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Module Specifications

1. Induction to Online Study Module –Rationale

The Induction Module aims to equip students with the tools, knowledge and skills they
need to successfully complete their program of studies.

2. Aims
 To teach students how to navigate on the VLE and use the different VLE tools
 To inform students on the various kinds of support departments of the University
 To teach students how to avoid plagiarism and correctly cite their sources
 To help students create better written assignments
 To help students improve their research skills
 To help students manage their time efficiently and submit their work on time

3. Learning outcomes
On completion of the Induction Module, students should be able to:
 Learn the main functions and applications of the VLE.
 Learn how to use the various types of communication tools of the VLE.
 Learn the role of the various support departments of the University.
 Learn about the importance of managing their time correctly and submit their work on
 Identify the various forms of assessments and the differences between formative and
summative assessment.
 Learn how to use the discussion forums and identify the differences between academic
discussion forums and social forums.
 Learn the importance of academic integrity and the requirements of academic writing.
 Learn what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
 Learn to correctly apply the APA, Harvard or OSCOLA referencing style according to your
 Learn how to plan and develop an assignment, present their thoughts and arguments and
use credible sources to support their ideas and points.
4. Communication with your Module Tutor
Communication is one of the keys to successful online learning. The VLE offers you a number of
communication tools which you can use to communicate with your tutor and peers.
These are:
VLE message
Discussion forum
5. Module Access
Each module of your degree program has its own site in the VLE. When the module starts you
gain access to the module site. You will have access to the module throughout the module period
and can access it at any time from any internet connection.
Please note that you will have access to the module until your final grade has been inserted. All
required materials, assignments and assessment information that you will need to complete are
available in the module materials in the VLE.

6. Assessments
There are two types of assessments:
Formative Summative

Formative assessments are not graded and do not carry any credits but they help form an
understanding and enhance knowledge by providing the opportunity to learn through trial and
Generally, these types of tasks are designed to lead up to a summative assignment.
Summative assessments are assignments that sum up formal credit and carry the weight for your
final module mark. Generally, these types of assignments have to be submitted in the VLE.
Specifically, you will be required to upload a document in the VLE which will also be checked for
plagiarism through the Turnitin program.

An assessment may require a reading or an activity. As you review the module content, you will
see a variety of different types of assessments that you will be required to complete, such as:

Written assignments
Discussion Forums

Assessments that are graded will be clearly identified in the VLE.

7. Uploaded assignments
Uploaded assignments are any assignments that require you to upload a file to the VLE. The
assignments have a respective toggle with the title Assessment Point where you can find the
instructions and the submission link for each one. In these cases, tutors will assess your work and
provide a grade and/ or feedback.

Accepted file types for upload include:

Doc Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX)

PDF Portable Document Format (.PDF)
Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX, and PPS)

8. Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is essential in the teaching and learning process at any educational level.
Students are expected to uphold the principles of academic integrity in the completion of all
Students must ensure that all work submitted for any assignment in any module meets the
following criteria:
 All academic work must be completed by the student to whom it is assigned.
 For assignments requiring the use of resources for completions, students must employ
proper paraphrasing, citing and referencing.

9. Plagiarism
What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s ideas, words and/or
approach as your own. It is an act of fraud and is considered a very serious offence. Plagiarism,
whether intentional or unintentional, is considered academic misconduct and may lead to a
module failure and your removal from your academic program.
10. Turnitin
The university uses a program called Turnitin which checks the students’ assignment for
plagiarism against millions of electronic documents and sources including past students’
assignments. The Turnitin Originality report highlights the sources been used so that the tutor can
check if they are correctly paraphrased and cited.
Students submitting papers that the return scores show strong resemblances to other works will
be suspected of malpractice. Moreover, charges of academic misconduct may also result.

11. Student Evaluation

The pass mark for the Induction Module is 50 out of 100. Students have to complete all the
assignments of the module and receive an overall pass mark in order to complete the Induction
Module successfully.
Please note that the Induction Module is a prerequisite for your program modules. However, the
Induction Module is not an academic module and it does not carry any credits towards your
degree. Also, the mark of the Induction Module will not be included in your overall degree mark.

Important note: If you do not fully participate in the Induction Module or if you do not
successfully complete it you will have to pay for it again and retake it as it is a prerequisite to
proceed with your accredited modules.

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