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( Objective part)

Test: Chemistry Class : 2nd year CH#7+9+10+11+12 Total marks: 17 Time allowed: 20 minutes
Good Name: Father’s Name: Roll NO:

Q.NO: 01 Encircle the correct choice (1x17=17)

1 Urea is prepared from which compound?

(a NH4NO3 (b) NH4CNO (c NH4HSO4 (d NH4HCO3
) ) )
2 Geometric isomerism is present in
(a methane (b) ethane (c 2-butene (d 1-butene
) ) )
3 Which one of the following is not a heterocyclic compound?
(a anthracene (b) furan (c thiophene (d pyrrole
) ) )
4 Which compound is the most reactive one?
(a benzene (b) ethane (c ethene (d ethyne
) ) )
5 Benzene ring contains the number of sigma bonds and pi- electrons
(a 10 sigma bonds& 4 (b) 10 sigma bonds & 6 (c 8 sigma bonds and (d none of these
) pi-electrons pi-electrons ) 8 pi-electrons )
6 Which reaction is used for the synthesis of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons?
(a wurtz 's reaction (b) wurtz's fittig reaction (c fittig reaction (d dow's reaction
) ) )
7 The conversion of n-hexane into benzene is called
(a Isomerization (b) Cyclization (c Aromatization (d Polymerization
) ) )
8 Grignard reagent is reactive due to
(a Polarity of C-Mg (b) Polarity of Mg-X bond (c Presence of halogen (d Presence of Mg
) bond ) )
9 Which one of the following is not a nucleophile ?
(a H2O (b) H2S (c BF3 (d NH3
) ) )
10 For which mechanisms ,the first step involved is the same
(a E1 & SN1 (b) E2 & SN2 (c E2 & SN2 (d E1 & E2
) ) )
11 Reaction of Grignard reagent with acetaldehyde gives
(a Primary alcohol (b) Secondary alcohol (c Tertiary alcohol (d Alkane
) ) )
12 Optimum temperature for fermentation process is -----0C
(a 10-20 (b) 15-25 (c 25-35 (d 20-30
) ) )
13 Poor leaving group is
(a Cl- (b) HSO4- (c NH2- (d Br-
) ) )
14 Which compound shows maximum hydrogen bonding with water?
(a Methanol (b) Ethanol (c Phenol (d Dimethyl ether
) ) )
15 Which compound will not give iodoform test?
(a acetaldehyde (b) 2-pentanone (c 3-pentanone (d 2-butanone
) ) )
16 Silver mirror test is given by
(a aldehydes (b) ketones (c ethers (d acids
) ) )
17 Aldol product oh heating undergoes
(a decomposition (b) dehydration (c dehalogenation (d hydration
) ) )


( Subjective part)

Test: Chemistry Class : 2nd year CH#7+9+10+11+12 Total marks: 68 Time allowed: 2:40 HRS
Good Name: Father’s Name: Roll NO:

Q.NO:02 Answer the following short questions (2x22=44) ( solve any 22 questions)

1 Differ b/w homocyclic and heterocyclic compounds. 14 What are beta elimination reactions?Give an example
2 How coal is formed?Give its different forms. 15 Why boiling point of water is higher than ethanol?
3 Differ b/w cracking and reforming. 16 Give reaction of acetaldehyde with:
a) cold dilute NaOH b) NaOH/I2.
4 Differ b/w functional group isomerism and 17 What do you meant by denaturing of alcohol?
5 There is free rotation around single bond but not 18 How ethyl bromide reacts with:
around the double bond.why? (a) Aqueous KOH (b) Alcoholic KOH
6 How will you convert ethyne & phenol into benzene? 19 How will you distinguish b/w primary and tertiary
7 How will you prepare m-chloronitrobenzene from 20 Explain the acidic nature of phenol.
benzene in two steps?
8 How will you convert benzene into maleic anhydride 21 How will you distinguish b/w phenol and ethanol?
and maleic acid?
9 Give the mechanism of sulphonation of benzene. 22 Give williamsons synthesis for the preparation of
10 What are ortho and para directing groups? Give an 23 Why aldehydes are more reactive than ketones?
11 What is wurtz synthesis? How will you convert C2H5Cl 24 Why ketones are not oxidized by mild oxidizing agent?
into n-butane?
12 Why Grignards reagent are very reactive compounds? 25 How will you distinguish b/w acetone and ethyl
13 How will you convert toluene and ethyl benzene into 26 How will you distinguish b/w ethanol and methanol?
benzoic acid ?
Q.NO:03 Extensive questions (4x6=24) ( solve any six questions)

1 Define and explain sp2 and sp type of hybridization with help of examples.
2 Define and explain Cannizzaro's reaction with mechanism.
3 Explain the stability of benzene.
4 Define friedel-crafts alkylation with mechanism.
5 Compare SN1 &SN2 mechanisms
6 Give preparation of methanol on industrial scale.
7 Explain the preparation of acetaldehyde on industrial and laboratory scale..

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