Chapter 14 Alternating Voltages and Currents

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Exercise 77, Page 218

1. Determine the periodic time for the following frequencies: (a) 2.5 Hz (b) 100 Hz (c) 40 kHz

1 1
(a) Periodic time, T =  = 0.4 s
f 2.5

1 1
(b) Periodic time, T =  = 0.01 s or 10 ms
f 100

1 1
(c) Periodic time, T =  = 25 s
f 40  103

2. Calculate the frequency for the following periodic times: (a) 5 ms (b) 50 s (c) 0.2 s

1 1
(a) Frequency, f =  = 200 Hz or 0.2 kHz
T 5 103

1 1
(b) Frequency, f =  = 20 kHz
T 50  10 6

1 1
(c) Frequency, f =  = 5 Hz
T 0.2

3. An alternating current completes 4 cycles in 5 ms. What is its frequency?

Time for one cycle, T = ms = 1.25 ms

1 1
Hence, frequency, f =  = 800 Hz
T 1.25 103

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 154

Exercise 78, Page 221

1. An alternating current varies with time over half a cycle as follows:

Current (A) 0 0.7 2.0 4.2 8.4 8.2 2.5 1.0 0.4 0.2 0

time (ms) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The negative half cycle is similar. Plot the curve and determine: (a) the frequency (b) the

instantaneous values at 3.4 ms and 5.8 ms (c) its mean value, and (d) its r.m.s. value.

The graph is shown plotted below.

1 1
(a) Periodic time, T = 2  10 ms = 20 ms, hence, frequency, f =  = 50 Hz
T 20  10 3

(b) At 3.4 ms, current, i = 5.5 A

and at 5.8 ms, i = 3.1 A

area under curve

(c) Mean value = Using the mid-ordinate rule,
length of base

area under curve = 1103   0.3  1.4  3.1  6.0  8.8  5.5  1.6  0.8  0.3  0.2 

= 1103   28   28 103

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 155

28 103
Hence, mean value = = 2.8 A
10 103

 0.32  1.42  3.12  6.02  8.82  5.52  1.62  0.82  0.32  0.22 
(d) r.m.s. value =  
 10 

= = 3.98 A or 4.0 A, correct to 2 significant figures.

2. For the waveforms shown below, determine for each (i) the frequency (ii) the average value

over half a cycle (iii) the r.m.s. value (iv) the form factor (v) the peak factor.

(a) (b) (c)


1 1
(a) (i) T = 10 ms, hence, frequency, f =  = 100 Hz
T 10 103

area under curve 2 

5 103   5 
(ii) Average value =  = 2.50 A
length of base 5 103

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 156

 i 2  i 2 2  i32  i 4 2  i5 2   0.52  1.52  2.52  3.52  4.5 2 
(iii) R.m.s. value =  1  =   = 2.87 A
 5   5 

r.m.s. 2.87
(iv) Form factor =  = 1.15
average 2.50

max imum value 5

(v) Peak factor =  = 1.74
r.m.s. 2.87

1 1
(b) (i) T = 4 ms, hence, frequency, f =  = 250 Hz
T 4  10 3

area under curve 20  2

(ii) Average value =  = 20 V
length of base 2

 v 2  v 2 2  v3 2  v 4 2   202  202  202  202 

(iii) R.m.s. value =  1  =   = 20 V
 4   4 

r.m.s. 20
(iv) Form factor =  = 1.0
average 20

max imum value 20

(v) Peak factor =  = 1.0
r.m.s. 20

1 1
(c) (i) T = 8 ms, hence, frequency, f =  = 125 Hz
T 8 103

1  1 
 1 24    2  24    1 24 
area under curve  2  2   72 = 18 A
(ii) Average value = 
length of base 4 4

 i12  i 2 2  i32  i 4 2  .... 

(iii) R.m.s. value =  
 8 
 32  92  152  212  242  242  24 2  24 2 
=   = 19.56 A
 8 

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 157

r.m.s. 19.56
(iv) Form factor =  = 1.09
average 18

max imum value 24

(v) Peak factor =  = 1.23
r.m.s. 19.56

1 1
(d) (i) T = 4 ms, hence, frequency, f =  = 250 Hz
T 4  10 3

area under curve 0.5 100

(ii) Average value =  = 25 V
length of base 2

 v 2  v 2 2  v3 2  v 4 2   02  02  1002  02 
(iii) R.m.s. value =  1  =   = 50 V
 4   4 

r.m.s. 50
(iv) Form factor =  = 2.0
average 25

max imum value 100

(v) Peak factor =  = 2.0
r.m.s. 50

3. An alternating voltage is triangular in shape, rising at a constant rate to a maximum of 300 V in 8 ms and

then falling to zero at a constant rate in 4 ms. The negative half cycle is identical in shape to the positive half

cycle. Calculate (a) the mean voltage over half a cycle, and (b) the r.m.s. voltage

The voltage waveform is shown below.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 158

area under curve 2
 8 103   300    4 103   300 
(a) Average value =  = 150 V
length of base 12 103

 v 2  v 2 2  v3 2  v 4 2  v5 2  v 6 2 
(b) R.m.s. value =  1 
 6 

 37.52  112.52 187.5 2  262.5 2  225 2  75 2 

=   = 170 V
 6 

4. An alternating e.m.f. varies with time over half a cycle as follows:

E.m.f. (V) 0 45 80 155 215 320 210 95 0

time (ms) 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0

The negative half cycle is identical in shape to the positive half cycle. Plot the waveform and determine

(a) the periodic time and frequency (b) the instantaneous value of voltage at 3.75 ms (c) the times when the

voltage is 125 V (d) the mean value, and (e) the r.m.s. value

The waveform is shown plotted below.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 159

(a) Half the waveform is shown, hence periodic time, T = 2 × 12.0 ms = 24 ms

1 1
Frequency, f =  = 41.67 Hz
T 24  10 3

(b) The instantaneous value of voltage at 3.75 ms = 115 V

(c) The times when the voltage is 125 V = 4 ms and 10.0 ms

area under curve

(d) Mean value = Using the mid-ordinate rule with 12 intervals,
length of base

area under curve = 1103  15  45  68  100  145  190  250  320  260  160  95  25

= 110 3  1673   1.673

Hence, mean value = = 139 V
12  103

 152  452  682  100 2 1452 190 2  250 2  320 2  260 2 160 2 95 2  25 2 
(e) R.m.s. value =  
 12 

= = 169 V

5. Calculate the r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal curve of maximum value 300 V.

R.m.s. value = 0.707  peak value = 0.707  300 = 212.1 V

6. Find the peak and mean values for a 200 V mains supply.

200 V is the r.m.s. value

r.m.s. 200
r.m.s. value = 0.707  peak value, from which, peak value =  = 282.9 V
0.707 0.707

Mean value = 0.637  peak value = 0.637  282.9 = 180.2 V

7. Plot a sine wave of peak value 10.0 A. Show that the average value of the waveform is 6.37 A over half a

cycle, and that the r.m.s. value is 7.07 A

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 160

A sine wave of maximum value 10.0 A is shown below.

area under curve

Over half a cycle, mean value = Using the mid-ordinate rule with 12 intervals,
length of base

area under curve =   1.3  3.8  6.1  7.9  9.2  9.9  9.9  9.2  7.9  6.1  3.8  1.3

=    76.4  = 20.0
 12 

Hence, mean value = = 6.37 A

 1.32  3.82  6.12  7.9 2  9.2 2  9.9 2  9.9 2  9.2 2  7.9 2  6.12 3.8 2 1.3 2 
R.m.s. value =  
 12 

= = 7.05 A

With a larger scale and taking values to greater than 1 decimal place, it may be shown that the r.m.s. value is

7.07 A

8. A sinusoidal voltage has a maximum value of 120 V. Calculate its r.m.s. and average values.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 161

R.m.s. value = 0.707  peak value = 0.707  120 = 84.8 V

Average value = 0.637  peak value = 0.637  120 = 76.4 V

9. A sinusoidal current has a mean value of 15.0 A. Determine its maximum and r.m.s. values.

Mean value = 0.637  maximum value,

mean value 15.0

from which, maximum value =  = 23.55 A
0.637 0.637

R.m.s. value = 0.707  maximum value = 0.707  23.55 = 16.65 A

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 162

Exercise 79, Page 224

1. An alternating voltage is represented by v = 20 sin 157.1t volts. Find (a) the maximum value

(b) the frequency (c) the periodic time. (d) What is the angular velocity of the phasor

representing this waveform?

(a) Maximum value = 20 V

(b) 157.1 =  = 2f, from which, frequency, f = = 25 Hz

1 1
(c) Periodic time, T =  = 0.04 s or 40 ms
f 25

(d) Angular velocity = 157.1 rad/s

2. Find the peak value, the r.m.s. value, the frequency, the periodic time and the phase angle (in

degrees and minutes) of the following alternating quantities:

(a) v = 90 sin 400t volts (b) i = 50 sin(100t + 0.30) amperes

(c) e = 200 sin(628.4t – 0.41) volts

(a) Peak value = 90 V

R.m.s. value = 0.707  peak value = 0.707  90 = 63.63 V

400 =  = 2f, from which, frequency, f = = 200 Hz

1 1
Periodic time, T =  = 5 ms
f 200

Phase angle = 0

(b) Peak value = 50 A

R.m.s. value = 0.707  peak value = 0.707  50 = 35.35 A

100 
100 =  = 2f, from which, frequency, f = = 50 Hz

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 163

1 1
Periodic time, T =  = 0.02 s or 20 ms
f 50
Phase angle = 0.30 radians = 0.3 = 17.19 leading

(c) Peak value = 200 V

R.m.s. value = 0.707  peak value = 0.707  200 = 141.4 V

628.4 =  = 2f, from which, frequency, f = = 100 Hz
1 1
Periodic time, T =  = 0.01 s or 10 ms
f 100
Phase angle = 0.41 radians = 0.41 = 23.49 lagging

3. A sinusoidal current has a peak value of 30 A and a frequency of 60 Hz. At time t = 0, the

current is zero. Express the instantaneous current i in the form i = Im sin t .

i = 30 sin  2(60)t  

If t = 0 when i = 0, thus 0 = 30 sin  i.e. 0 = sin 

from which,  = sin 1 0  0

Hence, i = 30 sin 120t A

4. An alternating voltage v has a periodic time of 20 ms and a maximum value of 200 V. When time t = 0,

v = - 75 volts. Deduce a sinusoidal expression for v and sketch one cycle of the voltage showing important


1 1
Frequency, f =  = 50 Hz
T 20  10 3

Hence, v = 200 sin  2(50)t   = 200 sin 100t  

If t = 0 when v = - 75, thus - 75 = 200 sin 

 75 
from which,  = sin 1   = - 0.384
 200 

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 164

Hence, v = 200 sin(100t – 0.384) volts

5. The voltage in an alternating current circuit at any time t seconds is given by v = 60 sin 40t volts. Find the

first time when the voltage is (a) 20 V (b) - 30 V

Voltage, v = 60 sin 40t volts

(a) When v = 20 V, 20 = 60 sin 40t

20  20 
from which,  sin 40t and 40t = sin 1   = 0.3398
60  60 

Hence, time, t =  8.496 10 3 s = 8.496 ms

(b) When v = - 30 V, - 30 = 60 sin 40t

30  30 
from which,   sin 40t and 40t = sin 1   
60  60 

Sine is negative in the 3rd and 4th quadrants as shown in the diagram.

 30 
sin 1   = 0.5236 rad and the first time this occurs is in the 3rd quadrant. Measuring from zero, the
 60 

angle is π + 0.5236 = 3.6652 rad

Hence, time, t =  0.09163s = 91.63 ms

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 165

6. The instantaneous value of voltage in an a.c. circuit at an time t seconds is given by

v = 100 sin(50t – 0.523) V. Find:

(a) the peak-to-peak voltage, the frequency, the periodic time and the phase angle

(b) the voltage when t = 0

(c) the voltage when t = 8 ms

(d) the times in the first cycle when the voltage is 60 V

(e) the times in the first cycle when the voltage is –40 V, and

(f) the first time when the voltage is a maximum.

Sketch the curve for one cycle showing relevant points

(a) Peak to peak voltage = 2  maximum value = 2  100 = 200 V

50 =  = 2f, from which, frequency, f = = 25 Hz

1 1
Periodic time, T =  = 0.04 s or 40 ms
f 25

Phase angle = 0.523 rad lagging = 0.523 = 29.97 lagging or 2958 lagging

(b) When t = 0, v = 100 sin[50(0) – 0.523] = - 49.95 V

(c) When t = 8 ms, v = 100 sin[50( 8 103 ) – 0.523]

= 100 sin 0.7336 = 66.96 V

(d) When v = 60 V, 60 = 100 sin[50t – 0.523]

from which, = sin[50t – 0.523]

i.e. 50t – 0.523 = sin 1 0.60 = 0.6435 or  - 0.6435 (sine is positive in the 1st

and 2nd quadrants, as shown)

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 166

0.6435  0.523
Hence, 50t = 0.6435 + 0.523 and t = = 7.426 ms

  0.6435  0.523
or 50t =  - 0.6435 + 0.523 and t = = 19.23 ms

(e) When v = -40 V, -40 = 100 sin[50t – 0.523]

from which,  = sin[50t – 0.523]

i.e. 50t – 0.523 = sin 1 (0.40) =  + 0.4115 or 2 - 0.4115 (sine is negative in the

3rd and 4th quadrants, as shown)

  0.4115  0.523
Hence, 50t =  + 0.4115 + 0.523 and t = = 25.95 ms

2  0.4115  0.523
or 50t = 2 - 0.4115 + 0.523 and t = = 40.71 ms

(f) The first time when the voltage is a maximum is when v = 100 V

i.e. 100 = 100 sin[50t – 0.523]

i.e. 1 = sin[50t – 0.523]

i.e. 50t – 0.523 = sin 1 1  1.5708

1.5708  0.523
from which, t= = 13.33 ms

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 167

A sketch of v = 100 sin[50t – 0.523] is shown below.

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 168

Exercise 80, Page 227

1. The instantaneous values of two alternating voltages are given by v1  5sin t and

 
v 2  8sin  t   . By plotting v1 and v 2 on the same axes, using the same scale, over one
 6

cycle, obtain expressions for (a) v1 + v 2 (b) v1 - v 2

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 169

(a) From the sketched graphs above, v1  v2  12.6sin  t  0.32

(b) From the sketched graphs above, v1  v2  4.4sin  t  2

2. Repeat Problem 1 by calculation.

(a) The relative positions of v1 and v 2 at time t = 0 are shown as phasors in diagram (i).

(i) (ii)

The phasor diagram is shown in diagram (ii). Using the cosine rule,

 ac   52  82  2  5  8  cos150

from which, ac = 12.58

8 12.58 8sin150
Using the sine rule,  from which, sin    0.317965
sin  sin150 12.58

and   sin 1 0.317965  18.54 or 0.324 radians

Hence, v1  v2  12.58sin  t  0.324

(b) The relative positions of v1 and v 2 at time t = 0 are shown as phasors in diagram (iii).

(iii) (iv)

The phasor diagram is shown in diagram (iv). Using the cosine rule,

 ac   52  82  2  5  8  cos 30

from which, ac = 4.44

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 170
8 4.44 8sin 30
Using the sine rule,  from which, sin    0.90090
sin  sin 30 4.44

and   sin 1 0.90090  64.28 or 180  64.28  115.72

From the phasor diagram,  = 115.72 or 2.02 radians

Hence, v1  v2  4.44sin  t  2.02

3. Construct a phasor diagram to represent i1 + i2 where i1 = 12 sin t and i2 = 15 sin(t + π/3). By

measurement, or by calculation, find a sinusoidal expression to represent i1 + i2

The phasor diagram is shown below.

By drawing the diagram to scale and measuring, i R = 23.5 and ϕ = 34º or 0.59 rad

By calculation, using the cosine rule,

iR   122  152  2 12 15  cos120


from which, i R = 23.43

15 23.43 15sin120
Using the sine rule,  from which, sin    0.55443
sin  sin120 23.43

and   sin 1 0.55443  33.67 or 0.588rad

Hence, i1  i 2  23.43sin  t  0.588 

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 171

4. Determine, either by plotting graphs and adding ordinates at intervals, or by calculation, the

following periodic function in the form v  Vm sin(t  )

 
10sin t  4sin  t  
 4

The following is determined by calculation.

The relative positions of v1 and v 2 at time t = 0 are shown as phasors in diagram (i).

(i) (ii)

The phasor diagram is shown in diagram (ii). Using the cosine rule,

 ac   102  42  2 10  4  cos135


from which, ac = 13.14

4 13.14 4sin135
Using the sine rule,  from which, sin    0.2153
sin  sin135 13.14

and   sin 1 0.2153  12.43 or 0.217 rad

 
Hence, 10sin t  4sin  t    13.14sin  t  0.217 
 4

5. Determine, either by plotting graphs and adding ordinates at intervals, or by calculation, the

following periodic function in the form v  Vm sin(t  )

   
80sin  t    50sin  t  
 3  6

The following is determined by calculation.

The relative positions of v1 and v 2 at time t = 0 are shown as phasors in diagram (iii).

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 172

(iii) (iv)

The phasor diagram is shown in diagram (iv). Since abc is a right angled triangle, Pythagoras’

theorem is used.

ac  502  802  94.34

 50 
and   tan 1    32
 80 

Hence, in diagram (iv),  = 60 - 32 = 28 or 0.489 rad.

   
Thus, 80sin  t    50sin  t    94.34sin  t  0.489 
 3  6

6. Determine, either by plotting graphs and adding ordinates at intervals, or by calculation, the

following periodic function in the form v  Vm sin(t  )

 
100sin t  70sin  t  
 3

The following is determined by calculation.

The relative positions of v1 and v 2 at time t = 0 are shown as phasors in diagram (v). Since the

waveform of maximum value 70 is being subtracted it phasor is reversed as shown.

The phasor diagram is shown in diagram (vii).

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 173

(v) (vi)

Using the cosine rule,

 ac   1002  702  2 100  70  cos 60


from which, ac = 88.88

88.88 70 70sin 60

Using the sine rule,  from which, sin    0.68206
sin 60 sin  88.88

and   sin 1 0.68206  43 or 0.751rad

 
Hence, 100sin t  70sin  t    88.88sin  t  0.751
 3

7. The voltage drops across two components when connected in series across an a.c. supply are

v1 = 150 sin 314.2t and v2 = 90 sin (314.2t - /5) volts respectively. Determine (a) the voltage

of the supply, in trigonometric form, (b) the r.m.s. value of the supply voltage, and (c) the

frequency of the supply.

Cosine and sine rules or horizontal and vertical components could be used to solve this problem;

however, an alternative is to use complex numbers, as shown below.

(a) Supply voltage, v = v1  v 2 = 150 sin 314.2t + 90 sin  314.2t   / 5

= 1500  90 36

= (150 + j0) + (72.81 – j52.90)

= 222.81 – j52.90

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 174

= 22913.36  229 0.233 rad

= 229 sin(314.2t – 0.233) V

(b) R.m.s value of supply = 0.707  229 = 161.9 V

(c)  = 314.2 = 2f from which, frequency, f = = 50 Hz

8. If the supply to a circuit is 25 sin 628.3t volts and the voltage drop across one of the components

is 18 sin (628.3t - 0.52) volts, calculate (a) the voltage drop across the remainder of the circuit,

(b) the supply frequency, and (c) the periodic time of the supply.

(a) Voltage, v2  v  v1  25sin 628.3t  18sin(628.4t  0.52)

= 250  18  0.52 rad using complex numbers

= (25 + j0) – (15.621 – j8.944)

= 9.379 + j8.944

= 12.960.76 rad

= 12.96 sin(628.3t + 0.762) V

(b)  = 628.3 = 2f from which, supply frequency, f = = 100 Hz

1 1
(c) Periodic time, T =  = 0.01 s or 10 ms
f 100

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 175

9. The voltages across three components in a series circuit when connected across an a.c. supply
   
are: v1  30sin  300t   volts, v 2  40sin  300t   volts and
 6  4

 
v3  50sin  300t   volts.
 3

Calculate (a) the supply voltage, in sinusoidal form, (b) the frequency of the supply, (c) the

periodic time, and (d) the r.m.s. value of the supply.

     
(a) Supply voltage, v = v1  v 2  v3  30sin  300t    40sin  300t    50sin  300t  
 6  4  3

= 30 30  4045  5060 using complex numbers

= 79.265 + j56.586

= 97.3935.52 V or 97.390.620 V

= 97.39sin  300t  0.620  V

(b)  = 300 = 2f from which, supply frequency, f = = 150 Hz
1 1
(c) Periodic time, T =  = 0.0667 s or 6.67 ms
f 150

(d) R.m.s value of supply = 0.707  97.39 = 68.85 V

© John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 176

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