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DPS- Modern Indian School Doha, Qatar

Month of September -2019-20

Name : ___________ Submission Date- 10th October

Section A: Reading
Read the following passage:


PARA 1 The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rain forest. It covers an
area of nearly 2.8 million square miles, which is nearly the size of the
continent of Australia.

PARA 2 The Amazon rain forest gets its life from the majestic Amazon
River, the world’s second-largest river, which runs directly through the heart
of the region. The rain forest itself is simply the drainage basin for the river
and its many tributaries.

PARA 3 The vast forest itself consists of four layers, each featuring its own
ecosystems and specially adapted plants and animals. The forest floor is the
lowest region.

PARA 4 Since only 2 percent of the sunlight filters through the top layers to
the understory, very few plants grow here. The forest floor, however, is rich
with rotting vegetation and the bodies of dead organisms, which are quickly
broken down into nutrients integrated into the soil. Tree roots stay close to
these available nutrients, and decomposers, such as millipedes and
earthworms, use these nutrients for food. The understory is the layer above
the forest floor.

PARA 5 Much like the forest floor, only about 2–5 percent of the sunlight
reaches this shadowy realm. Many of the plants in the understory have
large, broad leaves to collect as much sunlight as possible. The understory
is so thick that there is very little air movement. As a result, plants rely on
insects and animals to pollinate their flowers. The layer above the
understory is the canopy. This is where much of the action in the rain forest

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Answer the following questions:

Q1.The Amazon rain forest covers an area nearly the size of the
continent of __________________.

Q2.Which of the following is not a layer of the rain forest?

understory b) emergent c) sub-canopy

d) canopy

Q3.Where do most of the fruits and flowers of the rain forest grow?

Q4. Why do few plants grow in the understory?

Q5. From the given passage find the words that are synonym to the
following words:

awesome (PARA 2)
decaying (PARA 4)

Section B: (Writing)

Last week you happened to visit an amusement park of your town.

Write a diary entry expressing all the fun you had in the park.

Section C: Grammar

A: Complete the following sentences with correct degree of

adjectives in the brackets:

1. Is he any_____________(good)?
2. The climate of Chennai is __________(hot) than the climate of
3. She is ____________(pretty) than her sister.
4. Jane is the____________ (bright) student in the class.
5. He is the ____________(rich) man in the town.
6. James is two years ___________(old) than me.
7. Annie is the _____________(good) friend I have.
8. Mount Everest is the____________(high) peak of the Himalayas.
9. He is the___________ (tall) of the two.
10. The pen is ___________(mighty) than the sword.

B: Identify the type of adjective of the underline word:

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(Adjective of quantity, quality and number)

1. There were some plates on the table.

2. Miss Kitty wore black shoes.
3. Peter helped the old man.
4. There were no biscuits in the tin.
5. King lifts the heavy box.
6. All members of Stiffen family went to the theatre.
7. There is sufficient food for you.
8. Mrs.Gupta has a blue purse.
9. Bob has enough money to buy the bat.
10. Piggy has a long rope.

C: Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

1. Tower of London is_____  popular tourist attraction.

2. Newcastle is____  town in north of England.
3. I would love to tell you _____ story.
4. Can you take me to _____ doctor?
5. We will go to _____ movies today.
6. I saw _____ elephant at the zoo.
7. Will you watch _____ play with me?
8. I am going to _____ after school event.
9. We saw _____ exciting basketball game.
10. I saw _____ cat in my backyard.

Section D: Literature

Answer the following:

Q1. Did the Washer man really get his reward? How?
Q2. Who agreed to take up Akbar’s challenge and why?

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Q3. What was the test that Akbar had announced to his subjects?

Q4. What did the little ant find?


Q5. What is the lesson we learn from the poem ‘The Ants’?

Explain with reference to context.

‘I realize now how unfair I have been.’

a. Who said this to whom?

b. Who does ‘I ‘refer to?
c. What unfair act has the speaker done?

Give one word for the underlined words:

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a. The officer is a person with extraordinary skills and talent.

b. The students stood up to give respect to teacher.

c. We should take care of our parents.

d. The boy helped the old man to cross the road.

Make sentences of your own with the given words.

a. Profit: __________________________________________________
b. Cross: ___________________________________________________
c. Humble: _________________________________________________
d. Immersed: _______________________________________________

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