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Case 8:10-cr-00598-RWT Document 22-1 Filed 12/21/10 Page 1 of 2
DEC 212010


The United States and the defendant, Damon Keith Roberts, Sr., agree that if this case
proceeded to trial, the United States would prove thefollowing/acts below beyond a reasonable
doubt. They agree that these are not all of thefacts that would be proved if this case proceeded to

[Count One]: On March 12, 2010, defendant DAMON KEITH ROBERTS, SR.
("ROBERTS") entered the SunTrust Bank located at 24 Watkins Park Drive in Largo, Maryland
and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a teller's station and presented a note to a bank
employee that read "Stay calm! Don't nobody get hurt! Give me your 100's, 50's, 20's! No alarms,
No tricks!" Fearing for her safety, the bank employee complied with the demands of ROBERTS
and gave him $6,810 of United States currency which were bank funds. ROBERTS placed the
currency in a bag and fled.

[Count Two]: On April 19,2010, ROBERTS entered the BB&T Bank located at 10590
Campus Way South in Largo, Maryland and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a teller's
station and presented a note to a bank employee that read "No alarms Stay calm Give me your 100's,
50's, 20's". Fearing for his safety, the bank employee complied with the demands of ROBERTS and
gave him $3,630 of United States currency which were bank funds. ROBERTS fled from the bank
on foot across Campus Way in the direction of some nearby townhomes. Clothing matching that
worn by ROBERTS during the robbery was found within the townhome complex. DNA upon these
items was consistent with the DNA of ROBERTS.

On May 21,2010, ROBERTS entered the M&T Bank located at 1050 Shoppers Way in
Largo, Maryland and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a teller's station and presented
a note to a bank employt:e that read "Stay calm! No alarms Give me your 100's, 50's, 20's From
Drawer". Fearing for her safety, the bank employee complied with the demands of ROBERTS and
gave him $2,620 of United States currency which were bank funds. ROBERTS placed the currency
in a bag and fled. Clothing matching that worn by ROBERTS during the robbery was found in a
nearby Dumpster. DNA upon these items was consistent with the DNA of ROBERTS.

On June 12,2010, ROBERTS entered the M&T Bank located at 6990 Laurel Bowie Road,
in Bowie, Maryland and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a teller's station and
presented a note to a bank employee that read "Stay calm! No alarms Give me your 100's, 50's, 20's
From Drawer". Fearing for her safety, the bank employee complied with the demands of ROBERTS
and gave him $600 of United States currency which were bank funds. ROBERTS placed the
currency in a bag and fled.. Latent fingerprints obtained from the note matched known fingerprints

On June 26,2010, ROBERTS entered the BB&T Bank located at 10590 Campus Way
South, in Largo, Maryland and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a teller's station and
presented a note to a bank employee that read "Stay calm! No alarm Give me 100's, 50's, 20's From
Drawer". Although fearing for his safety, the victim teller refused the demands of ROBERTS
because he recognized him from the April 19, 2010 robbery. The employee announced that the bank
Case 8:10-cr-00598-RWT Document 22-1 Filed 12/21/10 Page 2 of 2

was being robbed and ROBERTS fled. Latent fingerprints obtained from the note matched known
fingerprints of ROBERTS.

On July 8, 2010, ROBERTS entered the Chevy Chase Bank located at 6143 High Bridge
Road, in Bowie, Maryland and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a teller's station and
presented a note to a bank employee that read "Stay Calm! No Alarm No One Will Get Hurt Give
Me 100's, 50's, 20's" From Drawer". Fearing for her safety, the bank employee complied with the
demands of ROBERTS and gave him $4,776 of United States currency which were bank funds.
ROBERTS fled from the bank on foot on High Bridge Road towards Global Street.. Clothing
matching that worn by ROBERTS during the robbery was found nearby. DNA upon this items was
consistent with the DNA of ROBERTS.

[Count Seven): On August 18,2010, ROBERTS entered the Chevy Chase Bank located
at 2063 West Street, in Annapolis, Maryland and posed as a customer. ROBERTS approached a
teller's station and presented a note to a bank employee that read "Stay calm! No alarm Give me your
100's, 50's, 20's". Fearing for her safety, the bank employee complied with the demands of
ROBERTS and gave him $1,163 of United States currency which were bank funds. ROBERTS
placed the currency in a bag and fled.. Latent fingerprints obtained from the note matched known
fingerprints of ROBERTS.

On August 18, 2010, ROBERTS was arrested for state offenses relating to these robberies.
After being advised of and voluntarily waiving his rights, ROBERTS admitted his involvement in
each of these robberies. Further, when shown security surveillance photographs taken during each
of the robberies, ROBERTS identified himself as the person shown as the perpetrator in each of the

The deposits of each financial institution that defendant ROBERTS robbed were insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. .

I have read this statement of facts, and have carefully reviewed it with my attorney. I
acknowledge that it is true and correct. ~ k ~ S~ .

~ t: !Wdl!JJ(v,
amon Keith Roberts

I am the attorney for Damon Keith Roberts. I have carefully reviewed the statement offacts
with him.

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