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0402 – Língua Inglesa – Logística

Formadora: Luciana Pinto

Objetivos do manual

O formando deverá complementar os conhecimentos adquiridos e retidos durante a sessão

com a leitura do presente Manual.
Contém todos os temas abordados durante o curso / módulo, devendo ser um suporte ao
estudo a desenvolver pelo formando, bem como um reforço aos conhecimentos adquiridos
durante a sessão.
A leitura do Manual não invalida que o formando não aprofunde os seus conhecimentos,
através da consulta da bibliografia recomendada ou de outros que julgue convenientes.


Formação modular certificada


Formação em Sala

Fontes Bibliográficas

VIVIEN, Georges et ali, Guia Larousse da Secretária Perfeita, Edições CETOP, 1ª ed., 1999
MEIRELES, Ana et ali, Secretariado na Empresa, Práticas de Secretariado, Lisboa Editora,
WILSON, James Martin et ali, Manual de Correspondência Inglês-Português / Correspondence
Handbook English-Portuguese, Almedina, 2004
HORTA, Anabela, Inglês Comercial Básico, IEFP, 2004

Sites consultados:

Autor: Luciana Pinto

What Is Logistics, And Why Is It So Important To Business?...............................................................4
Boxes, Bags and Containers................................................................................................................ 7
Prepositions of Place.......................................................................................................................... 8
Prepositions: exercises..................................................................................................................... 11
Means of Transport – vocabulary..................................................................................................... 12
MARKS AND SYMBOLS..................................................................................................................... 15
Symbols............................................................................................................................................ 16
Some Logistics Terms....................................................................................................................... 19
Logistics vocabulary......................................................................................................................... 21

What Is Logistics, And Why Is It So Important To Business?

What Is Logistics?

Logistics can be classified as an enterprise planning framework for material management,
information, service and capital flows. Logistics when seen in the context of the modern day
prevalent work environment also includes information that is complex in nature besides giving
importance to all the communication and control system that are essential for efficient working
of the organization.
In the words of a layman, logistics can be defined as having the right type of product or
service at the right place, at the right time, for a right price and in the right condition.
Logistics has evolved as a common and well-known business concept because of the
ever increasing complexities of modern day business. The primary goal of logistics is to
effectively manage the project life cycles and resultant efficiency. This has greatly evolved with
a logistics manager's role in efficiently designing the products of the company keeping in view
the principle of efficient system of supply chain management.
In business terms, it can be summarized as a competitive strategy adapted by the
enterprise to meet and exceed the expectations of its existing and prospective customers. It
refers to a complete process of total supply chain management that is established to achieve a
state of perfection through efficiency and integration. Logistics does not mean a single work
activity but refers to a group of activities performed to attain the goal of a business enterprise
that is maximizing the Profits. This may involve steps like purchasing, planning, coordination,
transportation, warehousing, distribution and customer service. A business can run without
profits, but it needs money to fund its services, pay its employees and grow its customer base.
Logistics play an important part in the present business world; it cannot be neglected by an
enterprise focused on growth and profitability.

Logistics is a mixture of several professional disciplines, such as:

1. Planning
2. Controlling
3. Directing
4. Coordination
5. Forecasting
6. Warehousing and transportation
7. Facility location
8. Inventory management

As per the Council of Logistics Management, logistics has been defined as the part of the
process of supply chain that plan, control and implement an effective and efficient flow for the
purpose of storage of goods and services and other related information from the point of
commencement to the point of final consumption with an aim to satisfy the requirements of its
existing and prospective customers.
All activities that are involved in the movement of goods and services from the point of
origin to the point of final consumption are grouped under the term 'logistics'. The art of

managing or supervising all these activities when grouped together as a collective unit, are
placed under 'logistics management'. People who are authorized or given the task of managing
the aspect of logistics management are referred to as 'distribution managers' or 'logistics

"Logistics is about getting the right product, to the right customer, in the right quantity, in
the right condition, at the right place, at the right time, and at the right cost (the seven
Rs of Logistics)" - from Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective By John J. Coyle
et al

Exercise: Complete with the definition of "logistics"

What is "logistics"?
Logistics is about getting

the right product ,

to the right customer ,

in the right quantity ,

in the right condition ,

at the right place ,

at the right time , and

at the right cost .

(the seven Rs of Logistics)

The crate is on the forklift

The drum (barrel) is on the lift cart

The boxes are on the shelf

The carpets (rugs) are on the display stand

The bag is in front of the carpet display stand

The reel is in front of the bag and under the forklift

The pail is under the drum or barrel

The bundle is in front of the forklift, under the crate

The coil is in front of the shelf

The roll is under the coil and over the forklift

The bale is in front of the shelf and over the forklift

Boxes, Bags and Containers

reel barrel or drum bag rug or carpet
coil roll bale box
bundle crate pail

Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on
In general, we use:

 at for a POINT

 in for an ENCLOSED SPACE

 on for a SURFACE

at in on

at the corner in the garden on the wall

at the bus stop in London on the ceiling

at the door in France on the door

at the top of the page in a box on the cover

at the end of the road in my pocket on the floor

at the entrance in my wallet on the carpet

at the crossroads in a building on the menu

at the front desk in a car on a page

Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard expressions:

at in on

at home in a car on a bus

at work in a taxi on a train

at school in a helicopter on a plane

at university in a boat on a ship

at college in a lift (elevator) on a bicycle, on a motorbike

at the top in the newspaper on a horse, on an elephant

at the bottom in the sky on the radio, on television

at the side in a row on the left, on the right

at reception in Oxford Street on the way

Put the crate on the forklift

Put the drums (barrels) on the truck

Put the boxes on the second shelf

Put the carpets (rugs) on the display stand

Put the bags in front of the carpet display stand

Put the reel in front of the forklift

Put the pails on the last shelf

Put the bundle behind the forklift

Put the coil next to the shelf

Put the roll over the coil

Put the bale behind the lift cart

Prepositions: exercises

Q: The label is _____ the bottle.

in at on

Q: Jack is _____ the bus-stop.

in at on
Q: The bedrooms are _____ the first floor.

in at on

Q: Jim is _____ home.

in at on

Q: He's ______ the classroom.

in at on

Q: The cat is ______ the table.

in at on

Q: The pictures are _____ the wall

in at on

Q: I live _____ the fifth floor of my apartment building.

in at on

Q: The spoons are ______ the drawer.

in at on

Q: The bathroom is ______ the left of the hall?

in at on

Means of Transport – vocabulary

airliner (ér láiner) - avião de carreira

airplane (ér pléin) - avião
bicycle (báisikl) - bicicleta
bike (báik) - bicicleta

boat (bóut) - bote, barco

bus (bas) - autocarro
canoe (kanú) - canoa
car (car) - carro

cruiser (krúser) - cruzeiro
ferry (férri) - balsa
glider (gláider) - planador
helicopter (hélicópter) - helicóptero

hot air ballon (hót ér balún) - balão de ar quente

jet plane (dchét pléin) - jato
moped (móuped) - motocicleta
motorbike (móutorbáik) - motocicleta

motorboat (móutorbóut) – lancha, barco a motor

ocean liner (óushen láiner) – transatlantic, navio
pickup truck (pikáp trák) - caminhonete
raft (raft) - jangada

rocket (róket) - foguete
roller skates (róuler skéits) - patins
sailboat (séilbóut) - veleiro
scooter (skúter) – patinete

ship (ship) - navio
skateboard (skéitbord) - prancha de skate
streetcar (stríit car) - bonde, eletrico
subway (sábwuéi) – metro

taxi cab (táxi cáb) - táxi

train (tréin) - comboio
truck (trák) - caminhão
van (van) – furgão, carrinha

wagon (wágon) – caminhão, vagão

1) Identify the means of transport:

2) Complete with the names in the boxes:



Firemen car
Police car

The primary purpose of marking is the identification of the shipment, enabling the carrier to
forward it to the ultimate consignee.

Follow these fundamental marking rules:

1. Use coded marks; particularly where goods are susceptible to pilferage. Trade names
should be avoided as they may indicate the nature of the contents.

2. Consignee (identification) marks and port marks showing destination and transfer points
should be large, clear and applied by stencil with waterproof ink. They should be applied on
three faces of the package, preferably side, and/or ends and top.

3. If commodities require special handling, the shipping package should be so marked, and
this information should also appear on the bill of lading.

4. Cautionary and handling markings must be permanent and easy to read (use the
languages of both the origin and destination countries).


It is recommended that handling instructions be printed on the exterior pack in the language of
the destination country. Sometimes a shipment is handled by cargo handlers that cannot read.
These potential problems can best be overcome by pictorial markings. The international
symbols depicted represent markings that have been accepted as standards.


1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32

1. Fragile 2. Use no hooks
3. Top (this way up) 4. Keep away from sunlight
5. Keep dry 6. Gravity Centre (Centre of gravity)
7. Clamp here 8. Do not clamp as indicated
9. Sling here 10. Keep away from heat
11. Magnetized material 12. Open here
13. Do not use blade 14. Stacking limitation
15. No hand truck here 16. Temperature limitations
17. Do not stack 18. Do not roll
19. Do not tumble 20. Keep frozen
21. Do not use forklift truck here 22. Electrostatic sensitive device
23. Handle with care 24. Lift cart here
25. Flammable 26. Perishable
27. Do not freeze 28. Live animals inside
29. Recyclable material 30. Radioactive material
31. Toxic material 32. Corrosive material

Some Logistics Terms

Search information about these terms and translate them into Portuguese

air freight ______________________________

bill of lading ______________________________

cargo ______________________________

carriage ______________________________

carrier ______________________________

carton ______________________________

channel ______________________________

consignment ______________________________

deliver ______________________________

delivery ______________________________

delivery note ______________________________

depot ______________________________

dispatch ______________________________

distribution ______________________________

distribution centre ___________________________

documentation ______________________________

envelope ______________________________

export ______________________________

factory ______________________________

low ______________________________

forklift truck ______________________________

forward ______________________________

freight ______________________________

haul ______________________________

import ______________________________

in transit ______________________________

lading ______________________________

load ______________________________

lorry ______________________________

material ______________________________

materials management _______________________

movement ______________________________

pack ______________________________

packaging ______________________________

packing list ______________________________

pallet ______________________________

picking list ______________________________

ship ______________________________

shipment ______________________________

shipper ______________________________

storage ______________________________

tanker ______________________________

transportation ______________________________

truck ______________________________

unload ______________________________

van ______________________________

warehouse___ ____________________________

Sizes: Tamanhos:

Small / large Pequeno / grande

Wide / narrow Largo / estreito
Long / short Comprido / curto
Tight / loose Apertado / amplo
Deep / low Profundo / baixo

Incoterms (international commercial terms) Incoterms

Fob (free on board) Franco a bordo

Cfr ((cost and freight) Custo e frete
Cif (cost, insurance, freight) Custo, seguro e frete

Logistics vocabulary

B/l (bill of lading) Conhecimento (ou guia) de carga (transporte marítimo)

B/e (bill of exchange) Letra de câmbio
L/c (letter of credit) Letra de câmbio
To ship Expedir
Shipper Expeditor
Carrier Transportador(a)
To despatch Despachar
Forwarder Despachante
To fill out a form Preencher um formulário
To check boxes Verificar caixas
Item Artigo / item
Customs requirements Requisitos alfandegários
Samples Amostras
Duty free Livre de imposição
Container Contentor
Container ship Barco transportando contentores
Articulated lorry (uk) Camião reboque
Articulated truck (us) (idem)
Railway wagon Carruagem
Pick-up van Carrinha de caixa aberta
Wharehouse Armazém
Consignee Destinatário
Consignor Expeditor
Consignment / destination Destino
Departure / arrival Partida / chegada
Country of origin País de origem
Cask Túnel
Keg Pequeno tonel
Carton Caixa de papelão
Bale Fardo
Crate Caixote
Case Caixa
Barrel Barril
Sack Saco
Cardboard Papelão
Cloth Tecido
Glass Vidro

Hemp Cânhamo
Wood Madeira
Plastic Plástico
Airtight Embalado em vácuo
Waterproof À prova de água
Enclosed Fechado
Open Aberto
Locked Fechado à chave
Sealed Selado
Refrigerated Refrigerado
Padded Almofadado
Band Tira / fita
Wrapped Embrulhado
Strengthened with Reforçado com
Insulated Isolado
Perishable goods Bens perecíveis
Use no hooks Não usar ganchos
This side up / down Este lado para cima / para baixo
Keep dry Manter ao seco
Poison Veneno
Corrosive Corrosivo
To load / to unload Carregar / descarregar
Port of loading Porto de embarque
Port of destination Porto de desembarque
High speed delivery Entrega rápida
Door-to-door delivery Entrega direta ao domicílio
Weight Peso
Measurement Medidas
Delay Atraso
Schedule Horário
Maintenance costs Custos de manutenção
Packaging Embalagem
Advice note Conselho
Waybill Guia de transporte
Delivery note Nota de entrega
Bill of lading (b/l) Guia de carga
Bill of entry (b/e) Guia de entrada
Invoice Factura
Goods missing Falta mercadoria
Goods damaged Mercadoria estragada

Wrong goods Mercadoria errada
Theft Roubo
Breakage Quebras
Indemnity Indemnização
Broker Corretor
Loss Perda
Insurance company Companhia de seguros
Insurers Seguradoras
To request Requerer
To renew Renovar
Confirm Confirmar
To declare Declarar
To inspect Inspecionar
To assess Analisar, ponderar
To report Relatar
To issue Emitir
Issuance Emissão
Fee Tarifa
Voucher Recibo / justificativo
Counterfoil Talão
Wholesale Venda a grosso
Expenses Despesas
Excise tax Imposto indireto
To tow Rebocar
Liability Responsabilidade


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