Camel Import Protocol

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(Empowered Under Section 8 of Animal Rules 1962)



A. Animal : Live Camel B. Country of Export/Origin : Australia C. Purposes : All

D. Regulations for Importation :
1.0 Approval of Import

1.1 Applications for importation of live camel into Peninsular

Malaysia must be made in writing to the Director General of
Veterinary Services, Malaysia (hereinafter referred to as the Director

1.2 An import permit shall be obtained from the Director General,

permitting importation of the animals.

2.0 Source of Animals

2.1 The animals shall be derived from farms or premises supervised

by the Australian Veterinary Authority/AQIS within the following

i. South Australia

ii. Victoria

iii. Western Australia

iv. Northern Territory

2.2 The country or state of origin of animals shall be free from the
following diseases: Foot and mouth disease (FMD), Rinderpest,
Pestes des petits ruminants, vesicular stomatitis, lumpy skin disease,
Rift valley fever, West Nile disease, Rabies, brucellosis, contagious
bovine pleuropneumonia, tuberculosis and bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE).

2.3 The farm or premise of origin of the animals shall be free from
the following diseases during the preceding 12 months prior to
export: Bluetongue, Aino, Akabane, Johne's disease, Anthrax,
Salmonellosis, Bovine tuberculosis, Surra and Cochliomyia
3.0 Veterinary Certification and Documentation

3.1 The animals shall be kept in isolation in a farm or premise for a

period of two weeks prior to export. During this period the animals
shall either remain in a zone where no Akabane virus transmission
occurs or be housed within vector protected premises at night,

3.2 During the period of isolation, the animals shall be tested and
certified free from the following diseases : a Aino disease using
AGID or SNT b Akabane disease using AGID or SNT c Bluetongue
using SNT d Enzootic haemorrhagic disease using SNT

3.3 All tests shall be carried out at the Australian Animal Health
Laboratory (AAHL) Geelong, Victoria or at any of the Australian
National Quality Assurance Program (ANQAP) approved official
veterinary laboratories.

3.4 The animals shall be treated for internal and external parasites.

3.5 The animals shall be examined within 24 hours before export and
certified to be healthy, free from clinical signs of diseases and free
from external parasites.

3.6 The test results, treatment and disease free certifications (as per
requirements 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 & 3.5) shall be stated in the
accompanying Veterinary Health Certificate signed by a competent
veterinary officer of AQIS.

3.7 The Veterinary Health Certificate shall consist of proper

identification of the animals and the names and addresses of the
consignor and consignee.

4.0 Transportation for Export

4.1 The animals shall be transported in sealed trucks direct from the
farm of origin to the approved port or airport of embarkation in

4.2 At the port or airport of embarkation, the animals shall be re-

examined prior to loading into vessel or aircraft and certified fit to

4.3 Upon loading the animals into the vessel or aircraft, the
compartments or the cabins holding the animals shall be sprayed with
approved insecticides to kill all insects.

4.4 From the port or airport of embarkation, the consignment of

animals shall be carried by vessel or aircraft direct to the approved
port or airport of disembarkation in Malaysia.

5.0 Arrival in Malaysia

5.1 On arrival in Malaysia, the animals and the accompanying

documents shall be surrendered to the Officer of the Department of
Veterinary Services, Malaysia (hereinafter referred to as the
Department) at the port or airport of arrival.

5.2 The animals shall be transported in sealed trucks direct from the
port or airport of disembarkation to the designated farm or

5.3 The animals must be kept in isolation from other animals in the
farm or establishment for a period of two weeks for further
observation and/or disease investigation.

5.4 Should any animal show symptoms or clinical signs of disease or

infection during isolation, all animals in the consignment shall be
subjected to laboratory tests or any other actions deem fit at the
expense of the importer.

5.5 Upon confirmation of any disease (infectious, contagious or

zoonotic), appropriate action shall be taken by the Department
including destroying all animals at the expense of the importer and
without compensation.

6.0 Other Conditions

6.1 The importer shall register with the Department for approval to
import live camels into Malaysia.

6.2 The importer shall provide the Director General or the Officer of
the Department at the port or airport of arrival the following
information at least 72 hours before the arrival of the animals. a the
number of animals in the consignment b the expected date of arrival c
the port or airport of disembarkation in Malaysia d the farm or
establishment where the animals in the consignment will be kept

7.0 Contravention

Importation of animals in contravention to these regulations shall at

the discretion of the Director General be returned to country of origin
or disposed of in any manner deem fit by the Director General.

8.0 Right to Amend the Regulations

The Director General reserves the right to amend any condition stipulated therein
or the charges or fees without prior notice. E. Import Fees The following fees
shall be made payable to the Director General and/or the Director of State
Veterinary Services:

i. Import permit = RM 5.00 per head

ii. Quarantine fee = RM 4.00 per head

iii. Inspection fee = RM 50.00 per consignment

Department of Veterinary Services

Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia
(October 2000)

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