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Lesson Plan Template

School: Al Asalah School Date: 9-2-2019

MST: Ms.Kristina Unit: (3) The Addition

Class: Number
Grade 1 of 22

ADEC Learning Outcome: 3PA1: Identify, read and write the number sentence that start with
number 5
Prior Knowledge: In
KG-2, students were working with the numbers without making the
addition sentence. In Grade 1, they learned the number sentence using the addition, the
whole and part so that will help them in easy way how to make the adding sentence and
using the number 5 in their sentence
For example : what the ( ) + 1 = 6
The materials: The PowerPoint – song- worksheet- quiz paper – picture – poster – clips with hook.
Subject Matter: What is the topic of my lesson?
Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson,
students will be able to identify, read and write
the number sentence contain the number 5.
Lesson Activities/Procedure:
I. Preparation (3mins)
A. Routine (greeting, attendance checking, sitting/seating arrangement, )
Routine (greeting : I will say good morning my beautiful students, How are you today?
Attendance checking: I will bring the colours card contain their names and take the card with
order and call their names with put a mark on my papers and the rest of the cards who is the
absent. Aitting/seating arrangement: I will make them sit on the carpet like every day that the
teacher make them sitting in order then in the activity sit on the groups table.
B. Review of the past lesson: I will ask them who is remember what was the last lesson we take it
and I will listen to them then I will put a question on the board to see do they already understand .

C. Motivation (energizer: play a song to make them active:

springboard activity to the presentation of the topic: play a song describe the lesson

D. Unlocking of difficulties: show them the vocabulary words:


Number sentence
II. Presentation (10mins)
Activity 1: Activity Name: The power point and pictures. At the beginning of the lesson I will
read outcome with the students, today we will be focusing on the adding number sentence (5). I will
use PowerPoint to model what is the number sentence look like and Show the students how to write
the number sentence on the board then ask the students to make the number 5 on their hand in the
air also I will ask question like 5+1 =? They have to answer by show me the answer on their hand.
Then show them some of the pictures contain number sentence and the students will answer by
choose the number from the card that I will put them on the table .After that I will show them the
correct answer on board and how we make it.
Activity 2: Activity Name: the cubes activity. I will give each student cubes and I will ask them to
make the number sentence should be in the number sentence number 5 (I will show them
example)and when finished they will be presented in the front of the class and tell us what they do
it. Then in the partner each 2 student together have to make the small story about number sentence.
For example, Alya and Sara, Alya has 5 cubes then Sara come and give her 2 more how many in
total she has? So, the students will answer to them.

III. Practice (20 mins)

Activity 3: Activity Name: whole and part: in groups the students will make the whole and part
from the number sentence so I will put in each groups the number sentence card and the papers so
the students will identify what the whole and the part from the number sentence.
Activity 4: Activity Name: the small board, in groups there will be a small boards with marker
and each students will write the number sentence without answer and her partner will write the
answer for her question.
Activity 5: Activity Name
IV. Production/Evaluation : give all the students small quiz about some of the addition sentence
then take it and correct to see their understanding .
Activity 6: Activity Name
Differentiation (15 mins)

Group M : I will give the students a paper, clips and hook so the students have to make a number
sentence, for example, put 3 clips on the right side and 2 clips on the left side and count them to get
the answer then write the number sentence on the paper.

Group D:
I will give the students a pyramid has a true side, false side and a lot of cards has different number
sentence with the answer and the students start to choose the card and stick it on the true or false
for the appropriate situation.
Group E:
I will give the students box with the a lot of cubes and each students will make a adding number
sentence and write the answer on the small paper that’s on the table.

Plenary: 10 mins

Whole: Student book page 61-63

True and False

Evaluation / Assessment: How will you know your students have achieved the goal?

Mark their student book, page 61-63.

Check student understands through activities given to them and walks around the groups. Also,
check their work when they finish and give feedback.

Personal focus:
In this lesson I am working on my goals to and make the students understand the adding sentence by using
different of activity because the level is different in the classroom. Give them positive feedback to working
well and cooperate with them to achieve the best.

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