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8273 Dr. A Santos Ave., Sucat Road, Parañaque City

Name: ______________________________________________ Score: _____________

Section: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________
1st SEMESTER 2019 – 2020

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze each question. Shade the letter of the best answer on your
answer sheet.

1. The sun has an atmosphere.

a. True
b. False
2. The Sun's atmosphere includes what two components?
a. Photosphere and Stratosphere c. Nucleus and Corona
b. Corona and Fire d. Corona and Photosphere
3. The photosphere emits light and is the most __________ layer of the Sun's atmosphere
a. Prominent/Important c. Invisible
b. Ordinary d. Unknown
4. The halo or crown of the Sun is the
a. Photosphere c. Corona
b. Core d. Chromosphere
5. The Sun rotates faster at it's equator
a. False
b. True
6. A __________ happens when the photosphere is blocked and the outer layer of the Sun's
atmosphere looks like a white halo
a. Solar Eclipse c. Total Eclipse
b. Lunar Eclipse d. Partial Eclipse
7. ______ are moving areas of magnetic activity with temperatures that are cooler than the
surrounding gases
a. Prominences c. Solar flares
b. Sunspots d. Coronas
8. ________ are huge, looping eruptions of gas that arch out from the photosphere
a. Prominences c. Solar Flares
b. Sunspots d. Coronas
9. ______ are explosions of hot gas that occur when prominences connect. They release large
amounts of energy into space.
a. Sunspots c. Prominences
b. Coronas d. Solar flares
10. Solar wind is
a. Electrically charged particles sent out from the corona
b. Large gusts of wind around the sun
c. Air that gets trapped within the sun
11. Magnetic storms disrupt
a. Telephone signals c. Radio signals
b. Television signals d. All of the above
12. ________ can be formed when the electrically charged particles cause gases in the atmosphere
to glow
a. Auroras c. Comets
b. Meteor showers d. Shooting stars
13. Solar flares and ________ increase the particles in the solar wind that affect magnetic storms in
Earth's atmosphere
a. Auroras c. Comets
b. Sunspots d. Prominences
14. It takes _____ for light to reach the Earth from the Sun
a. 8 minutes d. 8 second
b. 8 days
c. 8 hours
15. Over ________ Earth's could fit inside the Sun
a. One million c. One trillion
b. One hundred d. One thousand
16. Gasa.andmeteors
dust in interstellar nebulae can form c. asteroids
b. comets d. stars
17. What element is the main component of most stars?
a. hydrogen c. iron
b. oxygen d. nitrogen
18. A star might be much brighter than it appears to be. This is called the star's absolute magnitude.
The difference in apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude is due primarily to the star's
a. motion through the universe c. diameter
b. surface temperature d. distance from Earth
19. What is the first stage in the life cycle of a star?
a. stellar nebula c. main-sequence
b. black hole d. dwarf star
20. Which layer of the sun is most dense?
a. photosphere c. chromosphere
b. core d. corona
21. What type of galaxy is our Milky Way?
a. irregular c. spiral
b. elliptical d. supergiant
22. Which property of a star tells us the composition of that Star?
a. apparent magnitude c. luminosity
b. spectrum d. absolute magnitude
23. Which of these facts is the best supporting evidence that the universe is expanding?
a. the galaxies are moving away from each other
b. the stars vary in chemical composition
c. the universe is filled with galaxies of different sizes
d. the galaxies can spin to form eddies
24. Which of the following is the correct order of stages in the life cycle of our Sun?
a. nebula, white dwarf, main-sequence, giant
b. white dwarf, nebula, main-sequence, giant
c. nebula, main-sequence, giant, white dwarf
d. nebula, giant, main-sequence, white dwarf
25. A star that explodes is known as a
a. supergiant c. supernova
b. nebula d. main-sequence

II. IDENTIFICATION. Label the following figures. Write your answer on the space provided.

III. SEQUENCING. The stages below are not in the right order. Number the stages in the correct order
from 1 – 6.

_____ The star begins to run out of fuel and expands into a red giant or red super giant.

_____ Stars start out as diffused clouds of gas and dust drifting through space. A single one of these
clouds is called a nebula

_____ What happens next depends on the mass of the star.

_____ Heat and pressure build in the core of the protostar until nuclear fusion takes place.

_____ The force of gravity pulls a nebula together forming clumps called protostars.

_____ Hydrogen atoms are fused together generating an enormous amount of energy igniting the star
causing it to shine.

IV. MATCHING TYPE. Match the word on the left with the definition on the right.

_______ 1. black dwarf a. star left at the core of a planetary nebula

_______ 2. white dwarf b. a red super giant star explodes
_______ 3. nebula c. what a medium-mass star becomes at the end of its life
_______ 4. protostar d. a large cloud of gas or dust in space
_______ 5. supernova e. exerts such a strong gravitational pull that no light escapes
_______ 6. neutron star f. the earliest stage of a star ’s life
_______ 7. black hole g. the remains of a high mass star

IDENTIFICATION. Identify the stage in the life cycle of a star. Write your answer on the space provided.

A: ____________ E: ____________
B: ____________ F: ____________
C: ____________ G: ____________
D: ____________

a. Planetary Nebula
b. Black Hole
c. Supernova
d. Protostar
e. Gravity causes this to condense into a protostar
f. Main sequence star
g. When a star begins to run out of fuel and grows larger
h. Neutron star

A: ____________ B: ____________
C: ____________ F: ____________
D: ____________ G: ____________
E: ____________

a. Black Hole
b. Supernova
c. Protostar
d. Gravity causes this to condense into a protostar
e. Main sequence star
f. When a star begins to run out of fuel and grows larger
g. Neutron star


Prepared by: Engr. Irene R. Billones

Subject Professor

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