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Base Group 3

Polyphemus Tells a Tale

I am Polyphemus, son of Poseidon. (epithet)​ And as you may know I am blind, ​Odysseus

the son of Laertes (epithet)​ tricked me into this scenario and I would like to tell you the story of

how it happened. Here's how it went: after a long day in the field, I stumbled back to my cave. I

was both tired and exhausted, and at this point, I was already in the wrong mood. The lady

cyclops of my dreams, Patricia, chose my brother ​Adonis​ ​over myself. So, already depressed, I

walk back to my cave only to find “Nohbdy” and his mates stealing my cheese. Well if they were

going to eat all my cheese, I might as well eat them too, right? So, I did.​ I ate a couple of his

most mighty men (alliteration)​. I made sure to choose the best of the best just to prove to Nohbdy

that I meant business. Next, between work and getting rejected, to eating a whole dinner, I went

to bed. The next day, my cave smelled like men with a hint of rotten flesh. I saw Nohbody and

his men sitting in the corner looking scared. Satisfied, I went to tend to the herd in the pastures.

When I came back Nohbody offered me a bowl of a suspicious substance. Soon after

demolishing this strange drink, my eyelid felt heavy and I fell asleep once again-my first

mistake. And then I couldn't see. It was great! That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.​ I woke up

and felt an acute, agonizing ache in my eye (alliteration)​ I got up yelling and jumping around.

With a mighty roar, I shook the floor as my father, Poseidon shakes the earth and sea floor (epic

simile)​ ​Nohbdy had stabbed me in the eyes with a type of staff similar to those used in the Trojan

War (allusion)​ My first instinct was to call for my many brothers and ask them to help me fight

Nohbdy. Looking back, I now know that Nohbdy’s name isn't actually Nohbdy. It was Odysseus,

the explorer. My brothers then left me and I drifted off to sleep once more. The day after, I let
my herd go, deciding they need to roam around the island. I settled that I would come back later

to eat the travelers and his men . Yet my herd was slower that day. I don't know how I didn't put

two and two together. If you aren't catching on, Odyessus and his men were on those sheep. And

they had escaped my cave. I ran after them frantically, only to find them aboard their ship sailing

away from my homeland. I prayed to my father for help but eventually saw them disappear into

the distance.

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