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Public transport is today a big option of travelling, however it has a lot of


On the one hand public transport has many advantages, for example it is cheap,

because you do not have to pay the fuel or the things that public transport
needs.Another advantage is that public transpor pollutes less than a private car.

On the other hand, disadvantages are for example, you depend on a

timetable.Futhermore buses are very slow and you may arrive late.

In my opinion public transport has got more advantages than disadvantages but it
might be cheaper.


Cars are today something useful for society.However there are a lot of advantages and
disadvantages when owning a car.

In my opinion and one of the advantages is that you can move around freely because
you can decide the place you can visit and when to go.Futhermore you do not waste
time waiting for buses or depending on timetables.

Other advantage is that it does not take you so long to go to different places.

On the other hand they are polluting and they are dangerous because a lot of people
are irresponsable when driving as they drink or drive dangerously or speed.Other
disadvantage is that they are very expensive.Not only to buy them but also to keep
them.Petrol is also expensive and the maintanance.

In conclusion cars are good invention but they are not toys and you have to be
responsible when you drive and of course you must have money!!!.


Buying online has a lot of advantages. You can buy at any hour of the day; you can
have the items in your own house, without the necessity of going out to buy them. It
gives us the possibility of compare prices, because you can look for the same articles in
many different shops online that offer the product. 

But shopping online has also a few disadvantages. For example, you have to wait for
days or even for weeks to receive the product. Other problem is that you can’t see the
item before buy it, and the most important one, you have to give your bank details and
you can be the victim of a fraud.

I am in favor of buying from the internet because is easier and you have more products
to choose. But we have to buy wisely in pages which offer fully trusted.

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