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Introspective and Self-Aware

Student’s name

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Introspective and self-aware features in a manager are of great help as they help

them understand their roles and responsibilities to the company. These characteristics help

managers to understand that pretense for what you are not aware of can be a problem for

them and the organization (Carver, 2013). Managers with these features can lead others by

example and with confidence in decision making as they will have skills that improve

their credibility and firmness.

My strengths are the capabilities to be flexible when dealing with any change. I

managed to change a negative workplace environment when I worked as a manager in

customer service by pushing for the unity of direction to all staff in every department.

Extra strength in me is the ability to be confident and self-aware of all my deeds. My

managerial skills are not firm enough, and I feel it as a weakness that I am working to

improve (Turner & Mavin, 2014). Another flaw in me is the fact I tend to be shy when

addressing a big team or congregations.

My values are easy to realize as they are witnessed when one examines the

relationships I have and the attention I pay to the relationships. The more attention I give

to a relationship, the more values I have in that relationship. I encourage relations that

value generosity, the pursuit of excellence, and fairness as a manager. I have managed to

promote corporate culture in the company through the support of those values and

improve the unity of direction by every employee towards a common goal.

I am working in the finance department as I realized that trustworthiness and

integrity are necessary for that department, and I possess those standards. I have always

enjoyed the sector, and I have been much accountable and responsible for every task on

my table. The finance sector has taught me how to work with honest and utilizing

company resources well for better production and success.

My contribution to the company is distinguishable as I work in the same direction

as the company vision and mission statements. Being future-oriented and committed to

serving the company to my level best by offering my skills and support has always been

my style of service in the company. I always make target goals that guide my activities for

better production in my position for the betterment of the company.



Carver, C. S. (2013). Self-awareness. Handbook of self and identity, 179-196.

Turner, J., & Mavin, S. (2014). Becoming More Self Aware–A Journey of Authentic

Leader Development.

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