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2020/1/5 2014 - Palomar Displays, Inc.

Palomar Display Products, Inc. awarded $2.7M Contracts

from Foreign Military

Carlsbad, CA – March 3, 2014

Palomar Display Products, Inc. announced today that it has been awarded two firm fixed price
contracts valued at $2.7M for a Foreign Military light armored vehicle project.

The two orders include Palomar’s legacy analog optically coupled displays, gunner control panels
and the next generation, digital, high resolution, full color, optically coupled displays. All display
systems under this contract will be delivered through 2014.

“During the current Global and US defense market uncertainty, we continue to offer our customers
with cost effective and field proven solutions,” stated Palomar Display Products President Dennis
Crothers. “Our ongoing support enables our customers to maintain their operational readiness
and perform selective, critical upgrades.”

Headquartered in Carlsbad, California, Palomar Display Products, Inc. is a proven world leader in
the development and manufacture of high-resolution tactical targeting displays that are installed
on tens of thousands of armored vehicles worldwide. 1/1

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