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Resuming Operations

COVID 19 Prevention Preparedness

Restart Manual

Lean On Us
Advisory for Organisations

• Deploy 5S practices across organization Keep premises clean –

especially common spaces, visitor rooms

• Encourage staff to wash hands regularly with soap and be


• Provide soap/hand-wash facilities, hand sanitisers etc at

multiple locations

• Run only 25% of manpower strength & rotate in shift basis

Transportation of Staff

• Social distancing & Face mask

• No Air conditioning / Windows Open in Buses
• Disinfect buses on daily basis
• Driver & Cleaner screening
Entry Gate

• Floor Marking near Entrance for social distancing

• Social distancing during security process
• Temperature screening for all at Entry level
– If body temperature is more than 37.5ºC, employee should be
sent back
– Log to be maintained (Twice a day)
• Hand wash kiosk at entrance gate
• PPE issue to all employees
• COVID awareness by Plant Manager
• Self-Declaration that there are no symptoms of illness including in
the family duly signed by the Employee
• No usage of Biometric devices for attendance monitoring
Shop Floor

• Shop floor -Social distancing & Facemask (Min 6 feet

• Closed bins for disposal of used PPE’s
• Sanitise the shop floor at regular intervals
• Clean switch boxes & machine switches/knobs at every shifts
• Restricted entry of all external drivers to shop floor
• Ensure social distancing in commutation walk path
• Ensure social distancing in Locker Room Usage
• Sanitise all the tables, material handling device on a daily
• Follow social distancing in shop floor meetings

• Staggering of lunch, snacks and tea time of shop floor to

ensure safe distance between people
• Social Distancing (6 Feet distance) between each person
• Deploy Water Dispenser instead of individual jug on each
• Avoid use of wash and use items like tea glasses, breakfast
plates etc and try to use disposable items.

• Regular Cleaning / checks of the ventilation systems and AC

• All Office Doors should be kept open all the time to prevent
touch points
• Avoid touching of door knobs
• Avoid common touch points in the lift
• Avoid mass meetings, gatherings within premises & outside
• Keep workplace clean –particularly buttons/switches,
worktables, keyboards etc.

• Regular Cleaning of all lavatories/commodes

• Open the door using your elbow/arm (Do not use palm)
• No use of Shower Area
• Use alternative urinals to maintain social distance
• Wash commodes with water before and after using
• Remove the water by using tissue paper
• Wash your hands with soap oil

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