Psy Reflection

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Mykell Sky Arviso-Yazza

Karen Kwan

Psychology 1010



“​Reflect on how you thought about (course topic) before you took this course and how you think

about it now that the course is over. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed?

Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you

approach (course topic) differently in the future?”

When I first thought about this class I didn’t know really what to expect or how deep we

would go on each topic. Now that I am finished with it, it is crazy to see how much we learned,

even if we just scratched the surfaces. My assumptions and understanding has changed because I

don’t think that psychology only has to do with mental illnesses. It shows us how our brain

works and why people may act the way that they do. I learned about different contributors that

helped give us the knowledge that is needed for us to continue our research further.

I think that I will approach the course topic with an open mind instead of assuming what

it will be on and assuming I already know what it is.

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