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Famous travelers in Africa

In the beginning of 19th cen. Africa still remained as empty space on maps. First were the Arabians, thwy
were searching for treasure in Sahara; In the end of 18 th cen. some European travelers tried to cross
Sahara, but in the beginning of the 19 th cen. They became braver because of the invention of new guns
and gun powder.

Difficulties and danger in Africa: Gigantic tropical forests in its center; Long deserts in the south & north;
Existence of pirates on the coasts; Insects’ bite, that might cause the deathly disease, such as, Malaria;
North Africa was known as “graveyard of white people”.


Money - traders travelled in search of gold, spices and slaves; Unknown matters – studying different
mysterious matters; Nature –African flora and fauna; Invasions -finding and tracing new roads for
European armies.

MANGO PARK – (born in 1771, in Scotland)

 His goal was to study about the flow of the river Niger;

 In 1795 he crossed Sahara, but was taken as a slave and reached Niger river in 1796;

 He was first European who discovered that Niger flows to the east

 Park published a book named “Travelling in internal regions of Africa (1799);

 He died during the second expedition when his boats were occupied by local tribes.

RENE – AUGUST KALIE (born in 1799, in France.)

o He started his travel in 1827 and aimed to reach the city of Timbuktu;

o In 1838 he reached Timbuktu and was first European who visited Timbuktu and returned home

o In 1828 Kalie became a mayor of his home city Moues;

o In 1830 he published a book named “Travelling to Timbuktu through central Africa.”

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