Heredity Unit Test: Name

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Heredity Unit Test

True or False- Circle a for True or b for False

1.       Playing basketball is an inherited trait.

a.       True

b.      False

2.       A Punnett Squares shows us how we get our learned behaviors from our

a.       True

b.      False

3.       An example of an allele is the color of our eyes?

a.       True

b.      False

4.  Inheriting is receiving from someone.

a. True
b. False 

5.  If you look different than someone on the outside, that means you must
be different from them on the inside too.

a. True
b. False 

Choose the correct answer.

6.       When a Punnett square is filled in there are _________________ letters in

each box.

a.      1

b.      2

c.       3
d.      4

7.        Diversity is a term used as another word for _________________

a. Same
b. Symbol 
c. Different
d. Tall 

8.   A learned behavior is _______________ 

a. An acquired trait passed on to us through our genes

b. A behavior we develop from our parents  
c. An item we ask our parents for 
d. A system that tells us when we were born 

9.  You can get _______________ traits from one parent and some from
another parent.

a. Some
b. All
c. None
d. High

10.  Dominant traits are ____________ than recessive genes 

a. Weaker
b. The same 
c. Softer
d. Stronger 

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