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Written Reflective 7 Jacqueline Burroughs

As an actor, your job is to create behavior. While working on my playwright

scene, I have come to learn that fully understanding the meaning of the scene is
the only way for you to be able to emotionally attach yourself to the circumstance
in a profound way. After I put in the work and searched for the clues within the
scene, I was able to “talk like an actor” instead of clinically. Also, I’ve learned that
you must be careful to look at your scene with humanity first, not as a character.
Out of concrete meaning comes the emotional meaning. To make sure the
meaning is surfacing after you have put in the work, you must go back to the first
principle of acting. While working on the written scene with Ashlyn, I struggled
with balancing listening and doing. Ashlyn had very long monologues within the
scene and at first it felt awkward. As I began to search and dig deeper, I found out I
was not letting her words affect me. I went back to the first principle of acting and
the scene seemed to flow more naturally.

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