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University of Technology doctoral students:

Department of Architecture Inaam Qasim Abdullah

supervisor: Dr. Mahmood AlBarbooti 2019-2020


Role of people in fighting Covid19

Covid 19 is a mild respiratory disease for the vast majority of people,
but it has higher rates of severe complications in weak people (aged
people and with infectious diseases) compared to other viruses such as
full awareness of the seriousness situation constitutes a
psychological pressure on the people because of the rapid spread of it,
and the world is fighting a real war in fighting this pandemic.
Each person sees the decisive actions from his perspective. Some of
people are driven by emotional and humanitarian reasons that he is a
part of a group that must reserve of their safety, while others are driven
by realistic reasons that if someone around him is injured, he will
inevitably be injured too.
Cleaning hands with soap and water or rubbing them with an
alcohol disinfectant would kill the viruses may be on, use tissues while
coughing and rely on single-use wipes are among the best ways to be
protected from getting the infection. Epidemiologist have also indicated
that reducing physical contact between people can slow the spread of
the virus. They prohibited kissing, hugging, shaking hands when
meeting or saying goodbye, keeping a separating distance between
people not less than a meter, and avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and
In the event of mild symptoms such as cold, headache, or mild
fever, it requires isolation and staying at home. In the event of an
exacerbation of the situation, it requires calling or consulting the
nearest health center or hospital.
It is also important to spread some hope and positivity through
“information” about the number of cases that were cured from the
epidemic, for example, or by refuting the false beliefs and false news that
were published about the disease.

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