Understanding Abnormal Behavior 11th Edition by David Sue - Test Bank

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Understanding Abnormal Behavior 11th

Edition by David Sue – Test Bank

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Sample Test

Multiple Choice

1. A clinician has collected data about a client based on

observations, interview material, and psychological test
results. As a first step in the treatment process, the clinician
will evaluate this information and formulate a(n) ____.

  a. psychodiagnosis

  b. therapeutic plan

  c. model
  d. assessment instrument

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Introduction

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Factual

2. Which statement about psychodiagnosis is accurate?

  a. It involves describing and drawing inferences about a person’s psychological state.

  b. It is the basis of all research on psychological disorders.

  c. It includes physical or biological causes for symptoms.

  d. It is the last step in the treatment process.

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Introduction

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Factual

3. A ____ provides therapists with distinct categories,

indicators, and nomenclature for different patterns of
behavior, thought processes, and emotional disturbances.

  a. psychodiagnosis
  b. psychometric examination

  c. classification system

  d. diagnosis

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Diagnosing Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.3 – Explain how professionals make a psychiatric diagn

OTHER:    Factual

4. A psychologist gives the same test to a client twice. The

tests are separated by six days. If the test results are quite
dissimilar, we could say that the test has weak ____.

  a. test-retest reliability

  b. interrater reliability

  c. internal consistency

  d. predictive validity

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Reliability and Validity

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Conceptual

5. Professor Wapner wants to develop a new psychometric
test of anxiety. He must be careful to have the various items
on the test yield similar results to ensure that it will be high
in ____.

  a. interrater reliability

  b. test-retest reliability

  c. construct validity

  d. internal consistency

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Reliability and Validity

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Applied

6. Dr. Frederick is developing a new test for binge eating

disorders. She finds that people who score high on the test
engage in more binge eating and other forms of abnormal
eating behaviors than people who score low on the test.
These results indicate that the test has ____.

  a. good content validity

  b. interrater reliability

  c. high test-retest reliability

  d. good internal consistency

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Reliability and Validity

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Applied

7. Which assessment best illustrates the concept of


  a. A test that measures depression and appears to have items that cover the spectrum of symptoms for depressio

A test that measures counselor aptitude that, when given to prospective counselors, accurately predicts those w

  c. A test that measures attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and accurately identifies children who currently ha

  d. A test that measures disordered eating behaviors and attitudes that yields similar scores when completed two w

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Reliability and Validity

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Conceptual

8. A psychologist wants to assess the construct validity of a

new test. He can do so by showing that ____.

  a. scores at Time 1 predict behavior at Time 2

  b. all portions of the test produce similar results

  c. the test results for a group correlate with related measures of a phenomenon

  d. scores on the test are consistent over time

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Reliability and Validity

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Applied

9. What is the best description of assessment?

  a. Making conclusions based on comprehensive information

  b. Beginning treatment in order to judge the client’s prognosis

  c. Making a diagnosis using DSM-5

  d. Interviewing, without using psychological tests

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

10. Dr. Peterson has collected clinical observations,

neurological test data, psychological test scores, and
interview material on Mrs. Davis. If Dr. Peterson is doing this
for the purpose of drawing conclusions that will lead to a
diagnosis of Mrs. Davis, we can infer that Dr. Peterson is ____.

  a. a psychoanalyst

  b. using reliable and valid measures

  c. doing an assessment

  d. using the DSM-5

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

11. Dr. Simon is observing several schizophrenic patients

interact in a mental hospital ward without interfering. Which
type of observation is Dr. Simon using?

  a. diagnostic

  b. naturalistic

  c. analogue

  d. controlled

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

12. Gathering information on brain structures focuses on

which type of assessment?

  a. psychological tests

  b. neurological tests

  c. interviews

  d. observations

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

13. A psychologist notices that a male client rarely makes

eye contact and pulls at his ear when he seems nervous.
What type of assessment is the psychologist performing?

  a. observation

  b. projective testing

  c. structured interviewing

  d. controlled testing
ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

14. When Dr. Wilson administers psychological tests, she

strictly follows specific procedures. This refers to what
aspect of test administration?

  a. reliability

  b. validity

  c. norming

  d. standardization

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Reliability and Validity

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.1 – Explain how psychological tests and evaluation procedures are

OTHER:    Applied

15. A psychologist notes that a female client is wearing a

heavy wool sweater and cap on a hot summer day. The client
walks with a limp and mumbles to herself. The psychologist
should ____.
  a. interpret these objective signs without regard to the individual’s culture

  b. conduct testing or interviewing and disregard the information about the client’s appearance

  c. assess the diagnostic significance of these observations with interview and other information

  d. disregard these observations in order to make an unbiased assessment

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

16. Dr. Heyer is a behavioral therapist working with a 10-

year-old boy named Lee The boy’s parents and teachers both
agree that Lee is disobedient and unruly. What assessment
method should Dr. Heyer use to most accurately assess the
degree to which Lee is excessively active and disobedient?

  a. personality testing

  b. observation

  c. interview method

  d. questionnaire

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating
OTHER:    Applied

17. A psychologist who is simply looking for any unusual

behaviors when interacting with a client is using ____.

  a. psychological testing

  b. structured interview

  c. observation

  d. neuropsychological assessment

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

18. Dr. Miller, a clinical psychologist, observes that his client

Jennifer is presenting with a disheveled appearance,
constricted emotions, and is speaking slowly. Dr. Miller
gathers this observational information of these expressions
to determine ____.

  a. future behavior

  b. degree of intelligence

  c. cultural differences
  d. behavioral clues

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

19. In what way is interviewing superior to observation


  a. In interviewing, assessors can notice the client’s facial expressions, body posture, and dress.

  b. In interviewing, the style or training of the assessor has little impact on the data collected.

  c. In interviewing, assessors can collect data on the client’s life history and personality.

  d. Interviews are not subject to error.

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

20. Which statement about a standardized interview is

most accurate?

  a. It allows for consistent data to be collected across interviewees and is less subject to interviewers’ biases.
  b. It is an unstructured interview.

  c. It allows interviewers to probe interviewees’ responses in depth.

  d. It often includes a list of open-ended questions.

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

21. What widely used interview procedure is a useful

diagnostic tool to help clinicians cover areas that are
ordinarily not part of a clinical interview?

  a. Rorschach technique

  b. mental status examination

  c. sentence-completion test

  d. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

22. What aspect of interviewing increases the consistency of
assessment information?

  a. Doing the interview in a naturalistic setting

  b. Using projective techniques

  c. Increasing the reactivity of the person being interviewed

  d. Increasing the structure of the interview

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

23. As discussed in the text, which factor is a consideration

when assessing characteristics using the mental status

  a. The treatment model used

  b. Use of a highly unstructured interview

  c. The interviewee’s cultural background

  d. Future achievements relative to people of the same age of the interviewee

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

24. Which of the following is a self-report inventory?

  a. The MMPI-2

  b. The TAT

  c. The draw-a-person test

  d. The Rorschach

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

25. Self-report inventories, unlike projective tests, are ____.

  a. unstructured

  b. standardized

  c. oral

  d. valid

ANSWER:    b
REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

26. Dr. Rose, a clinical psychologist, is administering a

battery of psychological tests to a client to gain insight into
the client’s current issues. In the ____, the client is shown
inkblots and asked to interpret them.

  a. Rorschach test

  b. thematic apperception test

  c. MMPI

  d. WAIS

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

27. Nicole is shown a series of ambiguous pictures and is

then asked to tell a story about each of them. If this is a
psychological test, it is a ____.
self-report inventory
  a. self-report inventory

  b. projective personality test

  c. cognitive impairment test

  d. mental status examination

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

28. The goal of projective tests is to ____.

  a. understand a single facet of a client’s personality

  b. put the client at ease so that other tests will be answered honestly

  c. allow people to “project” their attitudes and personality characteristics

  d. allow a client to express his or her conscious needs and motivations

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

29. Psychoanalysts are interested in unconscious needs and
motives. Therefore, they are most likely to use which of the
following in assessing clients?

  a. projective personality tests

  b. self-report inventories

  c. highly structured interviews

  d. tests for cognitive impairment

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

30. In which one of the following are inner motives and

conflicts revealed by what is seen in inkblots and whether
color plays a role in the responses?

  a. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)

  b. Structured Diagnostic Interview (SDI)

  c. Rorschach Technique

  d. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

31. Dr. West is scoring a client’s responses to a projective

personality test after listening to the client tell stories about
what is happening in pictures. What test is Dr. West scoring?

  a. WAIS-IV

  b. TAT

  c. MMPI-2

  d. Rorschach

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

32. A major concern about projective tests is that they ____.

  a. are overly structured

  b. demonstrate low reliability and validity

  c. are too cumbersome to administer

  d. are too expensive to include in most psychological assessments

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

33. The TAT, a projective personality test, asks subjects to


  a. respond to inkblots

  b. complete sentences

  c. make up stories about pictures

  d. answer direct questions about specific situations

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

34. A psychologist says, “I’m going to show you some

pictures. Please make up a story about what is going on in
each picture, what led up to it, and how it will turn out in the
end.” What test is the psychologist administering?

  a. TAT

  b. Rorschach

  c. WAIS-IV

  d. MMPI-2

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

35. Which statement about the draw-a-person test is


  a. Its purpose is to assess the individual’s artistic skill.

  b. It is considered a self-report inventory.

  c. Research shows that it has very strong validity.

  d. The size, position, and details of drawings are analyzed.

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

36. Most clinicians agree that the Thematic Apperception

Test (TAT) is best used to ____.

  a. assess intelligence

  b. diagnose psychopathology

  c. ascertain an individual’s personality and motivational traits

  d. assess imagination

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

37. Rose is being given a self-report inventory to assess her

general personality traits. What kinds of questions or tasks is
she likely to be given?

  a. She will be asked to draw pictures of herself and the rest of her family members.

  b. She will be asked to agree or disagree with statements such as “I am attractive” and “I sometimes feel shy.”

  c. She will be shown pictures of people and asked to write a story describing them and the situations they face.

  d. She will be asked to answer arithmetic, vocabulary, and general knowledge questions.

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

38. These tests require test-takers to answer specific

written questions. They are scored in a predetermined way,
and scores are easily compared with those from a
standardization sample. Which assessment fits the above

  a. self-report inventories

  b. psychodiagnostic tests

  c. neuropsychological tests

  d. projective personality tests

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

39. Which of the following occurred in the development of

the MMPI-2?

  a. Validity scales were removed to prevent questions on the test from becoming too confusing.
  b. Individuals diagnosed with specific mental illnesses were compared to individuals with no diagnosed mental i

  c. What was previously an objective test became a projective test designed to determine subjective responses.

  d. New scales were added to measure intelligence and creativity in addition to personality and psychopathology

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

40. Which personality test includes ten clinical scales as

well as several validity scales to check for faking, confusion,
falsification, or other response patterns that may affect the
outcome of the other scales?

  a. Beck Depression Inventory

  b. WAIS-IV

  c. MMPI-2

  d. TAT

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

41. In utilizing MMPI scores, trained and experienced

clinicians usually focus on ____.

  a. single-scale interpretations

  b. the DSM diagnosis derived from the individual’s responses

  c. the validity scores

  d. interpretation of client responses

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

42. A psychologist says, “The fixed alternatives for answers

prevent test-takers from presenting a true picture of
themselves.” What kind of assessment tool is being

  a. unstructured interviews

  b. projective personality tests

  c. naturalistic observation

  d. personality inventories

ANSWER:    d
REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

43. A critic of personality inventories says, “These tests have

no way of detecting faking or defensiveness in the individuals
who take them. Worse, they never include norms for
responses of people from different cultural groups.” Which
response to these criticisms is accurate?

  a. The MMPI-2 has both of the features the critic says are absent.

  b. The critic is correct about the problem of faking but not about norms from different cultures.

  c. The critic is confusing the problems of projective tests with those of inventories.

  d. Current research supports what the critic is saying.

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

44. IQ scores reflect an individual’s ____.

  a. intelligence

  b. social skills
  c. level of performance relative to people of the same age

  d. future achievements and behavior relative to people of the same age

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

45. The ____ is an intelligence test appropriately

administered to people age 16 and older.

  a. WISC-IV

  b. WAIS-IV


  d. MMPI-2

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

46. A major criticism of IQ tests is that they ____.

  a. reflect cultural and social factors rather than innate intelligence

  b. are limited to assessing intelligence for children in the elementary grades

  c. cannot be used to predict school performance

  d. are not useful for detecting intellectual disability

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

47. What is known about the relationship between IQ scores

and environmental influences?

  a. IQ scores do not take culture, poverty, and discrimination into account.

  b. IQ scores are not influenced by environmental concerns.

  c. There is little if any correlation between IQ scores and level of socioeconomic status.

  d. IQ scores remain constant from one race to the next.

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

48. Teachers in a school are interested in finding a
psychological test that predicts future achievement. Which
statement best reflects what is known about the existence of
such a test?

  a. Few psychologists believe that there is a test that can do what the teachers want.

  b. Projective tests do a good job of predicting achievement; IQ tests predict social competence.

  c. There is debate about whether IQ tests can predict achievement.

  d. There is no doubt that IQ tests can predict achievement.

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

49. Why is the research of Herrnstein and Murray (1994) and

Rushton and Jensen (2005) controversial?

  a. The research has found no practical use for IQ tests.

  b. The research suggests that racial differences on IQ scores are determined by heredity.

  c. The research does not support any predictive validity of IQ tests.

  d. The research questions whether current conceptions of IQ are adequate.

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

50. Although IQ tests are controversial, one thing is clear.

What is it?

  a. Test scores accurately predict the future achievements of people from a wide range of cultures.

  b. IQ tests have poor reliability because they are not scored in a standardized way.

  c. IQ tests measure innate, rather than learned, intelligence.

  d. IQ test scores have been used in discriminatory ways.

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

51. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, in comparison to

the WAIS, is ____.

  a. the preferred test for school-age children

  b. the standard to which other tests are compared because of its long history, careful revision, and periodic upd

  c. easier to administer and yields scores on different cognitive skills

  d. is complicated in administration and scoring and requires considerable skill in use

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

52. Pablo, age 17, is administered an intelligence test. To

test him for perceptual organization, a psychologist would
likely use the ____.

  a. Bender-Gestalt Visual-Motor Test


  c. WAIS

  d. WISC-IV

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

53. After his stroke, Aaron’s clinical psychologist is most

likely to assess ____.
  a. his interest in physical activities he previously enjoyed

  b. cognitive impairment resulting from brain damage

  c. his vocational interests

  d. his unconscious needs and motivations

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

54. Which test is typically used to assess brain damage?

  a. Bender-Gestalt

  b. MMPI-2

  c. BDI

  d. TAT

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

55. Mr. Nolan has been referred to a psychologist to be
assessed for potential brain damage. The psychologist will
undoubtedly look at the ____ to find information on the
location of the damage.

  a. thematic apperception test

  b. Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test battery

  c. MMPI-2

  d. WAIS

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

56. Jack is being tested for suspected brain damage by being

shown designs made up of lines and dots. He is asked to copy
the designs on a blank sheet of paper. Jack is taking which

  a. Stanford-Binet

  b. MMPI-2

  c. Bender-Gestalt Visual-Motor Test

  d. WAIS-IV

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

57. Oscar is suspected of having brain damage. He is given

more than ten psychological tests to assess memory,
abstract concept formation, auditory perception, and
attention. The whole testing process takes more than six
hours. It is likely that Oscar was given the ____.

  a. WAIS-IV

  b. Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery

  c. positron emission tomography (PET) test

  d. MMPI-2

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

58. Which statement about the Halstead-Reitan

neuropsychological battery is accurate?

  a. It is based on psychodynamic concepts.

  b. It requires individuals to have CAT and PET scans taken.

  c. It is both cost and time efficient to administer.

  d. It assesses brain damage in children and adults.

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

59. Which result indicates neurological impairment on the

Bender-Gestalt Visual-Motor Test?

  a. Certain errors in the geometric design copies

  b. Relative IQ score significantly below the individual’s level of performance

  c. Ambiguous stimuli that suggests neurological impairment

  d. Measured abnormalities in brain wave activity

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

60. Unlike the Halstead-Reitan and the Bender-Gestalt
Visual-Motor tests, EEGs and MRIs are ____.

  a. not administered to young children

  b. used to assess organic brain damage

  c. not administered to young children

  d. valid and reliable measures

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

61. Dr. Cohen says to her patient, “We believe there may be

problems with the way your brain functions. We’re going to do
a test that uses a radioactive substance that we can trace as
it’s metabolized in your brain.” What procedure is Dr. Cohen

  a. Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

  b. PET scan

  c. EEG

  d. CAT scan

ANSWER:    b
REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

62. A psychologist says, “The pictures that come from the

testing are amazing—clear and detailed depictions of brain
structures. Not only that, they do not require giving
radioactive substances to patients.” The psychologist is
referring to a(n) ____.

  a. MRI

  b. EEG (electroencephalograph)

  c. PET scan

  d. Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Applied

63. What is a common criticism of PET testing?

  a. Tests are always inaccurate and lead to serious misdiagnosis.

  b. Testing is often conducted by individuals who lack the appropriate training.

  c. Testing exposes individuals to radioactive substances.

  d. Test results do not show brain activity.

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

64. What can be said about the use of neurological

techniques and other assessments, such as psychological
tests, with regard to evaluating mental disorders?

  a. Neurological techniques will eventually replace psychological tests.

  b. Psychological tests provide more useful information than neurological techniques.

  c. Both neurological techniques and psychological tests will soon be replaced by computerized assessments.

  d. Using neurological techniques along with psychological tests increases diagnostic accuracy.

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Conceptual

65. With magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ____.

  a. a clear cross-sectional picture of the brain and its tissues is presented

  b. a substance is injected into the patient’s bloodstream and a scanner detects the substance as it is metabolized

  c. electrodes are attached to the skull to record brain waves

  d. beams of x-rays repeatedly scan different areas of the brain to produce a three-dimensional image

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

66. Which of the following is a limitation of personality

inventory assessment?

  a. A fixed number of item alternatives can hinder individuals from presenting an accurate picture of themselves

  b. The validity of personality inventory assessments has not been established.

  c. The reliability of personality inventory assessments has not been established.

  d. Information gathered by personality inventory assessment rarely has diagnostic significance.

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

67. Which statement regarding the validity of psychological
and medical tests is accurate?

  a. Psychological tests are less accurate than medical tests in detecting conditions.

  b. Medical tests are less accurate than psychological tests in detecting conditions.

  c. Medical and psychological tests are inaccurate in detecting conditions.

  d. Psychological tests are as or more valid than medical tests in detecting conditions.

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.2 – Describe the kinds of tools that clinicians employ in evaluating

OTHER:    Factual

68. Providing distinct categories for different patterns,

indicators, and names of abnormal behavior is the goal of

  a. assessment

  b. neuropsychological testing

  c. a classification system

  d. psychometrics

ANSWER:    c

REFERENCES:    Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.3 – Explain how professionals make a psychiatric diagn

OTHER:    Factual

69. Early studies of the DSM found that ____.

  a. reliability was strong but validity was weak

  b. interrater reliability was low

  c. test-retest reliability was high

  d. most of the diagnostic errors were associated with patients’ reports

ANSWER:    b

REFERENCES:    Diagnosing Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.3 – Explain how professionals make a psychiatric diagn

OTHER:    Factual

70. Dr. Cooper says, “What abnormal psychology needs is a

system of categories for different patterns of behavior that
can be agreed on by all professionals.” Dr. Cooper is asking
for a(n) ____.

  a. valid method of assessment

  b. more reliable battery of psychological tests

  c. ethical use of assessment

  d. reliable classification system

ANSWER:    d

REFERENCES:    Diagnosing Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.3 – Explain how professionals make a psychiatric diagn

OTHER:    Applied

71. What led to the discussion of changing to a dimensional

system in the DSM-5?

  a. A dissatisfaction with the categorical model of previous DSMs

  b. An interest in moving away from assessment and diagnosis

  c. An acknowledgment of the distinct set of symptoms for each disorder

  d. A decrease in identified psychological disorders since the DSM-III-R

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Diagnosing Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.3 – Explain how professionals make a psychiatric diagn

OTHER:    Factual

72. One major problem with early versions of the DSM was

that most DSM categories were purely descriptive. A second
major problem was that ____.

  a. validity and reliability were problematic

  b. the criteria in each category were difficult to understand

  c. they were based on a psychological model of illness

  d. they attempted to include too much research

ANSWER:    a

REFERENCES:    Diagnosing Mental Disorders

LEARNING  OBJECTIVES:    UABB.SUES.16.3.3 – Explain how professionals make a psychiatric diagn

OTHER:    Factual

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