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RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL TESTS (TYPE, SPECIAL AND ROUTINE) ON EXTRUDED CABLES AND ACCESSORIES AT VOLTAGES >150 (170) KV AND <500 (525) kV Working Group 21.03" and Task Force 21.18 of Study Committee 21 TYPE, SPECIAL AND ROUTINE TESTS CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION, 2 TYPE, SPECIAL AND ROUTINE TESTS.. 2.1 __ BACKGROUND AND CONCLUSIONS. 21 AC voltage testing 2.1.2 Partial discharge testing. 2A3 Tan B testing vena 2.14 Lightning impuise testing 2.1.5 Switching surge voltage testing 2.1.6 Special test... 22 OUTLINE RECOMMENDATION 3. OUTLOOK... This paper is a revision to the work of Working Group 21.03 published in Electra No 151 [1]. It was prepared by a Task Force 21.18 comprising R.SCHROTH (Germany), E.BERGIN (Ireland), E.FAVRIE (France) and S.FUKUNAGA (Japan). " Convenor: R. SCHROTH (Germany). Secretary: E. BERGIN (Iretand). Members: P. ASKER (Sweden), E. DORISON (France), S. FUKUNAGA (Japan), E. PIGOLI (Italy), P. LEUFKENS (Netherlands), R. ROSEVEAR (United Kingdom), H. ZIMMERMAN (Switzerland) 2103 @)doe page 1/4 1 INTRODUCTION During the Study Committee 21 Meeting in Paris in 1996 it was decided to form a Task Force, named ‘TF 21.18, to extend the work performed by Working Group 21.03 to 500 (525) kV. The agreed Terms of Reference wore as follows: «Field of activities: Extruded cables and accessories for rated voltage above 150 (170) kV up to and inch 500 (525) kV. These cables are referred to as being in the E.H.V. range in this document. ‘© Scope of work: a) To prepare recommendations for electrical type, special and routine tests based on extending the existing IEC 840 [2] standard in so far as is possible b) To make proposals or guidelines for prequalifcation / development tests which, as a minimum, should be performed Time schedule To present results at CIGRE SC Meeting in Glasgow in 1997. ‘The results of the deliberations are presented in two parts, namely proposals for revisions to IEC 840 ‘a8 presented in this document and proposals on prequalification/development tests which are presented in a separate document [3]. ‘The test requirements in the two documents are based on a common test philosophy which covers all tests from development to after laying tests. Both documents have been produced on the basis of the current intemational “stale of the art” knowledge in this field and should assist in the development and use of E.H.V. extruded cables and accessories. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the conclusions as outlinad below will need to be carefully monitored in line with future experience and should be modified accordingly, as necessary. 2 TYPE, SPECIAL AND ROUTINE TESTS 2.1 BACKGROUND AND CONCLUSIONS 2.4.1 AC voltage testing 21.4.1 Discussion The design of AC tests may be based on two different considerations; methods (a) and (b) as detailed below; one results in a maximum test voltage, and the other in a minimum test voltage. Method (a) ‘According to most experts, the quality and relabilty of cables are related to the size of impurities in the insulation and of protrusions of semi-conducting layers. Based on present experience with LDPE and HDPE, there are indications that imperfections of about 50 um in size, which may occur with present ‘manufacturing technology, can be detrimental for the cable if the electrical stress applied at the ‘conductor is higher than about 27 to 30 kVimm ({4] and [5)). In the case of XLPE limited experience shows that higher values may be possible but, to be on the safe side, it is recommended that a maximum value of about 27 to 30 kV/mm should be used for XLPE. In the future it may be possible to increase the above values with improving raw materials, processes and test results. For 220 kV the maximum design stress for service conditions is about 10 kV/mm test voltage is about 2.7 to 3.0 U, (Us is the nominal phase to earth voltage). 0 the maximum, 2103 (@).doe page 2/2 For 275 kV the maximum design stress for service conditions is about 12 kV/mm *), so the maximum test voltage is about 2.3 to 2.5 Us. For 345 kV the maximum design stress for service conditions is about 13 kVimm test voltage is about 2.1 to 2.3 Us. For 400 KV the maximum design stress for service conditions is about 14 kV/mm *), so the maximum test voltage is about 1.9 to 2.1 Us. For 500 KV with a maximum design stress for service conditions of about 15 kVimm *) the maximum test voltage is about 1.8 to 2.0 Uy If the design stress is different from that assumed above, the test voltage should be adjusted accordingly *) These values are only examples of present practice and must not be regarded as guides or recommendations for design levels. Maximum design stress may vary from country to country. Method (b) ‘The test has to be designed to check the abil of the cables to pass possible temporary overvoltages which may occur in the transmission system. When taking into account the influence of temperature ‘and a safely margin [6]. the test voltage is: 115 Ut > Uo x Fz KI HQ 1B 1.15/1.11 corresponds to the ratio of highest system voltage to nominal voltage. {Kis the power frequency overvoltage multiple. 2s a temperature coefficient. 1G3is a safety margin coefficient. Its considered that typical values of K2 and KG are 1.1 for XLPE cables. So the minimum test voltage has to be: Useet> Up * 1.254 + Kt ‘The power frequency overvoltage multiple Kt is strongly dependent on the structure of the transmission system, particularly on earthing conditions. According to {7} * in isolated neutral systems or resonant earthed neutral systems: K1 > 2.0; the duration of ‘overvoltages may be up to 8 hours and in extreme cases for 1 or 2 days. ‘+ _ in partialy or low impedance earthed neutral systems: K1 < 1.7; the duration is usually less than ts. © imearthed systems : K1 < 1.5; the duration is usually less than 1s. This results in the following test voltages: * 2.5 Us for isolated neutral systems ‘© 2.15 Up for low impedance neutral systems ‘© 1.9U, for directly earthed neutral systems Conclusion ‘Summarising (a) and (b) above the conclusion is: () For routine testing ‘¢ The existing IEC 840 states the limits for routine testing as 2.5 U. for 0.5 hours for cables up to 150 kV (170 kV). + At220 KV (245 kV), for example ~ method (a) imposes an upper AC test limit of 2.7 to 3 Us, 2108 @).doe page 3/3 = method (b) imposes a lower AC test limit of 1.9 U, for a solidly earthed system. ‘As a result of the above it is recommended that the following test voltages be used which meet the requirements of both (a) and (by 220 kV Test voltage 2.5 Us 275 KV Test voltage 2.3 10 2.5 Uy 345 kV Test voltage 2.1 10 2.3 Up 400 KV Test voltage 1.9 to 2.1 Us 500 kV Test voltage 1.9 0 2.0 Us ‘Where the test voltage is 2.5 U5 it should be applied for 0.5 hours in accordance with IEC 840. Where the test voltage is below 2.5 Up and above or equal 2 U, to cater for the above factors it should be 1 hour and at test voltages below 2.0 Us it should be 2 hours. itis important that during routine testing the threshold limit of about 27 to 30 kV/mm is not exceeded to avoid any possible weakening of the insulation prior to delivery which might later cause a failure in service - so the above test voltage should not be exceeded. (ii For type or special testing: It may be possible to apply a higher stress than used for routine testing ‘as the lest sample is shorter and, as a result, it should have a smaller probability of imperfections. in addition the same degree of caution is not necessary as the cable is not being delivered. It should be noted that the above conclusions are based on current conceptual considerations rather than on well-proven practical results. As a result, it was considered that the above limits be kept under review and be adjusted accordingly on the basis of the information that emerges from practical testing. 24.2 Partial discharge testing 21.2.1 Discussion ‘The measurement of PD is a well established method to check for voids and cavities inside the dielectric of cables and accessories. For E.H.V. cables, however, there are considerable doubts on its ‘effectiveness due to practical limitations of sensitivity and equipment. Various practical investigations ‘on E.H.V. cables [8] indicated that voids of the order of 1 mm may cause PD levels of about 1 pC and this is considered to be the best possible sensitivity detection level for E.H.V. cables with presently available equipment. For E.H.V. cables and accessories voids smaller than 1 mm, which can not be detected by PD, may also be harmful. ‘The conclusion is that PD cannot be the sole criterion for determining the quaity of a cable system, because it wil only detect major faults. Nevertheless it is recommended this test be retained. as it is ‘considered to be part of the overall quality control system, which includes AC voltage withstand testing. 21.22 Conclision ‘The IEC 840 specification shall be adopted unchanged for E.H.V. cable systems up to 500 KV. 24.3. Tan 8testing Discussion ‘The value of tan 8 is mainly of economic significance as itis related to losses. IEC 840 proscrives, for cables up to Um = 170 kV al working temperature, @ tan 8 value not exceeding respectively 10- 10 and 50- 10° for unfiled and filled insulating materials. ‘The power loss in cable insulation is: P=0CU,'tand ‘As the cable voltage is increased this will cause an increase in the power loss with resultant effect on the current carrying capacity. ‘Notwithstanding the different values of tan 8, none of the insulating materials mentioned in 1EC 840, ie. HDPE, PE, XLPE, EPR should be excluded in principle for E.H.V. cables. 2103 (doe page 4 Itis widely considered that a tan & value of 30- 10° is appropriate for currently available filed insulating ‘materials, whilst a further reduction (towards 20- 10“) can be foreseen in the near future. 21.3.2 Conclusions ‘The tan & values for unfiled materials should be as per IEC 840. For filed materials the value should not exceed 30-x10%, 2.1.4 Lightning impulse testing 214.1 Discussion ‘The purpose of the lightning impulse test is to confirm the ability of the cable system to meet the requirement of insulation coordination and to withstand the occurrence of lightning impulse voltages. In determining the lightning impulse voltage test there are two interrelated factors to be considered - the impulse voltage stress and the temperature. Studies of the impulse breakdown of XLPE insulation indicate a reduction of the breakdown sirength of between 10 and 20 % in the temperature cange from 90 to 115 °C ({9} and [10)). As a resull, careful consideration must be given to the concurrent ‘application of high impulse stresses and temperature to avoid erroneous breakdown as a result of the cable system being tested at or near their limiting impulse voltage/temperature characteristic. ‘As cables and accessories form part of an overall transmission system the above problems may nat be catered for by reducing the applied impulse voltage levels or stresses. Accordingly the above relationship must be catered for in the impulse vollage test by carefully controling the test lemperature. 2142 Conclusion The lightning impulse voltage test shall be performed at voltage levels as required for insulation coordination purposes and at a temperature in accordance with IEC 840, including Corrigendum of Novernber 1988, 2.1.5 Switching surge voltage testing 21.5.1 Discussion ‘According to !EC Publication 71-1 a switching surge test has to be considered for Range C equipment (Le. equipment rated at Up 300 KV or above). IEC Publication 840 relates to U <150 kV and does not incorporate a switching surge test as part of ils type approval requirements. Certain countries do place importance on switching surge performance for E.H.V. systems and specify such a requirement on the basis of the need having been established through transient network sludies. 24.6.2 Conclusion It is recommended that in developing a specification for extruded cable systems above IEC 840, provision should be made to include a Switching Surge Test within the type test sequence for cables and accessories. These tests should be carried out only for such utilities who, for reasons of insulation coordination, specifically request a demonstration of switching surge performance on systems rated at voltages U >300 kV. ‘The voltage withstand levels shall comply with EC publication 71-1, Table 3. The test sample heating regimen should be identical to that recommended for the Lightning Impulse Voltage Test (Sections 21.4.2 refers). 24.6 Special tests In IEC 840 only type and routine electrical tests are recommended. Electrical special tests were not included in these specifications, though the reason for the exclusion is not clear and has not been stated; itis noted they are included in IEC 502 and 141-1, It is recognised that special electrical testing may not be entirely suitable for cables with extruded insulation in view of the statistical variation in their breakdown strength. Nevertheless, in view of the strong reliability requirements for transmission systems at this voltage level, it is considered that 2103 @). doe page 5/5 ‘special tests should be carried out on E.H.V. cables with synthetic insulation. In addition to the development, prequalification, type and routine tests, special test may be of benefit in indicating the overall reliability of the cables. The special tests should be performed on samples taken from a standard production run and as a result would be a continuing indication of the ability to meet the basic design criteria, to procure and handle suitable raw materials and to specify and control suitable ‘manufacturing equipment and processes to produce cables of high quality. The requirement for special tests should be reviewed with respect to usefulness and content after some years of experience in application. 22 OUTLINE RECOMMENDATION This section ofthe report has been prepared by examining IEC 840 on a Clause by Clause basis and, {aking the factors as outlined in Section 2.1 into account, adjusting IEC 840 as necessary for E.H.V. cables. This recommendation shall also apply to accessories, ic. joints and sealing ends unless they are specifically excluded in any clause. Scope (§ 1, IEC 840) Generally unchanged with the exception of Clause 1.1 General which is revised as follows: General (§ 1.1, IEC 840) This recommendation outtines test requirements for power cables and accessories for fixed installations with extruded insulation of types listed in Sub-clause 1.4 fr rated voltages, above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to and including 500 kV (Um = 525 kV). ‘The requirements apply o cables for usual conditions of installation and operation, but not to special cables, such as submarine cables, for which modifications to the standard tests may be necessary or speci test conditions may need to be devised. Test conditions (§ 2, IEC 840) Unchanged Routine tests (§ 3, IEC 840) General (§ 3.1, IEC 840) Unchanged. Partial discharge test (§ 3.2., IEC 840) Unchanged. Voltage test (§ 3.3, IEC 840) The voltage test shall be made at ambient temperature using an alternating test voltage at power frequency. ‘The test voltage and time of application shall be selected according to the principles outlined in Section 2.4.4. above. No breakdown ofthe insulation shall occur. Electrical test on non-metallic sheath (§ 3.4 IEC 840) Unchanged. Accessories (§ 3.5, IEC 840) 2108 @).doe page 8/6 | pre-moulded or prefabricated accessories are being supplied their main insulation should be tested In accordance with Clause 3.2 of IEC 840. Special tests (§ 4, IEC 840) Unchanged from General (§ 4.1, IEC 840) to Measurement of density of HDPE insulation (§ 4.11, IEC 840) Voltage test (§ 4.12, IEC 840) It is. considered that special tests should be carried out regularly to ensure compliance with requirements. The frequency should be agreed between the manufacturer and the customer, but should at least comply with the following: [ SieofOrer | NoofSample | {single core length) Series >4<20km 1 >20< 40 km 2 > 40<60km 3 In the case of electrical tests the sample size shall not be fess than 10 m excluding the terminations ~ the samples shall be terminated in suitable test terminations to permit the test duly cycle as detailed below to be-applied. i) full impulse tests at rated temperature (+5, +10 °C); i) followed by AC test. The test above shall comply with the values as specified in the case of type tests ref. Clause 5.5.7. of this document. ‘Type tests (§ 5, IEC 840) General (§ 5.1, IEC 840) The appropriate ype tests specified in this clause shall be made before the manufacturer supplies, on 2 general commercial basis, a type of cable and accessories covered by this standard, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance requirements, These tests, excepting those which are also required as special test in Clause 4, need not be repeated once they have been performed successfully, unless alterations are made to cable and accessory design, materials or processing which might affect the performance. Range of type approval (§ 5.2, IEC 840) Unchanged. ‘Summary of type tests (§ 5.3, IEC 840) Unchanged. Check on insulation thickness of cable for electrical type tests (§ 5.4, IEC 840) 2408 (8) doe page 7/7 Unchanged. Electri I tests on complete cable (§ 5.5, IEC 840) The tests listed in Sub-clause 5.5.1 shall be performed on samples of cable at least 10 m in length excluding the terminations; if joints are included there shall be a minimum of 5 m between accessories. With the exception of the provisions of Sub-clause 5.5.2, all the tests listed in Sub-clause 5.5.1 shall be applied successively to the same sample. ‘Sequence of tests (§ 5.5.1, IEC 840) ‘The normal sequence of test shall be: a) Bending test followed by partial discharge test (sub-clauses 5.5.3 and 5.5.4). b) Tan 5 measurement (sub-clause 5.5.5). ©) Heating cycle voltage test, followed by partial discharge measurement (sub-clause 5.5.6) 4) Switching surge test (sub-clause 5.5.8) ¢) Impulse withstand test followed by a power frequency voltage test (sub-clause 5.5.7). Special provisions (§ 5.5.2, IEC 840) Unchanged Bending test (§ 5.5.3, IEC 840) Unchanged. Partial discharge test (§ 5.5.4, IEC 840) Unchanged. Tan 5 measurement (§ 5.5.5, IEC 840) 2a) The sample shall be healed by a suitable method and the temperature of the conductor determined either by measuring its resistance or by thermocouples on the surface of the sereen, or by thermocouples on the conductor of another sample of the same cable heated by the same means. The sample shail be heated until the conductor reaches a temperature equal to the maximum rated {temperature ofthe insulation in normal operation within + 5 °C. b) Tan 8 shall be measured at a power frequency of U, at the temperature specified above. ©) With the exception of filed material, which shall have a value not higher than 30 x 10%, the ‘measured value shall not exceed the values specified in Table Il of IEC 840. Heating cycle voltage test (§ 5.5.6, IEC 840) ) The sample shall be in a U-bend having the diameter specified in Item b) of sub-clause 5.5.3. b) The sample shall be heated by conductor heating until the conductor reaches a temperature which shail be not lass than 5 “C and not greater than 10 °C above the maximum rated temperature of the insulation in normal operation. These temperatures are being examined by IEC and may be ‘changed in the near future as with impulse test. ) The heating shall be applied for at least 8 hours and shall be followed by at least 16 hours of ‘natural cooling. The conductor temperature shall be maintained within the stated temperature limits for the last 2 hours of each current loading period. The cycle of heating and cooling shall be carried out 20 times. 4) In view of the large volume and the thermal time constant of the thicker E.H.V. insulation, ‘consideration may be given to an alternative healing cycle duty, viz. 16 hours heating and 32 hours coating for 10 cycles. 2103 doo poge 8/8

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