MECH 488L: Capstone Design: Notes

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MECH 488L: Capstone Design

Assignment: Deliverable 10 (Engineering Experimentation)

Graded by: Walter Bircher & Andy Morgan

Total Points: 100

This deliverable provides experimental evidence for your engineering analyses (D7) and/or
more detailed and systematic encapsulation of the technical demos (D9).

Grade Description

30 - Explanation of Experimental Apparatus Excellent: the group identifies critical

and Procedure, and Motivation performance-related capability to evaluate,
thoroughly describes experimental apparatus,
with good justification (30)
Average: the group identifies somewhat
appropriate performance-related capability to
evaluate, partially describes experimental
apparatus, with some justification (20)
Poor: group does not identify appropriate
performance-related capability, does not fully
describe experiment, with little justification for
choices (10)

65 - Results, Interpretation, and Excellent: group clearly displays all

Recommendations experimental results in coherent way with all
appropriate figures and labels, interprets
results in detailed logical way, makes
recommendations based on logical
conclusions (65)
Average: group displays experimental results
with good clarity, provides fair interpretation,
and makes recommendations (40)
Poor: Results are not properly displayed,
interpretations are not well thought out,
recommendations not based on results (20)

5 - References Completeness

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