Safe Design Report

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License #*1YUG537EW2XEGKS

SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Prepared by

Model Name: footing test.fdb

24 April 2017
footing test.fdb SAFE 2016 v16.0.2 - License #*1YUG537EW2XEGKS
Contents 24 April 2017

Model Definition .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Model geometry ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Connectivity ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Model properties ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Material properties ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Section properties .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Support properties ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Model assignments ................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Slab assignments .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Support assignments ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Model loading ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1. Load patterns ............................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Load cases .................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3. Load combinations....................................................................................................................................... 11
Analysis Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
5. Analysis results ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1. Support results ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2. Structure results ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Design ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6. Design summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1. Preferences ................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.2. Overwrites .................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3. Slab design .................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.4. Beam design ................................................................................................................................................ 23
6.5. Punching check/design ................................................................................................................................ 23

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Deformed shape .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Finite element model ................................................................................................................................... 15

List of Tables
Table 1: Concrete Slab Design Summary 02 - Span Definition Data ........................................................................... 5
Table 2: Material Properties 03 - Concrete................................................................................................................... 6
Table 3: Material Properties 04 - Rebar ....................................................................................................................... 6
Table 4: Material Properties 05 - Tendon ..................................................................................................................... 6
Table 5: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2 .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2 .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam ....................................................................................................... 6
Table 7: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data ................................................................................................................. 7
Table 8: Tendon Properties .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Column Properties 02 - Rectangular .............................................................................................................. 7
Table 10: Soil Properties .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Table 11: Spring Properties - Point .............................................................................................................................. 7
Table 12: Spring Properties - Line ................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 13: Slab Property Assignments .......................................................................................................................... 9
Table 14: Soil Property Assignments ........................................................................................................................... 9
Table 15: Load Patterns ............................................................................................................................................. 10

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List of Tables 24 April 2017

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2 ............................................................................................. 10

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2 ............................................................................................. 10
Table 17: Load Cases 02 - Static ............................................................................................................................... 10
Table 18: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied ................................................................................................................. 10
Table 19: Load Combinations ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 20: Soil Pressures - Summary .......................................................................................................................... 13
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2 .................................................................................................................... 13
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2 .................................................................................................................... 13
Table 22: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 1 of 2 ............................................................................................ 13
Table 22: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 2 of 2 ............................................................................................ 13
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors ............................................................................................. 16
Table 24: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs ........................................................................................... 16
Table 25: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams ......................................................................................... 16
Table 26: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data .................................................................................................... 16
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 01 - Strip Based ................................................................................................... 16
Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2 ................................................................. 17
Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2 ................................................................. 17
Table 29: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General ...................................................................................... 17
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3.............................................. 17
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3.............................................. 17
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3.............................................. 18
Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3 ................................................................... 23
Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3 ................................................................... 23
Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3 ................................................................... 23

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Model Definition 24 April 2017

Model Definition

Figure 1: Finite element model

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1. Model geometry 24 April 2017

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and
element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

Table 1: Concrete Slab Design Summary 02 - Span Definition Data

Table 1: Concrete Slab Design Summary 02 - Span Definition Data
Strip SpanID SpanLength StartDist GlobalX1 GlobalY1 GlobalX2 GlobalY2
m m m m m m
CSA3 Span 1 2.50000 0.00000 -1.25000 0.00000 1.25000 0.00000
CSB3 Span 1 2.50000 0.00000 0.00000 1.25000 0.00000 -1.25000

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2. Model properties 24 April 2017

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support

2.1. Material properties

Table 2: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Table 2: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc UserModRu
N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2
CSAC30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No No

Table 3: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Table 3: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Material E UnitWt Fy Fu
N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2
CSA-G30.18Gr4 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000

Table 4: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Table 4: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Material E UnitWt Fy Fu
N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2
A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 5: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Table 5: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs
Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho
FOOTING Footing CSAC30 500.000 No
STIFF Stiff CSAC30 500.000 No

Table 6: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Table 6: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot
mm mm mm
BEAM1 CSAC30 600.000 300.000 300.000

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2. Model properties 24 April 2017

Table 7: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Table 7: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign
mm mm
BEAM1 CSA-G30.18Gr4 CSA-G30.18Gr4 Analysis 75.000 75.000 No
00 00 Property

Table 8: Tendon Properties

Table 8: Tendon Properties
TendonProp MatProp StrandArea
TENDON1 A416MGr186 98.71

Table 9: Column Properties 02 - Rectangular

Table 9: Column Properties 02 - Rectangular
Column MatProp SecDim2 SecDim3 AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap
mm mm
COL1 CSAC30 600.000 300.000 No No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 10: Soil Properties

Table 10: Soil Properties
Soil Subgrade NonlinOpt
SOIL 1.0000E+04 Compression

Table 11: Spring Properties - Point

Table 11: Spring Properties - Point
Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt
kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad
PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None

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2. Model properties 24 April 2017

Table 12: Spring Properties - Line

Table 12: Spring Properties - Line
Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt
kN/mm/mm kN/rad
LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-003 None

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3. Model assignments 24 April 2017

3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 13: Slab Property Assignments

Table 13: Slab Property
Area SlabProp


3.2. Support assignments

Table 14: Soil Property Assignments

Table 14: Soil Property
Area SoilProp


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4. Model loading 24 April 2017

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns
LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

DEAD DEAD 1.000000

LIVE LIVE 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav
kN kN kN
9 DEAD 0.000 0.000 300.000
9 LIVE 0.000 0.000 140.000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim
kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm
9 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 500.000 500.000
9 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 500.000 500.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 17: Load Cases 02 - Static

Table 17: Load Cases 02 - Static
LoadCase InitialCond AType

DEAD Zero Linear

LIVE Zero Linear

Table 18: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

Table 18: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
LoadCase LoadPat SF

DEAD DEAD 1.000000

LIVE LIVE 1.000000

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4. Model loading 24 April 2017

4.3. Load combinations

Table 19: Load Combinations

Table 19: Load Combinations
Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

COMB1 DEAD 1.40000 Linear Add Yes No No No

COMB1 LIVE 1.60000
COMB2 DEAD 1.00000 Linear Add No Yes Yes Yes
COMB2 LIVE 1.00000

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Analysis Results 24 April 2017

Analysis Results

Figure 2: Deformed shape

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5. Analysis results 24 April 2017

5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

Table 20: Soil Pressures - Summary

Table 20: Soil Pressures - Summary
Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin
N/mm2 N/mm2 m m m m
1 DEAD -0.059409 -0.060334 0.25000 -0.25000 -0.25000 0.00000
1 LIVE -0.022226 -0.022658 0.25000 -0.25000 -0.25000 0.00000

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
DEAD 0.000 0.000 373.635 2.310E-011 3.324E-011 0.0000
LIVE 0.000 0.000 140.000 9.655E-012 9.916E-012 0.0000

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ
m m m
DEAD 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
LIVE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

Table 22: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 1 of 2

Table 22: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 1 of 2
Panel Node OutputCase Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz
mm mm mm Radians Radians Radians
1 9 DEAD 0.000000 0.000000 -6.033385 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 9 LIVE 0.000000 0.000000 -2.265773 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Table 22: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 2 of 2

Table 22: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 2 of 2
Panel Node OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY
m m
1 9 DEAD 0.00000 0.00000
1 9 LIVE 0.00000 0.00000

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5. Analysis results 24 April 2017

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Design 24 April 2017


Figure 3: Finite element model

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 -
Resistance Factors
GammaStee GammaCon GammaShe
l c ar

0E+000 0E+000 0E+000

Table 24: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

Table 24: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotE PTCGSBotI SlabType
xt nt
mm mm mm mm mm
50.000 50.000 20 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

Table 25: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

Table 25: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot
mm mm mm mm
40.000 40.000 28 12 50.000 50.000

Table 26: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

Table 26: Design Preferences 04 -
Prestress Data
UserStress InitConcRat LLFraction

No 0.800000 0.500000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 01 - Strip Based
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 01 - Strip Based
Strip Layer DesignType RLLF IgnorePT RebarMat

CSA3 A Column 1.000000 No CSA-G30.18Gr4

CSB3 B Column 1.000000 No CSA-G30.18Gr4

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element
Based, Part 1 of 2
Area RebarMat

LOAD1 CSA-G30.18Gr400

Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based,
Part 2 of 2
Area RLLF Design IgnorePT

LOAD1 1.000000 Yes No

FOOTING 1.000000 Yes No

Table 29: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Table 29: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Strip SpanID Location FTopCombo FTopMomen FTopArea
kN-m mm2
CSA3 Span 1 Start COMB1 -4.1569 28.591
CSA3 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
CSA3 Span 1 End COMB1 -4.1569 28.591
CSB3 Span 1 Start COMB1 -4.1569 29.952
CSB3 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
CSB3 Span 1 End COMB1 -4.1569 29.952

Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Strip SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMomen FBotArea
kN-m mm2
CSA3 Span 1 Start COMB1 8.8002 60.528

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Strip SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMomen FBotArea
kN-m mm2
CSA3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 70.3369 483.777
CSA3 Span 1 End COMB1 8.8002 60.528
CSB3 Span 1 Start COMB1 8.8002 63.410
CSB3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 70.3369 506.814
CSB3 Span 1 End COMB1 8.8002 63.410

Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Strip SpanID Location VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
kN mm2/m
CSA3 Span 1 Start 0.000 0.000 OK A
CSA3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK A
CSA3 Span 1 End COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK A
CSB3 Span 1 Start 0.000 0.000 OK B
CSB3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK B
CSB3 Span 1 End COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK B

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

BS 8110-1997 Concrete Strip Design

Geometric Properties Material Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope Concrete Comp. Strength = 30 N/mm2

Strip Label = CSA3 Concrete Modulus = 26667.31234 N/mm2
Length = 2.5 m Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 400 N/mm2
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 60 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 60 mm

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

BS 8110-1997 Concrete Strip Design

Geometric Properties Material Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope Concrete Comp. Strength = 30 N/mm2

Strip Label = CSB3 Concrete Modulus = 26667.31234 N/mm2
Length = 2.5 m Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 400 N/mm2
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 80 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 80 mm

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio
m m mm mm
9 0.00000 0.00000 Edge 6080.500 430.000 OK 0.463571

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Point Combo Vu Gamma_v2 Gamma_v3 ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap
kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2
9 COMB1 -296.434 0.421908 0.378485 0.162458 153.3659 0.350449

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Point Mu3 ReinfType UnbalMu2 UnbalMu3 NumRails StudPerRail
kN-m kN-m kN-m
9 1.366E-010 None 64.7063 5.168E-011

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

BS 8110-1997 Punching Shear Check & Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = 0
Point Label = 9
Column Shape = Rectangular
Column Location = Edge
Global X-Coordinate = 0 m
Global Y-Coordinate = 0 m

Load Punching Check

Avg. Eff. Slab Thickness = 430 mm

Eff. Punching Perimeter = 6080.5 mm
Cover = 70 mm
Conc. Comp. Strength = 30 N/mm2
Reinforcement Ratio = 0.0010
Section Width x-22 = 1790 mm
Section Width x-33 = 2145.25 mm
Gamma_v2 = 0.421908
Gamma_v3 = 0.378485 Column Punching Perimeter
Moment Mu2 = 153.3659 kN-m
Moment Mu3= 1.366E-010 kN-m
Shear Force = -296.434 kN
Unbalanced Moment Mu2 = 64.7063 kN-m
Unbalanced Moment Mu3= 5.168E-011 kN-m

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6. Design summary 24 April 2017

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