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Hello, I was talking with Dr Martin about your case and when everything just started. The
mind can play us a hard game sometimes that we do not pay attention at all and start to
consume our energy day by day.
we all are seeking for health everyday, we want to keep healthy, we want to keep away the
pain, we want to be happy, we deserve to be happy, we deserve to be healthy, we deserve to
live without pain.
Sometime chronic toxin from environment, heavy metals and virus are triggers of many
immune disease that are difficult to find the real cause.
As I talk with Dr Martin, Doctors never check for many virus in your body and I suggest the
should check that.
One of the main organs that give us nutrients and energy everyday, in primordial part of start
healing from a disease and you need to restore your gut quick.
Herpes virus are always related with many autoimmune diseases ( skin issues, thyroid,
rheumatologic, MS, RA, LUPUS and others). Sometimes is even difficult to test some of then.
How can you get then? Usually by contact ( blood, kiss, sex). Even you were a small baby just
by kissing you in the mouth you can get then, later they stay in a dormant state just waiting
for a trigger ( Relation roture, big family trauma, change of work, lose of a family
member,ect) and then virus get power and power plus with toxin and heavymetals start the
journey to inflame all your body and finally your central nervous system.
I will recommend to you to do following blood test:
Panel EBV (Epstein barr virus)
HHV-6-7 ( Herpes virus 6 and 7)
Epstein barr PCR ( to check viral load)
Mercury levels
Stop doing x-rays is just more damage to your body and more power for the virus. Narcotic
medications just wake your immune system, steroids too ( can give you temporal relieve but
not cure).
Food that I will recommend as a primordial for you area:
1. Celery juice in the morning (empthy stomach is you can tolerate, try to add a bit
honey to make it a bit sweet. Without nothing is better. 10oz no water added just the
juice that come from the celery.
2. Blueberries one of the fruit of life ( 1 cup every day make ir your habit)
3. Spinach as a salad
4. Sprouts
5. Garlic
6. Parsley
7. Ginger tea from natural roots
8. Cilantro
9. Lettuce
10. Asparagus
11. Papaya juice no sugar added

For your gut:

Triphala fruits capsules ( 1 capsule twice a day between meals) will help to restore normal
transit of your gut.
L-glutamine powder ( 1 cup from the bottle with water or juice every day will help to
remove toxins from your gut, reduce inflammation, gas, bloading).
For your nerve issues”
1. Vegan drops of methycobalamin with adenosyncobalamin ( 1 gotero everyday inside
the mouth for 10 seconds and then to swallow.
2. DHA and EPA ( plant bases, is omega 3 and 6) to help with mielina recovery). 1 or 2
capsules per day ( check the bottle).

Some words for you:

We do not deserve to be on pain and sick, I can feel your pain just talking by Dr. Martin about
your health condition. You are young and you deserve to heal. Everything start with your
mind, make up your mind that your need to start this journey of healing. Sometimes we have
solutions next to us because someone from the high put persons next to us to care about us.
Everything is posible and takes time to do it.
Take care.

Miguel Nunez MD
DR,Punta Cana

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