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# of Days 1

Students’ Prior Grammar exercises 47-48

Knowledge/ Vocabulary Practice Book Unit 9
Context Homer’s ​The Odyssey ​- selected books
Lesson Objective(s) SWBAT participate in a silent discussion centered around the
text. SWBAT demonstrate understanding of complex vocabulary
through quizzing.
Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1.D
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize
points of agreement and disagreement, and, when
warranted, qualify or justify their own views and
understanding and make new connections in light of the
evidence and reasoning presented.
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
Materials Needed Sticky notes, vocab quiz document, grammar homework,
pen/pencil, posters with questions on walls for chalk talk

Time Learning Task Methods or Procedures

5 mins Warm-Up: Reading moment Students follow a calendar and rotate
through the class, taking turns bringing in a
reading moment to share with their peers.
Those listening record a summary and
response to this short text in their
~8 Grade Grammar exercises pg Using red/colorful pen, discuss correct
mins 47-48 answers to grammar, explaining
difficult concepts
-students then pass in completed
homework for entry to gradebook
15 Vocab Quiz Unit 9 Students will complete a 20 question
mins quiz on this week’s vocabulary unit
10 Read book 17 - ​Odyssey Students will independently read,
mins knowing that they may ask a peer or me
for help understanding any language
2 mins Directions for chalk talk Explain that students will have the rest
of class to participate in a silent
discussion with sticky notes - they will
answer questions posted in three
different areas of the room
- Make a prediction about what will
happen now that Odysseus is
home, but still disguised
- Why do you think Penelope asked
to speak to the beggar? What do
you think she knows?
- What was your favorite part of this
15 Chalk Talk Students will have about 15 minutes to
mins answer the questions posted around the
room & respond to the answers of a
peer, or indicate with a star which they
think are good responses
3-5 discuss/debrief Give students time to talk as a class
mins about what they liked/disliked about
the activity, any suggestions for future
silent discussions

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