If they resist
the order the question my arise that they are not helping criminal investigation.
Apple is improving the security of IOS with an intention to create secure devices
for its customers, they are facing difficulties in case of accessing digital evidence
in case of criminal investigation, public safety and national security. AWA
requested Apple to develop a software so that they can get test passcodes on
Farook’s Iphone 5c and donot destruct the data. To follow the order of AWA
Apple should provide the facility rather then providing software to the
government. The security in Iphone is encryption. It is a process of using
computer code to convert digital data so that it could no longer be seen in its
original format without entering the code digitally decrypt it. It convert the data


in ones and zeros. Good encryption system made discovery of keys nearly
impossible through the use of “brute force method” that simply repeatedly made
guesses at the key. The phone which the FBI wanted to access with its AWA
order was an Iphone 5c. Which was owned by the San Bernardino county
Department of Public Health which was given Farook. The users can set their
own passcode there is a delay in password attempt there is a extra security
measure that delete the data automatically after 10th attempt. Apple is working
on two piece of data i.e. 256-bit advanced encryption standard (AES) secret key
which in built in the phone and the second is user-chosen password. The device
required approximately 80milliseconds to process each password attempt.

FBI request to the Apple is to assist them to erase the auto-erase function and
allow them to submit electronic passcode and remove the delay between the
attempts. There was a confusion for the public they believed that the court had
ordered Apple to unlock the phone. But instead FBI wanted to try password
without the risk that the system will make the data unreadable , and to do so in
reasonable amount of time. Apple need to create a less secure version of
operating system called “crippled” and will install in Farook’s phone. To prevent
malicious parties they have signed its software with a combination of device’s
unique device identifier (UDID) and Apple’s secret, private key which the phone
use to recognize the upgrade. FBI perspective was that this software will modify
the function in Farook’s phone and would ensure that this version of Apple’s
operating system could not modified version of the iOS device other than
Farook’s phone. Apple has to comply with all the legal orders to provide
information. The implication of Government’s demand are chilling. If the
government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone
which will allow them to reach anyone’s phone and capture data. There was unity
among other competing technology firms of Apple such as Amazon, Box,


Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Snapchat, Whatsapp etc. There were three things
first the US federal government was reliant on AWA and did not have the legal
authority to request Apple, second this request was to reduce the security
safeguards and was beyond the technical assistance, third construction of the
software was prohibited by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The
Apple has to face many problems such as lost sale to customer who believed the
resulting product was inferior in terms of security. If the product falls in wrong
hands the firm could experience lawsuit, lost customer and danger reputation.
AWA will be applied only on those situations that Congress has not addressed.
Apple argued that Congress had passed Communication Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act (CALEA) to ensure that the telecommunication firms has to
follow the lawful order. CALEA stated that the government could not mandate
any design and will not ask telecommunication companies to decrypt the user
data. A similar case was there in 1977 New York Telephone Co the court found
that the telephone company could not compelled by the government to install
“pen register” to record the phone numbers that were called from the particular
phone. This decision was based on three things first the government could not
compel a third party far removed from the underlying controversy, second the
company could not be unduly burdened to provide assistance and third the
government must have the necessity to obtain the assistance. Apple and other
technology firms said that they will not comply with the court order as it is
violation of First Amendment’s Protection of the freedom of speech.

Apple has a variety of technical options available such as newer version of

iPhone. They can have a separate computer inside the phone enclosure called
“secure enclave” which managed security. Smartphones are not only securing
data but also data stored in other internet based services. Apple and other
technology firm also needed to consider their relationship with foreign


government not just with the United States. There is a increasing importance of
electronic devices though it was not surprising that forensic evidence such as that
obtained from cell phone tablets and other electronic has been used by law at
every level, but not just in high profile cases handled by FBI. Law agencies has
labs that examine the content of phone so that they can know where the owners
were, what they were doing, whom they are texting or calling before they were
victims or criminals. Law founded difficult to access data because security for
illegal purposes increased. Experts argued this requirement would make end to
end encryption impossible and this will also weaken the security of America’s
technology, including how the data were transmitted over the internet. The
government position has remained the same as since FBI has sought its court
order against Apple. Company seemed to have no reason to create encryption
that could be breached for search warrant and the public bear the consequences.
Apple firm faced public relation dilemma they said that if you were not against
terrorist and child molesters them you must be for FBI. Apple faced many
practical issues the confluence of technology and public policy cooperating with
the government would allow Apple to mange the public relation issues as well
as defend the country against terrorism. If Apple’s main competitors Google with
its android phone was seen less harmed to such request. Such legislation would
likely to constrain design space for future devices and limit innovation and future

“ The need for privacy has always been an important principle in the United
States legal system”


Challenges in the case Apple vs FBI

1. FBI faced challenge while unlocking the iPhone 5c of Farook who was
the major accuse of the mass murder case.

2. The new software which will be used by FBI is dangerous for the privacy
of the customers.

3. Tim Cook CEO of Apple faced problem in reformulating Apple’s

policies regarding security system and also their relationship with the
government if they will resist the order.

4. Apple is developing secure devices for its customers and this will lead to
problem in accessing digital evidence and also in criminal investigation.

5. FBI s facing problem while attempting passcodes in Farook’s phone as

the phone will auto- erase the data after 10 unsuccessful passcode

6. Encryption system which is followed by the Apple made the password

guessing nearly impossible for the investigating agency.

7. Government is facing dilemma for making the regarding this software

because this can be used by criminals to encrypt the digital data without
knowing the key.

8. Farook’s phone was secured with the passcode which is needed to be

entered by the hand on the phone itself.

9. There is a delay of 80 milliseconds after each passcode attempt this was

limiting the number of attempts to eight to nine passcodes per second on
the other hand if they could have used computer-generated guessing they
could have attempted hundreds or thousands of passcodes.

10. There was confusion among the public that court has ordered Apple to
unlock the iPhone.


11.Coming up with the new software will compromise the security of the
personal information can ultimately put personal safety at risk.

12. AWA will be used by the government to easily unlock the iPhone then
they will have the power to reach into anyone’s device and capture the

13.According to U.S. federal government AWA did not had the legal
authority to make request that they have made to Apple.

14.The construction of the software was prohibited by the First Amendment

to the U.S. Constitution.

15.If Apple will comply with the court order they might face problems like
lost sale, customer may think they are selling inferior product this will
lead to damaged reputation.

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Solution in the case of Apple vs FBI

1. Apple should apply the new software in Farook’s iPhone rather than
providing the software to the government.

2. Apple is providing security to its customers by converting the data in

encryption which convert the data using computerised code to digital data so
that it could no longer be seen in original format.

3. FBI wanted Apple to bypass or disable the auto-erase function so that FBI
could submit passcodes electronically and remove the delay between the
passcode entries.

4. FBI wanted to try the guessing the passcode without the risk that the risk that
operating system would make the data unreadable and with the reasonable
amount of time.

5. Apple should make a new software called “crippled” to make the operating
system less secure and then install this special software in Farook’s iPhone.

6. To prevent malicious practices the software should have the unique device
identifier and Apple’s secret, private key.

7. Apple’s operating system should not be modified to function in any other

device other than Farook’s iPhone without Apple’s cooperation.

8. Personal safety and security of personal information is key motive of Apple

that’s why they use encryption.

9. Government should remove the security feature and add new functions to the
operating system so that they can input the password electronically.

10.Apple can come up with the newer version of iPhone or they can have a chip
inbuilt as read only memory and secure it with a pin.

11.They can also use two factor authentication log in scheme in the new version
of the iPhone.

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12.The increasing importance of digital devices will help the government to

find out forensic evidence, obtain data from cell phone and tablet not only
for the high-profile national cases but will help FBI also.

13.U.S government should pass the legislation that would help the government
to access the encrypted data.

14.Co-operating with government will allow Apple to manage both public

relation issues and being on right side of helping to defend against the

15.New legislation will help the technology companies to design their system in
such a way as to be able to provide the government with whatever data they

12 | P a g e

Case Study On the Basis of Organisational Behaviour and


1. Overuse of the power tools of coercion and underuse of leadership tools.

2. Beginning with a vision or story, but failing to put in place the management
tools that will cement the behavioural changes in place.
3. Beginning with power tools even before a clear vision or story of the future
is in place.
4. The unexpected changes in the socio-cultural and political factors
Influencing the business.
5. It is dangers for firms such as Apple if it compiled with court order in
addition to the immediate danger of lost sales to consumer who believed the
resulting product was inferior in terms of its security feature , if the backdoor
key were to fall into the wrong hands , the firm could experience fall out in
future from possible law suits , lost customers and damaged reputation . so
the firm had well planned their policy for customer acquisition and reputation
6. Conceptual Skills also called design and problem-solving skills involve the
ability To See the organization and the various components of it as a whole;
understand how its various parts and functions are related in and to foresee
particular how changes in any one of these may affect the others customers,
firm or sector
7. Conceptual skills extend to visualizing the relation of the organization to
industry, to the community and to the political, economic and social forces of
the nation as a whole and even to forces which operate beyond the national
boundaries. It is the creative force within the organization. A high degree of

13 | P a g e

conceptual skill helps in analysing the environment and in identifying the

opportunities and threats.
8. Towards the Customers Production and supply of quality goods and services
at an affordable price is the primary responsibility of business. Customer
service should be the motto of the business. It involves offering a fair deal to
the customer by indulging in ethical business practices. Therefore every
manager in order to serve the customers in an effective way should restrain
from: ӹ making misleading advertisements aimed at deceiving the consumer;
giving wrong or false information about the ingredients, quality, origin, etc.,
of the product; entering into collusive agreements with other firms to exploit
the customers; making false claims of being an authorized dealer importer of
certain goods; and giving misleading names to the products, etc therefore
firm not sharing the information with the government because company has
their customer relationship management .
9. Towards Government provides various facilities for the development of
business. Infrastructural facilities like roads, telecommunication, transport,
banking, insurance are some of the facilities created by the government
without which no business, worth mentioning can conduct its affairs
smoothly. Therefore, business also in turn owes to the government in the
following ways. Business enterprises should act like law-abiding citizens;
taxes and other duties should be paid timely and honestly; Compliance with
the rules and regulations as stipulated by various laws of the land; and
Supplementing the governments’ efforts in the developmental activities, etc.
therefore firms has to maintain some healthy relationship with government. if
government want some information or data related to clients or an
organisation the firms must provide that information in prescribed manner .

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