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Twin Flames:

Finding Forever Love

Starter Kit
What’s in Your Starter Kit?

Your Twin Flames: Finding Forever
Love Starter Kit
Twin Flames 101
Healing Blocks - Mirror Exercise
Is It Time For You To Find Your Perfect
The Process of Attaining Harmonious
Twin Flame Union (7 Steps)
Our Community: Meet Students
How to Manifest Funds for our Twin
Flame Work
Further Resources
Welcome to our Twin Flames Universe Tribe!
We created our Twin Flames Finding Forever Love Starter Kit to
welcome you into our Tribe, to provide you with essential
resources for your Twin Flame Journey, and to give you a good
taste of our heavenly body of work.

Step by step, with every new member joining our Divine

Movement, Heaven On Earth is expanding. And it is through
your Twin Flame Journey that you are attaining your perfect life
of love!

Our Twin Flames Universe Team sends you Blessings and says:
"Have fun with our Starter Kit - enjoy!"

PS: We guarantee Permanent Harmonious Union with

your True Twin Flame Through our Twin Flame work.

As you read these words, know you are

about to embark upon the journey of a
lifetime. Notice how you feel right now.
Notice who you think you are. Do you feel
like you know yourself thoroughly? That all
is about to change as you continue this
journey all the way to your Permanent
Harmonious Twin Flame Union. You will
come to know yourself on deeper levels
than you ever dreamed possible, and it will
result in the most wonderful and
stupendous results for you. It will also result
in your soul reunion and healing back into
your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Your "Twin Flames: Finding
Forever Love Starter Kit"

Kaumana Cave Toning (Very Rare & Exclusive)

A very rare and intimate Twin Flame moment caught on tape. Hear
true Twin Flames Jeff and Shaleia express their blissful Harmonious
Union through Toning in a high vibrational energy vortex. Fill yourself
up with this Divine healing sounds emanating from the bottom of
their Heart and Soul.

Meditation (Exclusive)
“Call In Your Twin Flame” ( Let Sama Amlashi take you
on a guided and potent Twin Flame experience and discover the truth of your
eternal connection. Feel your True Twin Flame and their wonderful energy,
experience meeting and reuniting with them now! Can you feel them already?
Expect Miracles.

Healing Twin Flame Separation (Exclusive)

Exclusive Mirror Exercise Instructional Video by Elle Gaia (
Learn more about the most powerful tool to heal all blocks between you and
your Twin Flame with grace. They can’t help but fall in love with you eternally as
you are powerfully loving yourself through the 4 steps of the Mirror Exercise.
Elle Gaia shows you how!

*Find a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. Let the audio fill your mind
and body. Headphones are recommended for the full healing effect. We don’t
provide medical or psychological advice. Avoid listening while driving or operating
Twin Flames 101
• EVERYONE was created with a Twin Flame.

• You are meant to be WITH your Twin Flame.

• You share the same "soul blueprint."

• You make the same core choices.

• Your Twin Flame is your perfect mirror.

• NO ONE is more perfect for you than your Twin Flame.

• Your Twin Flame is your perfect energetic match,

eternal best friend and your Ultimate Lover.

• Twin Flames are an ascension path to God.

• You heal separation from your Twin Flame by healing

separation within yourself (Mirror Exercise).

• Your Twin Flame shares the same core values, the same
life vision, and your life paths match up perfectly.

• You don't "fall" in love with them - you remember and

deepen the love you've always had for them.
Mirror Exercise
The Mirror Exercise is covered in depth in the book "Twin Flames: Finding your Ultimate
Lover” by Jeff and Shaleia and is taught by them as the most powerful tool for self
transformation. It’s something that we use and teach to others for healing upsets with love and
finding inner peace. It works, every time. Here we provide an introduction to the mirror exercise
and we really recommend buying the book as it provides much more detail and insight for using
the exercise, as well as a great deal of reliable information about your twin flame journey.

The mirror exercise is based on the principle that our external reality is a reflection of our inner
world. We are only ever experiencing whatever is within us. When we are upset about something
outside of ourselves, it points to a place within us asking to be loved. It’s our own responsibility to
heal our upsets and the mirror exercise allows us to do just that. It works even if used just once,
although diligent application of the tool is what truly brings results.

It consists of four steps, though the final step is the most important and if this step is skipped, it
won’t complete the healing. The first three steps are about identifying the upset and bringing
awareness to what is within us that is showing up to be healed. Whatever shows up in our
external reality - not only something related to our twin flame - can be used for healing
using the mirror exercise. If you’re new to the exercise, it’s best to start out by writing
down all the steps in a journal.

Step 1: Identify the upset using a concise sentence.

For example: “I’m upset that my twin flame is
ignoring me.”
Step 2: Invert all the pronouns to point to yourself.
Continuing the example: “I’m upset that I am
ignoring myself.”
Step 3: Ask yourself how this is true. The answer is
always that it is true, since you are experiencing it in
your reality. Example answer: “Yes, it’s true. I don’t
acknowledge my feelings and ignore my own
boundaries. I don’t feel like I am good enough to be
loved so I ignore my needs and don’t nurture
Another example could be:
Step 1: “I’m sad and feeling abandoned by my mother because she doesn’t support me or my

Step 2: “I’m sad and feeling abandoned by myself because I don’t support myself or my

Step 3: “Yes, it’s true. I doubt myself and don’t feel confident in my ability to support myself
financially. I second guess myself for every choice I make and criticise myself if I make a mistake.

Step 4: Close your eyes and go within to meet the part of yourself that feels the upset. Allow
yourself to feel the feeling and ask that part of yourself what (s)he needs to feel loved. Give that
love (and whatever you need) to yourself and invite the part of yourself to merge with you. You
should feel peace at this point. Using the examples above, the part of you might want a hug, to
be acknowledged or appreciated, or seen. You might need reassurance and you can use
affirmations of Truth to support yourself in the healing. Affirm the Truth that you are complete,
whole and perfect, perfectly loved by God and your Twin.

We’ll cover Step 4 a bit more in depth here. Visualization is a powerful way to do Step 4 and if
you’re new to the mirror exercise, you can visualize the part of yourself that is experiencing the
upset as a child version of you. Imagine the adult version of you as you are now approaching the
child you, noticing if there is a specific scene that you are entering. Ask the child version of you
to answer the question of what (s)he needs to feel loved and then give that to him/her in the
visualization. Don’t hold anything back! After you have satisfied the child’s needs, you can invite
him/her into your heart space. For journaling this step, you can note down that you’ve
completed the exercise, or write down your experience and what you gave your child self to
meet his/her needs.

The exercise works powerfully when you fully satisfy the needs of the part of you experiencing
the upset. You will know that it works when you experience peace. Sometimes a new feeling of
upset might arise soon after or during the exercise, so just continue to ask yourself what you
need to feel loved without judgment and give that to yourself. If something you thought you
healed before shows up again to be healed, just have patience with yourself and choose to feel
your feelings and love yourself there. Healing happens in layers. If you start to feel resistance or
struggle to feel your feelings, affirm to yourself that you choose to feel your feelings.

This tool is not meant to be used to control external circumstances and people, and definitely
not your twin. Always surrender situations to God! Although many have experienced shifts in ••

their relationships with their twins directly after using the mirror exercise, the way that you
know that it has worked is when you feel peace after working through your upsets. This tool
is for healing yourself. It's not designed for you to try to use your twin’s behavior in your
external reality as a means to validate your healing!


"Life continues to improve the more I do this mirror exercise! "

- Catherine Gale

"The mirror exercise is life changing. You heal from within and
get see at your outer world aligns with your truth. You no
longer live in contrast but learn to be one with God. I am
thankful for the mirror exercise and it truly works I highly
recommend doing it and seeing this for yourself."
- Jessi Hersey

"Before the Mirror Exercise, I was convinced I was just a victim of

my circumstances. I had no idea that everything my Twin Flame
was showing me could be resolved. I felt ignored and unseen
and would try to control and force things and get nowhere. After
purchasing and reading Jeff and Shaleia's book Twin Flames:
Finding Your Ultimate Lover, I immediately began doing the
Mirror Exercise. At the time, my Twin Flame and I weren't
speaking due to a fight a couple weeks prior. Within days, my
Twin Flame started contacting me. Within a week or so, I joined
Twin Flame Ascension School and my Twin Flame and I were
closer than ever! My life completely changed!" - Angie Moggy
Is It Time For You To Find Your
Perfect Partner?

What do you expect the next step will be? Will you tiger-eye the next attractive person you see,
hoping they will be interested in you too? What about dating websites or services? Do you expect
to sift through hundreds of profiles or be "matched" to the best available person by a computer?
What about spending thousands on a dating professional to help match you or coach you along
the way?

What if the "right person" isn't available right now? How would you know? Do you pick someone
because they look attractive and have some things in common with you? How would you know
when it was the right time to take yourself off the market and commit? Do you expect whether you
might have to be flexible with your morals as you date around, looking for the right partner?

What if a better person became available just when you decided to commit to someone else?
What if you did find a good match, but you both change as the years go on, drifting apart?

A huge percentages of marriages today fail, what is

your hedge against this daunting statistic? What if
you had invested deeply in this person, what
happens to your investment if you break up? How
many breakups could you stomach before you settle
or decide not to try anymore?

Do you feel like this is the inevitable result of

partnering with someone unless you get very lucky
or are willing to settle? Do you actually enjoy dating,
or somewhere in your heart do you dread the
awkwardness of it, expecting a temporary success to
only end up with another ex?
Your Alternative
What if there was something else? What if there was a way to avoid all this and guarantee
yourself the perfect partner? What if you could find a person who is exactly like you, but
complements you perfectly in every way?
Could you imagine what it might be like developing a friendship with the perfect person for
you? Could you imagine what it might be like falling in love with your person? Could you
imagine partnering with your perfect person for life? Would it be easy, fun, and rewarding?

What if you knew how to successfully work through the challenges of your relationship in a
healthy way, even without that person having to work it through with you? Would you feel in
control of your romantic life? Would you feel safe and powerful in your partnership? Would you
finally allow yourself to let down your guard and let that person in, so you could experience
deeper love?

What would a relationship like this with your perfect person look like after a year, or ten years, or
fifty years? Would you find relief and security in the knowing this person is right for you? Would
you expect to have all the same kinds of challenges as other "best match" relationships?

What if there was a scientific process to finding your perfect partner? What if there was a way
that guaranteed perfect success every time? What it would take for you to try that way? Are you
worth giving it a shot?

Would you expect that way to look like every other way, or would you expect that way to be
fundamentally different? Do you expect to continue doing the same thing and get dramatically
new results, or do you expect you might need to try something very different to get very
different results?

What if there was a way you could safely do all this from the comfort and privacy of your home,
without having to intrude upon the life of another, or have your life intruded upon by the
sometimes burdensome and discerning eye of a potential partner found in traditional dating?

Would you be willing to try this other way if it was safe, even though it was different? If you
started getting positive results with this other way would you give up if you weren't
immediately married to your perfect person? Would you allow this way time to work, or would
you give up after an hour, or a week, or a day?

What if you saw dramatic results happening, but they weren't finished yet? Would you give up
then? What if others had already successfully attained the results you sought? Would you
continue trying out this other method?

If there was even a tiny chance that this was possible for you, how much effort do you think it
would be worth investing before giving up? Or would you persevere to ensure your success?
How long before it would be a good idea for you to go back to the old way of doing things that
got you the old kind of tired results that failed to provide a meaningful, lasting, rich, and
sustainably hot relationship for you?
What kind of world would be built on a perfect romantic relationship like that? Would you want
to be part of building that world, just by being in love with your perfect partner? What kind of
dreams and adventures would you live out with that partner? Would you let them be boring,
draining, tiresome, or monotonous?

Would you accept the opportunity to learn more about how to get this perfect person if you
were shown the way?

We are Jeff and Shaleia (sha-lee-yuh) and we both went through the kind of turmoil endless
dating offers. We experienced the heartbreak, we knew the loss, we pushed through the
awkwardness. We put in the effort and we got the unsatisfying results so many times before we
found another way, a better way. We're going to show you that way. It is not a fantasy or a
hypothetical. We found the perfect person and we can show you how. It is real.

Today we are happily married. Truly, happily married. We wake up every day with the perfect
person next to us. We laugh together, we love together, we dream together, we play together,
we live life together. We work together and explore together. We even share our greatest secret
and most valuable treasure with the world together: this process with you.

We learned a counter-intuitive process that anyone can do to find their perfect partner. It
doesn't cost any money, does not require any products, and does not require you to do
anything you might consider to be in the morally gray zone. You don't need to go on dates or ••

scout through endless profiles. And you DON'T need to settle!

We knew when we had discovered this, it would be the most valuable thing in the world to
people. But we also knew it might be challenging for people to accept it at first, because it
requires you to do the exact opposite of dating. Some people can sometimes have a challenging
time changing the way they approach something, even if the old way of thinking didn't produce
satisfactory results.

We have a school called Twin Flame Ascension School where we teach students how to find
and develop a relationship with this perfect person. We have allowed a limited number of
students to attend so we could give intimate, personal attention to each student as they learn
this one invaluable lesson and skill which brings them their perfect partner.

As we developed our school and explored what we have in our own marriage, we discovered
what we have is much more than just an exquisite romantic fit. We have something
transcendental to current romantic relationships. There is absolutely no comparing our
relationship to what people traditionally have. People decades older than us have come to us,
who have had decades of experience in marriages. They tell us unequivocally their old marriages
were nothing compared to what we have shown them. They are incredibly happy today with the
results our work provided them, and we can show you the way too.

Love for us has always been both a scientific pursuit, utilizing logic, facts, and real information, as
well as an emotional and spiritual pursuit. If the partner did not fit, they did not fit. It was simple,
and we both would quickly move on to the next person, hoping the next one along would be a
better fit. We each realized after extensive journeys in society's dating world, exploring all kinds
of normal and radical concepts, that our standards had become so high, we would likely never
find an even acceptable partner for our liking...

We knew we would be settling unless a huge set of criteria were met, just for us to be
comfortable accepting another person as our partner. We also knew our ideal criteria would be
so impossible, no single person could possibly fulfill the level of desire and particularity we had
each developed. Our tastes for a significant other had become so developed and refined,
absolutely no person could possibly fulfill our highest wishes.

It would appear that we had each arrived at the end of

the dating road, and in truth, we had. There was
nowhere else to go. We had to let go of the idea of
dating, and maybe even having a significant other at all.
We knew it would be a BIG, expensive mistake to settle.
To partner with someone is to intertwine your life with


We both valued ourselves highly, and knew it would be ••

a waste of time to burden ourselves with the wrong
person. But then we found each other.

We each had done extensive personal development, self-discovery, self-exploration, and inner
spiritual work to get to know ourselves. In knowing ourselves and in exploring dating, we had
each developed extensive lists of our perfect partner. Jeff quit writing after one page, realizing
this person was likely impossible. Shaleia had 12 pages just to cover the basics.

But then when we found each other, the lists were inadequate to describe the perfection we
discovered in each other. That same perfection we still experience to this day! And, it has a
significant track record (over four years from this writing, to be exact) of not just remaining, but
actually GROWING...!

The love we experience today is unspeakably beautiful. Unquestioningly Divine. Unequivocally

magnificent and fulfilling in every way. Finding this perfect person, we later discovered, is a
repeatable process that anyone can do. It is not an accident.

We consciously retraced our steps. How did we get this? Statistically speaking, this was in
another realm beyond outliers. This wasn't even off the charts or out of the ballpark. It was in a
completely different Universe. The level of compatibility is unspeakably perfect, comparable
only to the perfection of nature in its infinite wisdom, balance, abundance, and harmony.

We had both experienced enough quality partners to know when we had struck gold in love.
And the first thing we worked to do was begin to share this love with others.
You might think finding this person is impossible, but it's not. Of the 36 students in our school,
We assure you when we say this, you can have your perfect partner too. Yes you. You can have
your perfect partner too. In fact, we are so certain of the science of our work, we guarantee it.

Imagine a life where you do not have to feel alone anymore. Where someone understands you, is
just like you, gets all the depth of your uniqueness, knows your humor, and loves you for YOU!
Would you find it incredibly easy and wonderful to be with this person? Do you choose to step
into a life where you can be completely in love with someone perfect for you, who is completely
in love with you too? This is the world we would like to introduce you to, it is the world of
Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

Everyone has a Twin Flame, including you. You did not create yourself, and we did not create
your Twin Flame for you. You and your Twin Flame were created together in the same instant,
the moment you were Created by your Source, to be perfectly complementary for each other. To
be together forever as best friends, eternal partners, and ultimate lovers. You and your Twin
Flame are meant to be together, and with no one else. Our work has proven this over and over
and over again. In fact, if you decide to subscribe to our Twin Flame Ascension School, you can
literally watch it happen to our students!
The Process of Attaining
Harmonious Twin Flame Union
(7 Steps)

The process we discovered is very simple and is founded on a very simple

understanding and mastery of how reality works. Here is literally the whole
thing:(we told you it was free!)

1.Universe is made up entirely of vibrational frequency at its foundation. Everything has a

particular vibrational resonance. From matter to energy, from experiencing to being, everything is
frequency at its most essential level. Everything vibrates at very particular and unique frequencies.

2.Like vibrations attract (are magnetized to!) like vibrations. However you are vibrating, you will
attract vibrational experiences to you which vibrate just like you do. This is why, for example, some
people can never seem to get ahead financially or in life, while others can just succeed so easily
comparatively. Each of these experiences is a vibrational experience these people attract to
themselves. This is how we attracted for ourselves our Twin Flame, and you can too! We will show
you EXACTLY how, without leaving a hint of confusion or ambiguity in your mind. Through our
work, you will know clearly and unequivocally what you must do to have your Twin Flame in
permanent Harmonious Union. (That means forever. You and your Twin Flame, happily ever after.)

3.You can change your vibrational frequency

specifically and intentionally by making new choices in
your mind. Your choices actually change the frequency
of your consciousness, thereby creating new
experiences for you. Fully engaging in our work will not
only prove this to you as a concept, you will literally
watch the lives of others and yourself transform as a
result of this. You will be able to pinpoint it with exact
scientific observation.
4.In your heart, you desire something beautiful and perfect for you in romantic love. This is someone
special to you. Many people have called it your "Soul Mate" but we understand it to be something even
more special. This person is your one and only, they're your person forever. This special person is called
your Twin Flame, and they are your perfect partner. We live this every single day and all 36 of our
students know this to be absolutely true from their own personal experiences too. We have very
intelligent, logical students including Ph.D.'s, scientists, lawyers, business people, and critical thinkers
from all over the world with all kinds of spiritual, social, and cultural backgrounds.

5.When you decide to be with your Twin Flame, your world will begin to shift, drawing the experience to
you. Everything which is not vibrationally in harmony with this experience of your Twin Flame will come
to you. You will need to say "no" to all these frequencies and "Yes!" to all the frequencies in alignment
with your Twin Flame. This is a process. Our work is designed to support and guide you through this

6.You identify everything out of alignment with the vibration of your Twin Flame by how each
experience and opportunity to make a choice feels to you. Your feelings are a highly sophisticated
system for sensing vibration in the Universe. You were created this way for a reason. If it feels bad in your
heart, you do not choose it. If it feels good in your heart, you choose it. Simple as that! Don't worry, our
work trains and attunes you to do this like a master.

7.After sorting through all the vibrations in your consciousness through your choosing process which
are not in alignment with your Twin Flame, you will meet them. It has happened every. single. time. for
every single one of our students, and it's happening to people all over the world right now. We literally
have the whole process recorded and you can watch it in our Twin Flame Ascension School. We'll link
you again below.
We have arrived at a very special time in human evolution where a great many people are beginning
to look around and say "Why am I here? How did I get here? What am I supposed to do? How can I get
what I want?"

We were not satisfied with the answers to these questions society today was providing for us, and so
we sought to find our own answers using the scientific method combined with vigorous
experimentation in the area of our own consciousness and reality itself. We discovered the keys to
perfect romantic love, and we lovingly offer them to you.

This process we outlined above is very simple. We will express it completely in one sentence to simplify
it for you. "You choose your Twin Flame, which changes the vibration of your consciousness, and you
keep choosing them until they arrive." This is simply stated, but as we said before, can be challenging
for some people to accept in its simplicity because most of us are so used to an immensely
complicated dating and romantic life.

Attracting your Twin Flame is an ongoing process. You don't need to worry if you make a mistake and
miss an opportunity to make a choice. The Universe you live in is a vibrational system. It will continue
to offer you opportunities to make a new choice again and again until you either drop your choice to
be with your Twin Flame, or you finally meet them. It will always seek balance, and will naturally help
you to find the balance you seek.

It's okay if you don't fully understand this yet.

This page is meant as an introduction into the
world of Twin Flames and our work. We have
plenty of resources we have created to assist
you in this process. Many are free, and some
have required so much investment from us,
that we do charge for them. But don't worry,
we are extremely generous with what we
have because our deepest desire is to share
this fantastic, beyond words experience of
Harmonious Twin Flame Union with you.
Because this can be so radically different than
dating, it can take some support and
reinforcement for you to change the way you
think and go about attracting your Twin
Flame to you so you can enjoy permanent
Harmonious Union with your true Twin Flame.

There is so much we have to share with you!

We have spent years preparing this body of Sama is featured in our book "Twin
work for you and are absolutely delighted Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,"
and honored to concisely share extend to you
where she shares her Twin Flame
what we have learned.
Miracle and Romance with us.
Our Community:
Meet the Students
Get to know some of the most successful
students of Twin Flame Ascension School
and Life Purpose Class!
What’s in Your StarS
tear SAMAK

One-Year in Twin Flame Ascension School

Below is an excerpt from Sama Amlashi as she reflects on her success during her one-year anniversary as a
dedicated student and leader of Jeff and Shaleia Divine and the Twin Flames Universe community. To learn
more about Sama’s successes and her path to Twin Flame Union, check out our book, Twin Flames:
Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia.

"Jeff and Shaleia, I can't even put into words how grateful I am for all you do for us. This love brings me
to my knees, for I've never experienced a love so unconditional before. You love us even when we don't
know you're loving us, you love us when it may not even look like it from the outside, you are just the
embodiments of pure love and I am so eternally grateful to you both for everything you are doing.

It has been a year since I joined TFAS, and my life has COMPLETELY transformed. The deep desires for
inner peace, bliss and happiness and my PERFECT MAN that I had in my heart since I was a young child
have been and are continually being answered in every moment. THANK YOU for all that you are <3

I also want to point out how important it is to have support on this journey from spiritual brothers &
sisters who you can totally be yourself with. I love you with all my heart. We are all in this together.
I had huge breakthroughs:
I realized suddenly what commitment to myself meant and what my Twin Flame was beautifully
mirroring to me. In the past I was so quick to abandon myself as soon as I 'failed' at something. I would
just completely disown that part of myself instead of loving her. I would be so disappointed in myself I'd
just drop that part of me on her head and forget about her, push her out of the way.

I had a moment of immense clarity and made a different choice.

This was what my Twin Flame was guiding me to when he said, "I'm afraid to commit because I'm afraid
to make a mistake". He was showing me where I was afraid to fail myself then abandon myself.

I started going deeper into what commitment means to me and why it brings up a feeling of anxiety
every time the word is mentioned. I found that I was so afraid of falling in love because I thought that
would mean I would become dependent. That's why I had built The Great Wall of China up around my
heart lol.

Another huge realization that followed on from that was that I thought GOD was dependent on me, to
choose love always and not "screw up".

As soon as I thought this, it was like God was shaking his head and telling me, "my sweet child, you're
so cute, but you've got it in is safe for you to be dependent on ME. Depend on me with your
ALL. And depend only on me."

I felt a huge weight lift off me and it suddenly felt so good to be dependent. To be dependent on GOD,
my ultimate lover.

Literally 5 minutes later my Twin called me!!! I was in shock at the timing of it. God is just so perfect. I
missed his call and called him back but then he missed mine, but it didn't matter because just the fact
that he called was a huge confirmation to me of the block I healed and the fact that my love can never
ever leave me, because as soon as I clear the separation, he's there, every single time. He can't help it,
God magnetizes us together."

Sama Amlashi
Live Student of Twin Flame Ascension School &
Subscribed Student of Life Purpose Class
Teacher of Unionism & Twin Flames and Life Purpose

"I remember my first ever conversation with Jeff. I was wearing a mask of confidence and outwardly
believed I was 2 seconds away from Union. But underneath that I was broken, confused, torn apart. I
was on a daily roller coaster of incredible highs and disparaging lows. I truly didn’t know what or who
to believe, Jeff assured me I was in the right place, he spoke to that part of me that I was hiding behind
a facade. The part of me that was way too vulnerable for me to show to anyone, he was able to see.

I had no idea what to expect, but what I did know was that if I was ever going to rise above all the pain
and confusion, Jeff and Shaleia were sent to me as an answered prayer. What started out as a means to
an end for me to be with the woman I love has blossomed into so much more than that. I’ve learned
immeasurable things about myself, love, God, and life. Jeff and Shaleia have helped me to completely
transform into my truest self and reveal new layers of myself continuously.

I’m so grateful to be a part of this community Jeff and Shaleia have opened their hearts to create. We
have formed such strong bonds with one another, we’ve been there for one another through thick and
thin, we are a family.

As a result of everything Jeff and Shaleia have shared with me I have found such a beautiful inner
peace and love for myself. I learned to live without fear. I realize my worth, my power, and continue to
grow and expand upon the gifts that I have been given by God.
I’m not sure I would have been able to get to this place on my own without the love and support of this
community. For that I am eternally grateful with all of my heart. ”

Jason Emerick
Live Student of Twin Flame Ascension School &
Life Purpose Class
Twin Flame Teacher, Divine Channel and Life Purpose Coach
"Jeff & Shaleia are unparalleled when it comes to spiritual teachers. What they
teach leads to tremendous inner transformation that serves *every* area of your
life, not just your twin flame journey. If there ever was an investment for you to
make in yourself and your quality of life, this is it. I don't say these things lightly.
Seriously, get it."

-Soraya Andalib

"The biggest impact I've noticed is the access to a supportive and loving community. Before I was trying
to do this mostly on my own and I was constantly questioning my journey and, through my experiences,
wondering whether I was delusional. With subscriptions to LPC and TFAS, and becoming more active in
the groups, I don't feel as isolated and alone anymore and I feel a sense of belonging :) My faith in God is
also blossoming in such profound ways!"

-Carina Melissa Viljoen

Make this investment. I can’t tell you how much I now value myself by doing this. I hope you find a way
to also make this choice because it will most definitely change your life. All my love to each of you
whatever choice you make!

-Rachel Guida

“ My Twin is becoming more attracted to my vibration because I'm aligned with my truth and Life
Purpose. I told him about Jeff and Shaleia’s teachings on how to align your business with God and heal
your blocks to success. He is being healed as my Life Purpose unfolds & I finally see myself and my
authentic role is being revealed. I'm happy .”

- Stephanie Cole
There are many more successful students in the
Twin Flames Universe Community just like these
four students highlighted below!
How to Manifest Funds for
Our Twin Flame Work

Here are the three guaranteed steps to manifesting funds for

Twin Flame Ascension School:

1) Declare out loud and in your heart this decree. (We decree this with you now)

“I choose to allow God to show me the way to my wealth for Twin Flame
Ascension School and Life Purpose Class, and I choose to recognize when I
receive it. And I choose to use that for my subscriptions. I choose to receive
it immediately. Please God show me the way. Amen."

2) Begin following your heart and healing any upsets along the way by using the
Mirror Exercise taught in our book 'Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover.'
Your decree will bring up all your blocks to joining and you will bust through
them with the Mirror exercise.

3) Book a free consultation to receive the support you need to join (and beyond
joining!). We have done this with others, and it works every single time.
Further Resources
Your Twin Flames Universe Tribe is very happy about your commitment to your
Twin Flame Journey.

We trust that you are finding your Forever Love through our Twin Flame work.
The following resources we provide are your next steps in mastering this process
and coming into Harmonious Twin Flame Union yourself.

Our free Facebook group "Twin Flame Ascension School: Open Forum" is a place where people
from all over the world discuss their Twin Flame journeys. This is a beautiful community of people
who are on their Twin Flame journeys. You can come, learn from the experiences others are having,
share in their successes, ask questions, make friends, share your journey, and when you become
experienced enough, you can help others on their journeys if you like. The Facebook group is free
to join.

FREE Twin Flame Videos

Our YouTube channel is a collection of over 200 videos we have created to assist you into meeting
your Twin Flame and coming into permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Be sure to subscribe to
stay up to date as we do release new videos. Check out our second channel here (with weekly
Twin Flame Readings and much much more), too.

Twin Flame Book

Our book "Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover" is a
fantastic place to start and develop deep mastery over the subject
of Twin Flames. It will equip you with the most powerful tool we
have for helping you through the whole process of your Twin
Flame journey, and so so much more. The first ten pages are free
to read, and you'll find it absolutely a fun, informative, easy, and
extremely empowering read. Check it out and see if it's a good fit
for you.
Twin Flame Meditation
If you like guided meditations, we have a meditation CD available which will help you tune your
consciousness to the vibration of Harmonious Twin Flame Union. The first track is free to listen to
on our YouTube channel HERE and you can find the entire CD HERE.

Twin Flame e-courses

We offer two e-courses for students who desire to take their journey deeper and understand the
power of what we offer. These students know how powerful a gift having their Twin Flame is, and
are willing to invest deeply into themselves.

The first one is called "Twin Flames: Romance Attraction" and

helps you prepare and magnetize your Twin Flame through an 8
lesson course designed to massively amp up your vibration of
romance to attract your Twin Flame and deepen your romance. You
can watch the first lesson for free HERE.

The second e-course is called "Twin Flames: Dreams Coming

True." It is 24 lessons long,the first 4 lessons are free. It is special
because it is an in-depth course which guarantees Harmonious
Twin Flame Union as a result of the teachings of course. It gives
you the whole process clearly, concisely, and with a powerful
and expansive teaching with exercises around it. It will inspire
and focus you from lessons 1 to 24, and is vibrantly rich and
deep, yet very easy to smoothly work through at any pace. You
can check out this phenomenal e-course HERE.

We found, however, that for some people, they desired an exquisitely intimate experience for their
Twin Flame journey beyond what can be offered through e-courses, books, or other products. Some
people wanted to know everything there is to know about Twin Flames, the Twin Flame journey,
and how and why it works so perfectly every time. They wanted support through every step of their
journey. They asked us to show them the way personally from not knowing their Twin Flame to
enjoying the divine experience of permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Twin Flame Ascension School
We created Twin Flame Ascension School
for YOU! Every week for two years we are
conducting three classes of twelve students
maximum for an intimate journey to
completely transform their lives into lives of
record the classes so you can follow along with
the journeys of all the students and see our
process dramatically change the lives of all our

You can interact with them and other students on our Facebook forum as well, which is designed as
the perfect complement to the rest of our Twin Flame work. Here you can learn with expert
observation and some of the deepest teaching possible, all while having access to a community of
people where you can openly discuss your own Twin Flame journey, and your journey with Twin
Flame Ascension School. Dramatic transformations into lives of love and divine romance are
happening right now. We offer five free Twin Flame Ascension School classes you can watch to get a
feel for whether Twin Flame Ascension School is right for you. Begin your Twin Flame Ascension
School journey HERE.

FREE Twin Flame Webinar for YOU

Twin Flames in Permanent Harmonious Union are hosting weekly FREE Twin Flame
Webinars where they are revealing the simple steps that brought them together effortlessly. You can
sign up for free HERE.

FREE Twin Flame Consultation

Are you interested in our Twin Flame work and would like to learn more about your ideal next steps
with our work and for your Twin Flame Journey? We have highly trained and trusted Twin Flame
Relationship coaches available for you now that are offering FREE Twin Flame Consultations - sign up

Video Testimonials
Can you expect miracles through our Twin Flame work? Watch a video testimonial of our Students
sharing 18 intimate Success Stories with you HERE and watch a personal video testimonial of our
Student Dany who lives together with her true Twin Flame by clicking HERE.

If you haven't found something you love yet, scroll back up and click on anything that seems
like it might fit you. We can absolutely show you the way, but you have to take the steps. You
are worth it!

We are voting your victory, always.

~TwinFlamesUniver Tribe~

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