Complete List of Terrorist and Insurgency Groups Worldwide

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Complete List of Terrorist and Insurgency Groups Worldwide

Country Group Name Acronym Original Language Status

Afghanistan Harkat-i-Islami Active
Afghanistan Jamaat e Islami Active
Afghanistan National Islamic Movement NIM [Jumbish-i-Milli] Active
Afghanistan Northern Alliance Active
Afghanistan Taliban Militia Active
Afghanistan United Islamic Front for the UIFSA Active
Salvation of Afghanistan
Algeria Alliance for a Free Kabylie AKAL Uncertain
Algeria Armed Islamic Group GIA [Groupe Islamique Armee] Active
Algeria Belmokhtar Group
Algeria Islamic Salvation Front / FIS/AIS
[Front Islamique du Salut, Active
Islamic Salvation Army Armee Islamique du Salut]
Angola Cabinda Democratic Front FDC [Frente Democratica de
Angola Cabinda Enclave Liberation FLEC-FAC [Frente de LEC-Forcas Active
Front - Cabinda Armed Forces Armadas Cabindesas]
Angola Cabinda Enclave Liberation FLEC-R [Frente de Libertacao do Active
Front - Renovada Enclave de Cabinda-
Angola National Union for the Total UNITA [Union Nacional para a Active
Independence of Angola Independencia Total de
Austria Bavarian Liberation Army BLA Active
Austria People's Extra Parliamentary VAPO Active
Bahrain Hezbollah-Gulf/Bahrain Active
Bahrain Islamic Front for the Liberation IFLB Active
of Bahrain
Bahrain Movement for the Liberation of MLB Active
Bangladesh Shanti Bahini Cease-fire
Belgium Fighting Communist Cells CCC [Cellules Communistes Dormant
Bolivia National Liberation Army - ELN [Ejército de Liberación Dormant,
Bolivia Nacional] 1996
Bolivia Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army EGTK [Ejercito Guerrillero Tupac Possibly
Katari] active
Burundi Forces for the Defense of FDD [Forces pour la Défense de la Active
Democracy Democratie]
Burundi National Council for the CNDD [Conseil National pour la Active
Defense of Democracy Défense de la Démocratie]
Burundi National Liberation Forces FNL [Forces Nationales de Active
Burundi National Liberation Front Frolina [Front de Libération Nationale] Active
Burundi Party for the Liberation of the PLPH [Parti pour la Libération du Active
Hutu People Peuple Hutu]
Cambodia Party of Democratic [Khmer Rouge] Active
Canada Front de Liberation du Quebec FLQ Inactive
Chad Armed Forces for a Federal FARF [Forces Armées pour un Active
Republic République Féderale]
Chad Chadian National Front FNT [Front Nationale du Tchad] Active
Chad Movement for Democracy and MDD [Mouvement pour la
Development Démocratie et la
Chad National Awakening Committee CSNPD
for Peace and Democracy
Chad National Council for Rebuilding CNTR
Chad National Council for Recovery CNR
Chad National Front for the Renewal FNTR [Front Nationale pour le Tchad Active
of Chad Renovée]
Chad People's Democratic Front PDF [Front du Peuple Active
Chad Union of Democratic Forces UFD [Union des Forces Active
Chile Lautaro Youth Movement MJL [Movimiento de Juventud Dormant
Chile Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic FPMR/A [Frente Patriótica Manuel
Front - Autonomous Rodríguez-Autónomo]
Chile Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic FPMR/D [Frente Patriótica Manuel Active
Front - Dissidents Rodríguez] (Chile's only)
Chile Movimento de la Izquierda MIR [Movimento de la Izquierda Dormant
Revolucionaria Revolucionaria]
Chile United Popular Action MAPU-L [Movimiento de Acción
Movement-Lautaro Popular Unitario-Lautaro]
China Tibetan Separatists Active
China Uighur Muslim Separatists Active
Colombia April 19 Movement M-19 [Movimiento 19 de Abril] A few are
Colombia National Liberation Army - ELN [Ejército de Liberación Active
Colombia Nacional]
Colombia Peasant Self-Defense Group of ACCU [Peasant Self-Defense Group Active
Cordoba and Uraba of Cordoba and Uraba]
Colombia Popular Liberation Army EPL [Ejército Popular de Active
Colombia Revolutionary Armed Forces of FARC [Fuerzas Armadas Active
Colombia Revolucionarias de Colombia]
Colombia Ricardo Franco Front FRF [Frente Ricardo Franco] Active (as
Colombia United Self-Defense Forces of AUC [Autodefensas Unidos de Active
Colombia Colombia]
Comoros Anjouan Island separatists Active
Cuba April 19 Movement M-19 [Movimiento 19 de Abril] Inactive
Cuba Che Guevara Brigade Inactive
Djibouti Front for the Restoration of FRUD [Front pour la Restoration Active
Unity and Democracy d'Unité et Démocratie]
Djibouti Front for the Restoration of FRUD [Front pour la Restoration Active
Unity and Democracy - Dini d'Unité et Démocratie - Dini]
Dominican Anti-Imperialist Patriotic Union UPA
Ecuador Alfaro Lives, Damnit! AVC [¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo!] Active (one
Ecuador People's Combatants Group GCP [Grupo de Combatante de Formed in
Pueblo] 11/1998
Ecuador Red Sun [Sol Rojo] or [Puka Inti] Officially
Egypt al-Jihad
Egypt Egyptian Islamic Jihad Group Active
Egypt Islamic Group IG / GAI [al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya] Active
Egypt Vanguards of Conquest
El Salvador Farabundo Marti National FMLN [Frente Farabundo Marti de Political
Liberation Front Liberación Nacional] Party
Equatorial Movement for the MAIB [Movimiento para la Auto- Active
Guinea Autodetermination of the Island determinación de la Isla de
of Bioko Bioko]
Eritrea Active Al-Ittihad al-Islami Active
Eritrea Eritrean Liberation Front ELF Active
Ethiopia Al-Ittihad al-Islami Active
France Action Directe AD [Action Directe] Dormant
France Corsican National Liberation FLNC- Active
Front-Historic Wing HW
France Corsican National Liberation FLNC- Active
Front-Traditional Wing CH
France Kanak Socialist National FLNKS [Front de Libération Nationale Active, non-
Liberation Front Kanak Socialiste] violent
Georgia Abkhazia rebels Active
Georgia Algetian Wolves [Algeti Mglebi]
Georgia Horsemen [Mkhedrioni] Uncertain
Georgia Internal Opposition Zviadists
Georgia South Ossetian Rebels Cease-fire
Georgia Ukrainian Self-Defence UNSO
Georgia White Legion
Germany Anti-Imperialist Cell AIZ [Antiimperialistische Zelle]
Germany June 2
Germany Red Army Faction RAF [Rote Armee Fraktion] Disbanded
Germany Revolutionary Cells RZ [Revolutionaere Zellen] Dormant
Greece Anarchist Street Patrol Active
Greece Children of November Active
Greece Conscientious Arsonists Active
Greece Fighting Guerrilla Formation MAS Active
Greece Militant Guerilla Formation Active
Greece New Group of Satanists Active
Greece November 17 RO-17 [Epanastaiki Organosi 17 Active
Greece Revolutionary Popular Struggle ELA [Epanastikos Laikos Agonas] Active
Greece Revolutionary Subversive Active
Faction - Commando Unabomber
Guatemala Guatemalan National URNG [Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Disarmed in
Revolutionary Party Guatemalteca] 1997
Guinea- Ansumané Mané rebellion
Guyana Guyana National Service Disbanded
Guyana Guyana People's Militia Disbanded
Honduras Cinchonero Popular Liberation MPL Unclear; long
Movement quiet
Honduras Comandos Operativos Especiales COES Active
Honduras Morazanist Patriotic Front FPM Inactive, but
Honduras Popular Revolutionary Forces FRP-LZ [Fuerzas Revolutionnarios Inactive, still
Lorenzo Zelaya Populares Lorenzo Zelaya] extant
India Al Faran Active
India Al Hadid Active
India Al Jihad Active
India All India Sikh Students Federation Active
India All Tripura Tiger Force ATTF Active
India Ananda Marg Active
India Azar Khalistan Babbar Khalsa Active
India Babbar Khalsa Active
India Bodo Liberation Tiger Force BLTF Active
India Bodo Security Force BSF Active
India Dal Khalsa Active
India Dashmesh Regiment Active
India Garo National Front Active
India Harakat ul-Ansar HUA Active
India Hizb-ul Mujahideen Active
India Jamaat-e-Islam Active
India Jammu and Kashmir Liberation JKLF Active
India Khalistan Commando Force Active
India Khalistan Liberation Front Active
India Khalistan Zindabad Force Active
India Maoist Communist Center MCC Active
India Muslim Brotherhood Active
India National Democratic Front of NDFB Active
India National Liberation Front of NLFT Active
India National Socialist Council of NSCN Active
India People's War Group PWG Active
India United Liberation Front of Assam ULFA Active
Indonesia Revolutionary Front for an GPK, [Frente Revolutionaria Active; talks
Independent East Timor FRETILIN Timorense de Libertacao e stalled
Indonesia Gerakin Aceh Merdeka Active
Indonesia Organisasi Papua Merdek OPM Active
Iran Al-Harakan al-Islamiya Uncertain
Iran Ansar-e Hezbollah Active
Iran Babak Khoramdin Organisation BKO
Iran Banner of Kaveh
Iran Democratic Party of Iranian DPIK Active
Iran Democratic Revolutionary Front Uncertain
for the Liberation of Arabistan
Iran Fadayan - Majority Faction
Iran Fadayan - Minority Faction
Iran Freedom Movement of Iran FMI
Iran Iran Liberation Front
Iran Kurdish Communist Party of Iran, KOMALA [Komala-ye Shoreshgari-ye Active
Committee of the Revolutionary Zahmat Keshan-e
Toilers of Iranian Kordestan Kordestan-e Iran]
Iran Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran KDP Active
Iran Lahkar-iJhangi Active
Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, MEK/MKO, Active
People's Mujahedin PMOI
Iran National Democratic Front Active
Iran National Democratic Front of Active
Hedayatollah Matin-Daftari
Iran National Front Active
Iran National Liberation Army of Iran NLA Active
(Militant wing of MEK)
Iran National Resistance Movement of
Iran Paykar
Iran Tudeh
Iraq Al-Dawa al-Islamiya Active
Iraq Communist Party militia
Iraq Iranian Democratic Party of KDPI
Iraq Islamic Movement of Kurdistan IMK
Iraq Kurdistan Democratic Party KDP Active
Iraq Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK Active
Iraq Socialist Party militia
Iraq Supreme Council for Islamic
Iraq Supreme Council for the Islamic SCIRI Active
Resistance in Iraq, Badr Corps
Iraq Turcoman Front Militia
Israel Abu Nidal Organization ANO Active
Israel Democratic Front for the DFLP Active, in
Liberation of Palestine political
Israel Fatah Uprising Active
Israel Gush Emunim Underground
Israel Hamas Active
Israel Islamic Jihad Active
Israel Kach and Kahane Chai Active
Israel May 15 Organization Active
Israel Organization of the Armed Arab OAAS Inactive
Israel Palestine Islamic Jihad - Shiqaqi PIJ Active
Israel Palestine Liberation Front - Abu PLF Active, but
Abbas faction restrained
Israel Popular Front for the Liberation of PFLP Active only in
Palestine Syria
Israel Popular Front for the Liberation of PFLP-GC Active at low
Palestine-General Command levels, in Syria
Israel Popular Front for the Liberation of PFLP-SC Active only in
Palestine-Special Command Syria
Israel Popular Struggle Front PSF Dormant
Israel Terror Against Terror TNT
Italy Autonomists Active
Italy Hammer Skinheads Italia Active
Italy Red Brigades BR [Brigate Rosse] Dormant
Italy Third Position [Terza Posizione] Active
Japan Aum Shinrikyo
Japan Blood Revenge Corps of the Sekihotai [Nippon Minzoku Dokuritsu Active
Partisan Volunteer Corps for the Giyugun Betsudo Sekihotai]
Independence of the Japanese Race
Japan Japanese Red Army JRA [Nihon Sekigun] Active, training
Japan Kakamaru-ha Active
Japan Middle Core Faction, or Nucleus [Chukaku-Ha]
Japan Sane Thinkers School [Seikijuku]
Jordan Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Active
Kyrgyzstan Independence [Egemen] Active
Laos Lao Liberation Army LLA Active
Laos Lao National Liberation LNLM Active
Laos United Lao National Liberation ULNLF Active
Lebanon Hezbollah Active
Lebanon Islamic Resistance
Lebanon Lebanese Armed Revolutionary FARL [Factions Armées Dormant
Faction Revolutionnaires Libanaises]
Lebanon Lebanese Resistance Amal [Afwaj al Muqawamah al Active
Detachments Lubnaniyyah]
Liberia National Patriotic Front of NPFL Disarming
Liberia (slowly)
Liberia United Front for the Liberation ULIMO Observ. cease-
of Liberia fire
Liberia United Front for the Liberation ULIMO-J Observ. cease-
of Liberia-Johnson fire
Libya Fighting Islamic Group in Libya FIGL Active
Libya Islamic Martyrs Movement Active
Libya Islamic Movement for Change Active
Libya Islamic Movement of Martyrs Active
Libya Libyan Jihad Movement Active
Libya Libyan National Democratic
Libya Libyan National Grouping
Libya Libyan National Salvation
Libya National Front for the Salvation
of Libya
Macedonia, Macedonian Revolutionary VMRO-
FYROM Organisation - Democratic DPMN
Party for Macedonian National
Macedonia, Unikom (ethnic Albanians) Active
Mali Azaouad Islamic-Arab Front FIAA [Front Islamique-Arabe de Cease-fire,
l'Azaouad] 3/1996
Mali Azaouad Popular Liberation FPLA [Front Populaire de Cease-fire,
Front Libération de l'Azaouad] 3/1996
Mali Azaouad Popular Movement MPA [Mouvement Populaire de Cease-fire,
l'Azaouad] 3/1996
Mali Azaouad Revolutionary Army ARLA [Frente Armadas Cease-fire,
Revolucionarias] 3/1996
Mali United Azaoud Movements and MFUA [Mouvements et Fronts Active
Fronts Unifiés de l'Azaoud]
Mexico Justice Army of the Defenseless [Ejército Justicia de los Active
People Indefensos]
Mexico Popular Revolutionary Army EPR [Ejército Popular Active
Mexico Zapatista National Liberation EZLN [Ejército Zapatista de Active, making
Movement Liberacion Nacional] peace
Moldova Popular Front PF
Moldova Republic of Transdniestr
Morocco Popular Front for the Liberation Polisario [Frente Popular Para la Active
of Sakiet el Hamra and Rio de Liberación de Sakiet el
Oro Hamra y Rio de Oro]
Mozambique Mozambican National RENAMO [Resistencia Nacional
Resistance Mocambicana]
Mozambique National Resistance Movement MNR
Myanmar Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front ARIF Active
Myanmar Kachin Democratic Army KDA Cease-fire
Myanmar Kachin Independence Army KIA Cease-fire
Myanmar Karen Buddhist Democracy DKBA Active
Myanmar Karen National Union / Karen KNU/KNLA Active
National Liberation Army
Myanmar Karenni Army KA Active
Myanmar Myanmar National Democratic MNDAA Cease-fire
Alliance Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance NDAA Cease-fire
Myanmar New Democratic Army NDA Cease-fire
Myanmar Rohingya Solidarity RSO Active
Myanmar Shan State Army, or Shan State SSA/SSPA Active
Progress Army
Myanmar Shan State Restoration Council Active
(Mong Tai Army)
Myanmar Shan United Revolutionary SURA Active
Army (Mong Tai Army)
Myanmar United Wa State Army UWSA Cease-fire
Nepal Communist Party of Nepal CPN-UML Active
(United Marxism-Leninism)
Nepal United People's Front of Nepal [Bhattarai]
Nicaragua Revolutionary Armed Front FAR [Frente Armadas Active
Niger Azaouad Liberation Front FLAA [Front de Libération de Tentative truce
Niger Organisation de la Resistance ORA Tentative truce
Niger Revolutionary Liberation Army ARLN [Armée Revolutionnaire de Tentative truce
of North-Niger Libération du Nord-Niger]
Niger Saharan Patriotic Liberation FPLS [Front Patriotique de Tentative truce
Front Libération du Sahara
Pakistan Baluch People's Liberation BPLF Unclear
Pakistan Baluch Students' Organization - BSO-A Unclear
Pakistan Harakat-ul-Ansar Active
Pakistan Jamaat ul-Fuqra Active
Pakistan Muhajir Quami Movement - MQM-H Active
Haqiqi Faction
Pakistan Muttahidda Quami Movement - MQM Active
Altaf Faction
Pakistan Nadeem Commando Active
Pakistan Popular Front for Armed PFAR Unclear
Pakistan Shi'ite Movement of Pakistan Active
Pakistan Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan SSP Active
Papua New Bougainville Revolutionary BRA Cease-fire in
Guinea Army effect: 4/30/98
Peru Shining Path SL [Sendero Luminoso] Active
Peru Tupac Amaru Revolutionary MRTA [Movimento Revolucionario Active
Movement Tupac Amaru]
Philippines Abu Sayyaf Group ASG Active
Philippines Alex Boncayo Brigade ABB Active
Philippines Moro Islamic Liberation Front MILF Active
Philippines Moro National Liberation Front MNLF Cease-fire
Philippines National Democratic Front NDF Active
Philippines New People's Army NPA Active
Philippines Revolutionary Proletarian Army
Portugal Azorean Liberation Front
Portugal Azorean Nationalist Movement
Portugal Popular Forces of the 25th of FP-25 [Forças Populares do 25
April Abril]
Russia Chechen rebels Active

Russia South Ossetian rebels

Rwanda Interahamwe Militia Active

Saudi Brethren (Battalions) of the Active

Arabia Faithful
Saudi Fighting Ansar of Allah Active
Saudi Hezbollah Gulf Active
Saudi Islamic Jihad in Hejaz Active
Saudi Islamic Peninsula Movement for Active
Arabia Change - Jihad Wing
Saudi Islamic Revolutionary Organization Active
Saudi Jamaat al-Adala al-Alamiya Active
Saudi Legion of the Martyr Abdullah al- Active
Arabia Huzaifi
Saudi Movement for Islamic Change Active
Saudi Tigers of the Gulf Active
Senegal Movement of Democratic Forces of MFDC-FN [Mouvement des Forces Active
Casamance - Northern Front Démocratiques de
Casamance - Front Nord]
Senegal Movement of Democratic Forces of MFDC-FS [Mouvement des Forces Active
Casamance - Southern Front Démocratiques de
Casamance - Front Sud]
Sierra Armed Forces Revolutionary AFRC Ousted
Leone Council
Sierra Revolutionary United Front RUF Cease-fire
Somalia National Somali Congress Active

Somalia Rahanwein Resistance Army Active

Somalia Somali Democratic Alliance SDA Active

Somalia Somali Democratic Association Active

Somalia Somali National Alliance SNA Active

Somalia Somali National Front SNF Active

Somalia Somali National Movement SNM Active

Somalia Somali Patriotic Movement Active

Somalia Somalia Democratic Front Active

Somalia Somalia Salvation Democratic Active

Somalia United Somali Congress USC Active

Somalia United Somali Front USF Active

South Afrikaaner Weestand Beweeging & AWB [Afrikaaner Weestand Active

Africa Boer Attack Troops Beweeging]
Spain Basque Fatherland and Liberty ETA [Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna] Active
Spain Iraultza Inactive

Spain October First Anti-Fascist GRAPO [Grupo de Resistencia Dormant

Resistance Group Antifascista Primero de
Spain Those of the North [Iparretarrak] Uncertain

Sri Lanka Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna JVP Active, but

Sri Lanka Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE Active

Sudan Fatah wing Active

Sudan Forces of Unity Active

Sudan Legitimate Command Active

Sudan National Democratic Alliance NDA Active

Sudan Southern Sudan Independence SSIM Active

Sudan Sudan Alliance Forces SAF Active

Sudan Sudan People's Liberation Army SPLA Active

Sudan Umma Liberation Army Active

Syria Syrian Muslim Brotherhood Active, but

Tajikistan Islamic Renaissance Party IRP Integrating into
Tajikistan People's Democratic Army Active

Tajikistan Popular Front Active

Tajikistan Tajik opposition Active

Thailand Pattani United Liberation PULO Dormant

Tunisia Hizb el Nahda Active

Tunisia Islamic Liberation Party Active

Tunisia Islamic Tendency Party Active

Tunisia Islamic Tunisian Front FIT [Front Islamique Tunisien] Active

Turkey Armenian Liberation Army ALA Dormant

Turkey Armenian Secret Army for the ASALA Dormant

Liberation of Armenia
Turkey Grey Wolves (Idealists) Active

Turkey Justice Commandos of the JCAG Dormant

Armenian Genocide
Turkey Kurdistan Workers Party PKK [Partiya Karkaren Kurdistan] Active
Turkey National Liberation Front of ERNK [Eniya Rizgariya Netewa Active
Kurdistan Kurdistan]
Turkey People's Liberation Army of ARGK Active
Turkey Revolutionary Communists' Union TYKB Active
of Turkey
Turkey Revolutionary People's Liberation DHKP/C, [Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Active
Party/Front, or Revolutionary Left Dev Sol Partisi / Cephesi]
(formerly Devrimci Sol)
Uganda Allied Democratic Forces ADF Active
Uganda Lord's Resistance Army LRA Active
Uganda Uganda National Rescue Front UNRF II Active
Uganda West Nile Bank Front WNBF Active
United Continuity Army Council CAC Active
United Continuity Irish Republic Army CIRA Active
United Irish National Liberation Army INLA Active
United Irish Republican Army IRA Active
United Loyalist Volunteer Force LVF Active
United Red Hand Commandos Cease-fire
United Ulster Defense Association UDA Cease-fire
United Ulster Freedom Fighters UFF Cease-fire
United Ulster Volunteer Force UVF Cease-fire
United States Armed Commandos for National Active; low
Liberation level
United States Armed Forces of National FALN [Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Active; low
Liberation Nacional] level
United States Armed Forces of Popular Active; low
Resistance level
United States Army of God Active
United States Aryan Nations AN Active
United States Guerrilla Forces of Liberation Active; low
United States Los Macheteros [Los Macheteros] Active; low
United States Militia Groups Active
United States Mountaineer Militia Active
United States Organization of Volunteers for Active; low
the Puerto Rican Revolution level
United States People's Revolutionary Active; low
Commandos level
Uruguay National Liberation Movement MLN [Movimento de Liberacion Legal political
(Tupamaros) Nacional (Tupamaros)] party
Venezuela Red Flag BR [Bandera Roja] Uncertain
Venezuela United Revolutionary Front Uncertain
Vietnam United Front for the Liberation FULRO Uncertain
of Oppressed Races
Western Popular Front for the Liberation Polisario [Frente Popular Para la Cease-fire,
Sahara of Sakiet el Hamra and Rio de Liberacion de Sakiet el Hamra y often broken
Oro Rio de Oro]
Yemen Yemeni Tribesmen Active
Yugoslavia Beli Orlovi Uncertain
Yugoslavia Kosovo Liberation Army UÇK/KLA [Ushtria Çlirimtare ë Kosovës] Active
Yugoslavia Kosovo Republic Armed Forces FARK
Yugoslavia Liberation Army of Kosova LAK
Yugoslavia National Movement for the
Liberation of Kosovo
Yugoslavia Srpska Dobrovoljacka Garda
(SDG) Srpska Garda
Yugoslavia Srpski Cetnicki Pokret
Zambia Black Mamba
Zimbabwe Chimwenje

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