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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11

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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

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Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and

production outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company
~es*, Michel Jose Anzanello, Jose Luis Duarte Ribeiro,
Lia Buarque de Macedo Guimara
Tarcisio Abreu Saurin
Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Osvaldo Aranha, 99, 5 andar, 90035-190 Porto Alegre,
RS, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This article presents a participatory intervention in a furniture manufacturing company in Southern
Received 8 August 2013 Brazil aiming to improve both ergonomic and production outcomes. The existing Tayloristic model was
Received in revised form replaced by a cellular teamwork model. Work enlargement and enrichment, and the improvements in
24 January 2015
workstation design and process flow increased worker satisfaction and reduced postural risk, fatigue,
Accepted 2 February 2015
Available online xxx
body pain and production waste. Workload was reduced by 42% and productivity increased by 46% (25%
being attributable to unnecessary load handling, waiting and transportation, and 21% attributable
directly to manufacturing times). Workers' participation in the stages of problems identification, design
Participatory ergonomics
and evaluation of solutions played a major role in these outcomes.
Furniture manufacturer Relevance to industry: This study indicates that it is possible to balance ergonomics and production
Functional work design demands, and that it is necessary to make it clear to management. The integration of macroergonomics
Cellular work design and production management principles increases both worker well-being and productivity levels, thus
leading to a more sustainable system.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction Work in the furniture industry has been described as heavy and
repetitive, involving frequent lifting, pushing and pulling of heavy
Furniture manufacturing is an important industry in many loads, and the adoption of awkward static postures, like bending
countries (Mirka et al., 2002a; Gauthier et al., 2012; Ratnasingam and twisting (Holcroft and Punnett, 2009; Mirka et al., 2002a,b;
et al., 2012). In Brazil, 18.7 thousand furniture companies Ratnasingam et al., 2010, 2011). Such factors offer occupational
employed 328.6 thousand people in 2013, which is the equivalent risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD)
to 3.3% of the employments in the industrial sector (IEMI, 2014). (Christensen et al., 1995; Mirka et al., 2002a,b) and injuries
However, workers in furniture manufacturing are often exposed to (Aaltonen, 1996).
hazards such as dust (Goldsmith and Shy, 1988; Vinzents, 1988; Workstation improvements, such as sit-stand seating (Urlings
Pisaniello et al., 1991, 1992; Scheeper et al., 1995; Demers et al., et al., 1990), height-adjustable tables, lift-assisting devices (Mirka
1997; Holcroft and Punnett, 2009; Ratnasingam et al., 2010, et al., 2002a) and better hand tools (Mirka et al., 2002b) have
2011), chemicals (Goldsmith and Shy, 1988; Voog and Jansson, been proposed in order to mitigate WMSD and accidents in furni-
1992; Vinzents and Laursen, 1993; Estill and Spencer, 1996; ture manufacturing. However, it is known that improvement in
Holcroft and Punnett, 2009; Ratnasingam et al., 2010, 2011), noise work design by job enlargement and enrichment plays a major role
(Vinzents and Laursen, 1993; Holcroft and Punnett, 2009; in WMSD risk prevention (Carayon et al., 1999; Rivilis et al., 2006,
Ratnasingam et al., 2010, 2011), tool vibration (Gauthier et al., 2008) and has proved to reduce the high prevalence of WMSD in
2012), hazardous machinery, vehicle traffic, fires and explosions the furniture industry (Christensen et al., 1995). For example,
(Holcroft and Punnett, 2009). Hunter (2008) enlarged the work using a cellular design in a
furniture assembly unit: cell workers walked from one workstation
to another on rubber mats to reduce fatigue, and moved hardware
assembly fixtures along roller conveyors. Such improvements
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 51 3308 3948; fax: þ55 51 3308 4007.
reduced musculoskeletal disorders risk and increased productivity
E-mail addresses:, (L.B.M. Guimar~
0169-8141/© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
2 ~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara

by 11.2% (Hunter, 2008). Cell manufacturing is indeed widely intervention (appraisal, diagnosis, proposal of solutions, prototyp-
known as a strategy for improving production management by ing, and validation), which engage workers and keeps them aware
shortening lead times, improving product quality, and increasing of project developments. A total of 77 workers from four sectors of
flexibility (Sheridan, 1990). the company joined the appraisal stage, and 11 volunteer workers
Empirical studies rarely explicitly link practices and principles from these sectors took part in the prototyping, testing and vali-
from ergonomics and production management regardless of the dation stages. Diagnosis was mainly developed by the University's
synergistic relationship between both disciplines. This is an experts, while proposals for solutions, testing and validation stages
important drawback as positive impacts of work organization in- involved these experts along with 2 managers and the 11 volunteer
terventions are likely to arise from ergonomics and production- workers.
oriented actions rather than isolated initiatives. The appraisal stage comprises the identification of worker de-
The goal of this study was to re-design a production system to mands and experts' observations, and follows the three first steps
address both human and production demands according to mac- of the Macroergonomic Design (MD) method (Guimara ~es and
roergonomics, i.e., relying on participatory ergonomics and Fogliatto, 2000):
focusing on the process rather than the workstation. The study is
aligned with a trend in ergonomics that argues for the balance 1) interviews for gathering information on user ergonomic de-
between production demands and ergonomics to achieve a sus- mands or ergonomic demand items (EDIs);
tainable production system (Hendrick, 1997; Dul and Neumann, 2) identification of an importance score for the EDIs based on how
2009; Thun et al., 2011; Westgaard and Winkel, 2011). This study often they are mentioned by respondents in the interview, and
also aims to contribute to the literature on participatory ergo- on the order in which items are mentioned. Items are scored, for
nomics (Noro and Imada, 1991), which seldom focus on the social each respondent, according to the order of their mentioning (i.e.
relations in workplaces (Dixon and Theberge, 2011) since the focus first mentioned EDI scores 1, second scores 2, third scores 3, and
is mainly on the importance of worker participation on the so on). The item importance weight is then given by its inverse
appraisal stage for hazard identification (Wilson et al., 2005; Cann order, therefore first mentioned items received higher scores: 1/
et al., 2008) and its effects on health outcomes (Brown, 1993; 1 ¼ 1.00; 1/2 ¼ 0.50, 1/3 ¼ 0.33 etc. Items from all interviews are
Kuorinka and Patry, 1995; Halpern and Dawson, 1997; Haims and reviewed and grouped to avoid replication due to how re-
Carayon, 1998; Moore and Garg, 1998; Hignett et al., 2005; Laing spondents may refer to the same EDI by different names. The
et al., 2005; Haukka et al., 2008; Rivilis et al., 2006, 2008) final importance score of each EDI is obtained summing up the
although considering productivity is also relevant (Brown, 1993; scores from all respondents;
Nagamachi, 1996; Looze et al., 2005; Rosecrance et al., 2005; Vink 3) incorporation of experts' opinion for the inclusion of EDIs not
et al., 2008). This study details how workers and managerial staff identified by workers but deemed important by the experts.
endured the appraisal, proposal of solutions and testing stages
aimed at improving work quality and productivity; it also presents Steps 1 and 2 rely on semi-structured interviews with approx-
the impacts of the intervention on both social and organizational imately 30% of the workforce, and stage 3 is performed by the er-
climate. gonomists through observation and analysis. These steps provide
The study resulted from a partnership between the University in qualitative data to design a questionnaire to be answered by 100%
charge of this study and a large Brazilian furniture company, which of the workforce through the marking of a 15 cm continuous scale
needed a model that would balance production and ergonomic (Stone et al., 1974) with two anchors (i.e., not satisfied/very satisfied
issues in the new facilities to accommodate for the expansion of the or none/a lot). Therefore, quantitatively, the value of an EDI varies
sofas manufacturing sector. from 0 to 15 and the weight of each EDI is generated by the
arithmetic average of the results from all respondents.
2. Method The appraisal gate has three major goals: 1) confirm the most
important EDIs to be fully analyzed in the diagnostic stage and to be
2.1. Overview of the company and project team composition considered in the proposal of solutions; 2) plan for the prototyping
stage by defining how and when prototyping will take place; and 3)
The company, established in 1970 in the State of Rio Grande do call for volunteers for the prototyping stage. The results from the
Sul in Brazil, employs more than 4000 workers in the furniture, questionnaire and ergonomist observations lead to the diagnosis
mattress and chemical sectors. Around 90% of the furniture is and subsequent proposal of solutions, testing and validation stages.
manufactured for the internal market. Sofa manufacturing requires Two ergonomists interviewed 26 volunteer workers (32% of the
290 workers (166 men and 124 women) grouped in 16 sectors. Only population working in the four sectors) individually or in groups
four out of six sectors related to assembly/transformation (wooden depending on worker preference and practical constraints in the
frame assembly, straps placement, foam gluing, and upholstery), appraisal stage. Interviews lasted 10e40 min and were based on
encompassing 81 workers, were supposed to occupy the new fa- generic questions such as: what do you think about your work?
cilities. Therefore only those sectors were focused on this study. The What is good? What could be better? What suggestions for
project team was composed of four ergonomists (two engineers, improvement do you have? Interviews were tape recorded for
two physiotherapists), three industrial engineers from the Univer- further analysis with worker permission. EDIs mentioned by all
sity, two managers and the workers from the mentioned sectors. groups in addition to ergonomist questions of interest resulted in
four different questionnaires to accommodate particularities of the
2.2. Ergonomic evaluation four sectors. Questionnaires encompassed a total of 47 questions
grouped in six constructs: physical environment (four questions),
Ergonomic evaluation followed the participatory Macro- work content (13 questions); pain/discomfort (eight questions);
ergonomic Work Analysis (MA) method (Guimara ~es, 1999) workstation (eight questions), work design (eight questions); and
assuming that worker participation in an ergonomic intervention company (six questions). Workers received the questionnaires in
assures better acceptance of new ideas (Hendrick, 1990; Brown, the morning and handed them out on the afternoon of the same
1995; Nagamachi, 1995, 1996). In the MA there are discussion day. 95% of the population of the four sectors (77 workers)
meetings (named gates) held between each stage of the ergonomic answered the questionnaires. Questions (EDIs) from the six

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara 3

constructs of the 4 questionnaires showed acceptable consistency Both ergonomic and production data were gathered in the
(Cronbach's alpha ¼ 0.615). Next, the non-parametric Krus- second week of the diagnosis stage, and 10 weeks late during the
kaleWallis (KW) test was used to assess statistical differences on second week of the validation stage. Therefore, the experts' team
the sample means. The option for the KW test is justified by the fact performed a quantitative validation based on pre and post inter-
that the sample is small, and there is no certainty regarding normal vention data comparison by considering:
distribution of data. The KW test does not require a normal distri-
bution of the residuals as the analogous one-way ANOVA does 1) general constraints based on the interviews/questionnaires
(Corder and Foreman, 2009). Tukey's test was used to point out the from the appraisal stage and spontaneous statement from the
sectors that are significantly different from the others. Questions workers and managers during the prototyping stage;
related to workstation, work organization and company constructs 2) OWAS postural risk (WinOWAS®), comparing the analysis of the
reflected EDIs particular to each sector, do not enabling direct films taken from workers from the four sectors during the two
comparison among them. Comparative results presented in this weeks before the intervention and the ones taken during the
article were therefore drawn based on EDIs from physical envi- two weeks of experiment. Pre and post evaluation were done by
ronment, work content and discomfort/pain constructs that were the same two ergonomists that based themselves on videos
common to all four evaluated sectors. Managers and supervisors taken on Tuesday of the second week of the diagnosis and
were not interviewed and did not answer questionnaires, therefore validation stages. Tuesday is usually the day of the week of
their opinions regarding work performed in the sectors as well as maximum productivity (Parker and Oglesby, 1972).
the possible solutions for improvement were obtained through 3) OWAS analysis was done at the recommended time interval of
dialogues and discussions held on many occasions during the 30 s, in the second, third, and fourth hour in the morning and
interview process. the afternoon. The first and last hours of the journey were ruled
Diagnosis was split into ergonomic and production data anal- out assuming workers were not in their full capacity in the
ysis. Ergonomics diagnosis mainly comprised the analysis of work beginning (because they are warming up) and at the end
carried out in the four evaluated sectors and an in depth analysis of (because they are tired) of the journey. Therefore 360 images
the problems raised in the appraisal stage. Two ergonomists per- were evaluated for each of the 4 tasks: frame assembly, straps
formed non-systematic observations during a two-week period to placement, foam gluing and upholstery. Workers were picked at
understand the work in each sector and their interactions. Work random in the diagnosis stage (pre-evaluation) because the
was videotaped, and the cycle times required to perform different analysis considered the worker on videotape at the selected
tasks were recorded during different times of the journey. This data time. However, the same eleven workers were on tape and
allowed a posteriori assessment of how work was performed, a evaluated in the validation stage (post evaluation).
more detailed time/motion analysis, and a postural risk evaluation 4) estimated workload involved, which was assumed as the sum of
based on the computerized OWAS (WinOwas) method (Kivi and three indices: handling effort, work repetitiveness and work
Matilla, 1991). content, as evaluated by the researchers, on a continuous scale
Analysis of production outcomes included: 1) one year of his- varying from 1 (minimum cost) to 3 (maximum cost). This
torical data from customer orders, product costs, commercial and estimation was done, considering that OWAS gives an estima-
technical information of products with highest impact on Com- tion of postural risk, rather than an effort evaluation.
pany's revenue that was obtained from the commercial department 5) motion and time spent in the two work systems. The collection
e this data was useful to select the product models to be analyzed; of 10 repetitions for each layout and sofa models, enabled the
and 2) cycle times and lead times, which was used to evaluate computation of averages and standard deviations (SD). Student-
production outcomes before and after the intervention; 3) opera- t test with 95% of confidence level was used to evaluate statis-
tion, waiting and transportation times on different tasks were tical differences on the times yielded by the traditional (func-
measured from the first (wooden frame assembly) until the last tional) and proposed model.
(product expedition) operation of five highly demanded sofa
models. Data mentioned in 2) and 3) were collected by two in- Table 1 shows the goals, period of the intervention stages, and
dustrial engineers at different times of the day during the first two participants' role in each stage.
weeks of the diagnosis stage. Data collection focused on two
courses of action: (i) counting manufacturing parts on all work- 3. Results
stations related to sofa manufacturing (enabling a snapshot of
process material accumulation), and (ii) collecting a minimum 3.1. Analysis of the system prior to redesign
sample of 10 replications of all times required for process
manufacturing in each workstation. Work-in-progress (WIP) data 3.1.1. Demographic and work characteristics
was collected by counting the number of units waiting for process Sectors in charge of furniture manufacturing, including the four
on each workstation; the number of delayed days was provided by sectors focused on this study, work the normal shift (from 7:00 AM
the company personnel responsible for monitoring productive to 5:30 PM with 1 h for lunch break). Men are the majority in these
levels. sectors because tasks demand high physical effort, while women
Based on diagnosis and worker proposals raised in the appraisal work in sectors demanding fine motor skills (such as sewing). Most
stage (interviews) the experts' team developed alternative solu- workers have low level of schooling. Table 2 summarizes de-
tions that focused on the design of the new work system, although mographic data and the tasks performed in each sector.
workstation and environmental solutions were also proposed. One
of the alternatives was selected for prototyping and testing after 3.1.2. Ergonomic appraisal
discussions between the experts' team and two managers. Some Sofas manufacturing was organized according to a functional
changes in the work system and workstations were carried out and model with workstations operated by specialized workers (Tay-
tested based on feedback from 11 volunteer workers involved in the loristic model). Production starts with the assembly of the wooden
prototyping stage and from the analysis from the experts' team. frame, straps placement and foam gluing, which can be considered
Afterwards, the new design was qualitatively validated by the same as part of a mini-plant (MP1). After foam gluing, the product heads
eleven workers, two managers and experts' team. to the upholstery and final assembly sectors seen as a second mini-

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
4 ~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara

Table 1
Overview of the intervention stages, goals and participants.

Stage Goal Period Participants

Appraisal Month 1 (2 weeks)

Qualitative Raise problems (EDIs) and solutions 2 Experts (ergonomists)
based on interviews and 26 Workers from 4 sectors
Direct and indirect (videotape) observations 2 Experts (ergonomists)
Quantitative Measure EDIs importance based on questionnaires 2 Experts (ergonomists)
77 Workers from 4 sectors
Appraisal gate Feedback and discussion with workers and 2 Experts (ergonomists)
management All workers (81) from 4 sectors
Invite volunteers for participating in next stages

Diagnosis Understand work system Month 1e2 (3 weeks) 2 Experts (ergonomists)

Analyze problems (work system, workstation, 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
environment) 2 Experts (industrial engineers)
Collect and analyze production data
Diagnosis gate Feedback and discussion with workers and 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
management All workers (81) from 4 sectors
2 Managers from the industrial sector

Proposal of solutions Draw alternative solutions based on workers and Month 2 (3 weeks) 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
managers suggestions (from the interviews) 2 Managers from the industrial sector
and experts knowledge 11 Volunteer workers from 4 sectors

Prototyping Prototype and test work system and workstations Month 3 (4 weeks) 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
Make changes 11 Volunteer workers from 4 sectors
Final test 2 Managers from the industrial sector

Validation Qualitative evaluation of tested work system Month 4 (4 weeks) 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
and workstations 2 Managers from the industrial sector
11 Volunteer workers from 4 sectors
Quantitative evaluation of tested work system and workstations 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
Validation gate Feedback and discussion with workers, management and directors 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
2 Directors
2 Managers from the industrial sector
RH management
Workers representative
Final feedback 4 Experts (2 ergonomists, 2 industrial engineers)
2 Managers from the industrial sector
All workers (81) from 4 sectors

plant (MP2). Carpentry and foam sectors provide the materials for There is no statistical difference among sectors for most EDIs of
MP1, and the sewing sectors provides for MP2. Expedition is the the work content construct. Based on the averages in Table 3, work
final stage. An illustration of the sofas manufacturing process is is repetitive and involves high levels of physical and mental effort,
depicted in Fig. 1. although is perceived as dynamic because there is the need for
Table 3 presents the results from the questionnaires. EDIs moving frequently in order to get materials. The exception is the
temperature and ventilation are perceived as unsatisfactory by strap placement sector (p ¼ 0.048), whose workers tend to perform
workers from all four sectors, suggesting that the new facilities the job in a more restricted space. With the exception (p ¼ 0.042) of
should have a better ventilation and insulation. Noise significantly the frame assembly sector, work is not perceived as stimulating
(p ¼ 0.025) bothers the strap placement workers, because they are despite some creativity in the manufacturing of different sofa
placed between two noisy sectors: frame assembly (most noise models. Workers from foam gluing and upholstery sectors feel less
deriving from hammering, screw driving and wood handling op- valued by the Company (p < 0.01) in comparison with their col-
erations) and foam gluing (major source of noise being the leagues. Frame assembly workers recognize their work as more
exhaustion system). important than the others since they are responsible for building

Table 2
Description of tasks and demographics of the four evaluated sectors of the furniture plant.

Sector Task Workers Gender Age (years) Average Average time in Time in company
schooling company (years) (SD) (years)
Male Female

Frame assembly 1 Stitching; 9 9 0 21e48 7.6 4.5 2.3

2 Gluing;
3 Assemblage of the basic structure of the products
Straps placement 1 Straps and springs placement in the frame of the 10 9 1 27e50 6.1 2.4 1.4
products coming from the frame assembly sector
Foam gluing 1 Glue spreading; 14 10 4 19e46 7.2 3.4 1.7
2 Foam placement
Upholstery 1 Gluing and clamping of the capes coming from 48 48 0 16e48 9.0 2.9 1.2
the Sewing sector, in the frame already foamed

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara 5

Ergonomists' analysis (through direct and indirect observation,

Carpentry Sewing Expedition
workload evaluation and time/motion analysis) pointed out the
following aspects as having major negative impact on the current
Frame Strap Final work design: (i) adoption of awkward postures and heavy load
Foam gluing Upholstery
assembly placement assembly
handling; (ii) unsatisfactory environmental conditions; (iii) unsat-
Mini Plant 1 Mini Plant 2 isfactory use of the physical space; (iv) unnecessary transportation
and long distances to be covered by people and products; and (v)
Fig. 1. Process fluxogram with the mini-plants 1 and 2; carpentry and sewing sectors lack of diversified tasks and teamwork. Each worker, responsible for
are suppliers for MP1 and MP2, respectively. a single task, has restricted autonomy, lacks knowledge of the
entire system, and is not responsible for the final product quality.
Although the literature emphasizes the presence of dust in
the sofas, while the foam gluing workers understand they can do furniture manufacturing, it is restricted to the carpentry sector,
more than just gluing. Level of autonomy, stress and pressure for
which is intended to be placed in the new facilities. The experts'
production is in the medium range of the scale for all sectors. team oriented the company to address the problem. Toxic chem-
With the exception of the strap placement sector (p < 0.01),
icals are used in the foam-gluing sector, and despite the exhaustion
workers feel discomfort/pain in the back. This result was expected system in the workstation, there is the need for use of masks, and
since the allocation of the straps does not impose handling loads or
residuals might be found in the nearby workstations of other
the adoption of awkward postures, as it happens in the other sec- sectors.
tors. Workers from other sectors also complain about non-
adjustable benches. Pain in arms and hands is high (p < 0.01) for
upholstery workers who use force in these parts of the body in 3.1.4. Production diagnosis
order to conform the capes in the sofas frames. Pain in head and Analysis of production data indicated several inefficiencies
stomach is evaluated as low. which included: (i) high levels of WIP that contribute for isolating
the workstations; (ii) confusing production flow and poor visibility
of the process, thus hindering collaboration between workers from
3.1.3. Ergonomic diagnosis different sectors; and (iii) unbalanced cycle times, yielding high
Workers evaluation of physical effort and pain/discomfort are in WIP levels, long lead times and delivery delays. Estimated average
accordance to the postural risk evaluation made by the ergono- WIP (units) in each sector is displayed in Table 4. Average delayed
mists. Postures were classified into OWAS categories 4 (frame as- days were: 2.5 (SD ¼ 1.2) in frame assembly, 1.3 (SD ¼ 0.5) in strap
sembly, foam gluing and upholstery) and 3 (straps placement), placement, 1.2 (SD ¼ 0.4) in foam gluing, and 2.1 (SD ¼ 0.7) in
indicating immediate need for correction. Postural risk is higher for upholstery.
the back and upper limbs, mainly in the frame assembly and foam
gluing sectors, due to the nature of movements and load handling. 3.2. Proposal of solutions: design of the new work system
These results, as well as the repetitive characteristic of the tasks
carried out in the sectors, demand revision of the work organiza- 3.2.1. Basis for redesign
tion, redesign of workstations and use of proper devices for load Based on the literature review and experts' diagnosis, eight er-
handling. gonomic parameters were deemed important in order to assure

Table 3
Results from the questionnaires used in the appraisal stage.

Sector Frame assembly Strap placement Foam gluing Upholstery

N¼8 N ¼ 10 N ¼ 14 N ¼ 45

IDE Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD

Environment Noisea 8.7 A 4.3 3.2 B 3.3 6.6 A 3.7 7.1 A 4.2
Temp 2.0 A 2.3 1.9 A 2.4 2.6 A 2.7 2.4 A 3.4
Vent 3.1 A 3.0 1.3 A 1.7 1.6 A 0.0 2.9 A 3.5
Ilumin 10.2 A 3.8 13.7 A 0.4 10.7 A 3.2 9.8 A 4.2
Work content Phys. Effort 10.8 A 3.7 11.2 A 3.6 11.7 A 3.7 12.6 A 3.1
Mental Effort 11.2 A 2.8 10.4 A 3.4 10.3 A 2.8 9.9 A 3.5
Monotony 7.9 A 2.8 6.7 A 3.3 7.2 A 4.7 8.0 A 4.1
Limited 9.5 A 3.2 7.0 A 5.7 8.6 A 4.6 8.7 A 4.0
Creative 10.5 A 3.2 7.6 A 4.0 9.0 A 3.6 8.8 A 4.4
Dinamica 11.5 A 3.7 6.8 B 4.7 9.9 A 4.1 9.5 A 3.3
Stimulatinga 10.4 B 3.1 8.2 A 3.7 7.0 A 3.3 6.2 A 4.2
Repetitive 11.4 A 3.8 10.4 A 5.3 12.1 A 4.4 11.9 A 4.7
Responsab. 13.6 A 3.4 14.8 A 2.4 13.8 A 4.0 14.8 A 1.8
Valueda 12.4 C 3.6 9.6 B 7.0 3.0 A 3.5 5.7 A 5.4
Autonomy 11.0 A 3.4 8.1 A 5.1 9.0 A 4.2 8.0 A 4.4
Stress 8.3 A 5.8 6.6 A 3.3 9.1 A 5.6 10.7 A 5.1
Pressure 6.6 A 5.7 5.8 A 5.9 8.7 A 5.0 10.8 A 4.9
Pain/discomfort Arma 6.7 A 3.3 6.3 A 4.7 7.9 A 4.0 11.0 B 3.0
Handa 6.1 A 3.6 6.6 A 2.9 5.4 A 3.8 10.2 B 3.6
Leg 6.6 A 5.0 7.4 A 5.1 8.6 A 4.5 9.1 A 4.3
Feet 5.9 A 3.4 5.9 A 4.7 8.0 A 5.1 7.9 A 4.4
Backa 9.5 A 4.2 5.2 B 5.0 11.1 A 4.4 9.7 A 4.1
Neck 5.8 A 5.4 4.9 A 5.3 7.8 A 5.1 7.0 A 5.2
Head 4.2 A 3.6 5.8 A 6.0 4.7 A 4.6 5.3 A 4.8
Stomach 2.5 A 3.4 1.4 A 2.5 3.6 A 4.8 2.5 A 4.2
Statistically different at 95% confidence level.

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
6 ~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara

comfort and safety for the workforce in the new model: 1) work for keeping material in use and a roller system for transporting
should have a certain degree of variation; 2) work should be components from assembly to gluing and to upholstery. Although
organized at the group level; 3) workstations should face South to this alternative eliminates most manual transportation, it requires
maximize thermal comfort, mainly in the summer; 4) workstations manual motion of assembled parts to the roller system. Capes for
should be positioned near sources of natural light (windows and upholstery are kept above the table or hanged over it. Product is
doors) and artificial lighting should be replaced by a more efficient then sent by cart for final assembly (placement of feet, plastic
one, to enhance visibility of work flow; 5) workstations, tools and covers, etc.), which is done outside the cell (at the Expedition).
equipment should imply a minimum of noise, chemical emissions, The alternative employs eleven workers for producing two sofas
and load handling; 6) workstations dimensions should guarantee simultaneously: four assemblers at MP1, who are not only
comfort, safety, and maximum freedom of body motion (specially responsible for wooden frame assembly, but also for placing straps
arms, hands and back); 7) workstations, materials and equipment (tasks that were performed by different workers in the functional
should be positioned near to workers in order to reduce noise, model). Furthermore, the worker previously responsible for only
transportation, handling and waiting; 8) circulation of both work- spreading glue on wooden pieces now glues wooden pieces and
force and items inside the cell must ensure workers safety and foam. The idea was to eliminate the need for this specialized worker
reduction of transportation times. by promoting the use of non-toxic water-based glue. Under a harm
Parameters (7) and (8) attend both ergonomics and production free environment, any worker could perform the task with no
demands, as they reduce exposition of workers to hazards and personal protective equipment (such as a mask) and there is no
process waste. In order to improve production management, three need to “buy” workers' health and safety risk by paying insalubrity
other parameters, aligned with the lean production paradigm premium. However, because at that time the technology was not
(Ohno, 1988; Shingo, 1981) were adopted: (i) just-in-time (JIT) fully available, a customized workstation with exhaustion for
delivery of raw materials and components, which implied the ex- chemical substances was designed for the specialized gluing
istence of WIP caps (Hopp and Spearman, 1996); (ii) reduction of operation. Six workers at MP2 became responsible for the whole
finished stocks; and (iii) flexibility to enable the production of a upholstery task. By training for all tasks, workers could act at all
larger portfolio of sofas with minimum setup. MP1 and MP2 workstations, including the evaluation of the quality
These eleven parameters guided the design team through the of the product (Fig. 2).
conception of six cellular alternatives. All of them assume team-
work in order to enlarge (enable work to demand the use of 3.2.2. Prototyping the new system
different muscles) and enrich (make work content richer) work and Prototyping of the selected alternative took place at the new
to minimize idle times, load handling, unnecessary transportation facilities (next to the building that accommodates the studied
and rework. Although work design is the same, alternatives differ in sectors), which was at its final construction stage. Sources of light,
the type of aid used. Some of them rely on technology for material tables, rollers, carts, tools and other equipment used were available
transportation (e.g., a device or jig that moves among the cells and in the factory and installed for the experiment. Prototyping
throughout the factory) while others consider the addition of involved eleven volunteers, all male between 21 and 50 years old,
simple transportation devices (i.e., conveyor belts, rollers and carts) with 7 months to 9 years of work experience, therefore being
to the basic equipment and tools currently in use. Therefore, representative of the workforce.
handling effort is the only index that differentiates workload Workers helped arranging the new system and trained for one
among the alternatives. day with the University team before testing. They were informed
Considering that alternatives demand multi-skilled workers, that the system was being tested, time and motion were being
training cost was assumed to be the same for all of them; therefore, recorded for further adjustments and that they should work as a
monetary cost of alternatives implementation increases with the team and at their own rhythm. Besides, following the participatory
level of technology involved. However, this cost tends to be approach, they should criticize the model and interrupt the process
absorbed after a short time period, since it is compensated by its at any time if adjustments were necessary.
social and productivity gains. Additional adjustments were required in the prototype to bal-
Managers decided on one of the most conservative alternatives, ance cycle times. They included a better positioning of stands of
which was therefore prototyped. There are tables/shelves and carts material supply and the introduction of carts for material

Table 4
Comparison of production outcomes from the functional and cellular work organization on five highly demanded sofa models.

Sofa model Frame assembly and placement of straps Application of glue and foam gluing

Functional (min) Cellular (min) Average Lower-tail Functional (min) Cellular (min) Average Lower-tail
improvement Student improvement Student t-test
Average time SD Average SD Average time SD Average time SD
(%) t-test (%)

A1 47.58 2.14 22.33 1.78 53.1 13.6a 26.95 2.15 20.02 1.45 25.7 3.65a
A2 60.66 2.98 45.37 1.97 25.2 7.81a 18.31 1.89 14.76 1.32 19.4 2.87a
A3 42.28 2.40 37.5 2.19 11.2 1.01 20.48 1.78 16.28 1.37 20.5 3.98a
A4 43.6 3.78 24.82 1.65 43.1 9.78a 19.91 2.04 10.1 0.67 49.3 5.74a
A5 61.62 5.13 35.3 1.74 42.6 8.47a 15.17 0.87 8.18 0.78 46.1 5.67a

Average 51.14 33.08 35.0 20.16 13.86 32.2

time (min)
Average 11.2 Frame 2.1 Frame 7.5 1.5 33.0 6.9 1.2 5.3 0.9 23.2
WIP (units) Frame Frame Frame Gluing Gluing Gluing Gluing Gluing
9.4 2.5 7.6 2.1 19,1
Strap Strap Strap Strap Strap
Statistically different at 95% confidence level.

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara 7

transportation. During the three weeks period of prototype testing, Differences in manufacturing times measured for each sofa
problems not foreseen by the experts were detected by the model, either in the functional or the cellular design, are due to the
workers, therefore improvements were also carried out based on complexity of each model (e.g. number and diversity of compo-
their suggestions: new positioning of the supplier cart, better or- nents). Nevertheless, the cellular design favored the manufacturing
ganization of carpentry material, installation of auxiliary tables and of all models. Wood assembly and straps placement required, on
support for materials like clamps, glue and tools, and installation of average, 35% less time to complete a sofa unit. As for the foam
a latch in the table to make straps placement easier. In addition, gluing, the average cycle time in the new system was 32.2% smaller.
gluing was now performed on a turntable with height adjustment Adding all tasks performed in MP1, the average manufacturing time
to avoid uncomfortable movements, and a round table with 1.20 m in the proposed system is 34% smaller than the functional one.
of diameter replaced the traditional rectangular one. A lighter Average WIP was reduced in 33% in the frame assembly, 19.1% in the
stapler was tested on the wood assembly operation aimed at strap placement and 23.2% in the gluing sector, yielding average
reducing static effort of the upper limbs. 25.1% less parts in process.
For both designs, workload and times involved in the production
3.3. Comparative results of a class A sofa model (a highly demanded model) were estimated.
Workload involved in each proposed alternative was assumed as
Comparative analysis was performed based on data from the the sum of handling effort, work repetitiveness and work content,
second week of prototype testing assuming that they would be as evaluated by two ergonomists, on a continuous scale varying
more reliable. After a week, most adjustments were already made from 1 (minimum cost, as in the case of Alternative 1) to 3
and it could be expected that the 11 volunteers were reasonably (maximum cost assumed for the functional model). By evaluating
adapted to the new work model and research method. Upholstery the lightest (alternative 1 with jig and rail) and the heaviest
at MP2 of the prototype system could not be evaluated due to (functional model) work conditions, the researchers estimated that
problems on cape delivery. the former implies a workload reduction of around 50% compared
In spite of workers' interest and support, the immediate su- to the latter (0% reduction). Based on that, the proportional work-
pervisor resisted the project and imposed many obstacles to run load reduction associated to the prototyped cellular design was
the prototype, mainly in MP2. Supervisors and managers resistance estimated as 42% less than the functional design (column 12 in
to change is common in ergonomic interventions either because Table 4).
they do not see any reason for change (Vink et al., 2008), or because OWAS postural risk level reduced from 4 (frame assembly), 3
it challenges the status quo (Guimara ~es, 2009; Scott, 2009) and (straps placement) and 4 (gluing) to level 2 in all tasks, meaning
changes are culturally costly (Guimara ~es et al., 2012). In this that instead of “immediate need for correction”, “corrective mea-
particular case, the immediate supervisor understood that accept- sures are necessary in the near future”. These improvements can be
ing the project was admitting he failed supervising the plant for the attributable to the reduction of static effort of the upper limbs and
last 30 years. back, awkward/unnecessary posture, manual motion and load
Table 4 presents manufacturing times (in minutes, without handling, and elimination of manual transportation. Although risk
considering waiting, handling and transportation) required for the was not eliminated, progress to level 2 is a considerable reduction
functional model and the prototyped cell for manufacturing five of postural risk. No hazards were introduced as a result of the new
types of highly demanded sofas in MP1, by three workers: two for design, but better results could be achieved if workers did not need
wood assembly/straps placement and one for foam gluing. to handle any load, as happens when they move parts from one

Fig. 2. Characteristics of the traditional (functional) and the prototyped cellular system.

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
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outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
8 ~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara

workstation to another. OWAS is a suitable tool for evaluating dy-

and foam gluing

namic work, but it was not sensitive enough to evaluate minor

OWAS level
differences in the risk imposed by the two model designs. Some

limitations of the tool (such as no separation of right and left ex-

of glue
tremities; broad coding for shoulders and back, no assessment of

neck, wrists elbows and no consideration of repetition or duration
of postures) did not allow for a more rigorous evaluation.

frame assembly/
Table 5 details the ergonomics (including the estimated work-

OWAS level

load and OWAS postural risk evaluation) and production results

of straps
obtained for the functional and cellular work designs, for
manufacturing one sofa at MP1. There is a substantial increase in

average productive level (þ46%) when comparing both layouts; in

reduction (%)
addition, process variability also reduced from 9.9 to 4.8, suggesting

that the cellular layout leads to more robust and reliable productive

Manufacturing, waiting, handling, and transportation times
(columns 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively, in Table 5) add up to the total

time needed for producing the sofa (column 6 in Table 5). The ex-

pected productivity gain (column 7 in Table 5) was calculated

considering the percentage of time reduction in comparison to the

total production time in the functional model. Average waiting time

in the functional model was 18.3 min, leading to a total time of

118.1 min for producing a sofa at MP1. This means that 15% of
average total time is lost due to line unbalance, lack of JIT material
delivery and setup, what was practically eliminated when adopting

Ergonomics data
lean production principles for the prototyped alternative. Average

gain of the prototyped cellular design over the functional model

was 46%, 21% attributable to manufacturing time reduction and 25%

related to waiting, handling and transportation time reduction.

4. Discussion

gain (%)
4.1. On the relationship between ergonomics and production

64.3 (4.8)
118.1 (9.9)
(min) (SD)
Total time

This study indicated that, in order to promote changes in such a

traditional company, it is mandatory to make it clear to managers
that ergonomic and production gains are compatible. In fact, the
positive results deriving from the propositions were not expected
time (min) (SD)

by the managerial staff, which assumed that the functional model

Ergonomics and production outcomes of the functional and prototyped cellular models.

6.93 (0.4)
14.25 (0.9)

would be hailed more productive. It turned out that the prototyped


cellular system met both ergonomic and production demands by

reducing postural risk, perceived fatigue/muscular pain, shortening
lead times and lowering WIP. The obtained ergonomic and pro-
time (min) (SD)

duction gains can be mostly justified by:

10.44 (2.1)
14.24 (3.6)

(i) introduction of one-piece flow of sofas in the cells. Such

decision is beneficial in terms of ergonomics and production
since it creates a meaningful job (i.e. producing sofas rather
than components), and reduces idle times while keeping
time (min) (SD)

fairly long cycle times that provide variety of tasks;

(ii) flexibility to produce different models in the same cell,
18.3 (3.2)

0 (0)

allowing production in smaller batches and closer to real

customer orders, while improving work content by
increasing task variety;
Production data

time (min) (SD)


(iii) JIT delivery of materials and components, leading to elimi-

nation of unnecessary raw materials in shelves, WIP and
46.9 (4.3)
71.3 (8.7)

finished stocks. This couples the different production steps

more tightly, thus encouraging teamwork to solve problems
as these become more visible and urgent, while reducing
System model

lead times. Lower WIP also enabled the reduction of glue


consumption due to the grouping of glue spreading and foam


gluing, which were previously performed by independent

Table 5

workers. In the functional system, workers used to add an

extra amount of glue to avoid glue to get completely dry

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara 9

while waiting for the next operation. In addition, a less toxic new work design, what can be explained by job enlargement and
glue was suggested to avoid human and environmental enrichment as well as teamwork (Carayon et al., 1999; Rivilis et al.,
impacts. 2006, 2008).
(iv) work enlargement, enrichment and teamwork. From an er- Overall, workers' participation was crucial for the success of the
gonomics viewpoint this was useful to improve workers' study. Besides their suggestions, involvement to make prototyping
satisfaction and reduce monotony; from a production viable and the contributions for enhancing the cell, the relationship
perspective this provides labor flexibility do deal with vari- between managers and workers and overall organizational climate
ations in demand. Furthermore, job enlargement and improved, as expected in participatory ergonomics (e.g. Maciel,
enrichment reduced idle times, handling and transportation, 1998; Wilson et al., 2005). Workers mentioned that, previously to
since there was no need to move materials so often (from one the intervention, the social climate lacked willingness, trust and
workstation to another, for example), and most waiting time respect. For example, workers reported that the supervisor used to
(e.g., time between spreading glue and gluing foam) was assign the easiest and lighter sofa models to his “friends” while
eliminated. It is worth noting that the factors aforemen- overloading other workers. The democratic character of the pro-
tioned are consistent with lean production principles (e.g. posed system changed this situation since all workers, as a team,
Liker, 2004; Ohno, 1988; Shingo, 1981), thus providing have to produce any type of product as a function of the production
empirical evidence of synergistic relationships between lean demand and no longer based on the immediate supervisor wish.
principles and ergonomics.
4.3. Weaknesses and limitations of the study
Although Hawthorne effect might have had a positive impact on
the results, it might have been counter balanced by the insufficient A limitation of this study was its short period time (4 months),
training offered to workers in the prototyping stage. Because the what affected both the alternatives selection and the validation
project was carried out in mere four months, there was not enough stages. Because there was not enough time for discussing better
time to train for all tasks, mainly for upholstering. Both frame as- alternatives with the managerial staff, the tested solution was too
sembly and upholstery tasks require more skills, the reason why conservative and improvements were kept at a minimum. Longer
workers in these sectors get about 10% higher wages. projects leave room for better solutions, more discussion and
The obtained gains are expected to be higher as workers become participation, therefore more robust results.
adapted to the new work design. In the long run, when workers get
more training and become fully multiskilled (i.e., able to perform all 5. Conclusion
tasks in MP1 and MP2), the improved system should be more
efficient and workers' wages should be higher and be the same for This article presented a four months study, which applied
all workers. Some companies may resist training workers for participatory ergonomics and cellular manufacturing to re-design
multiskilling assuming that it is cheaper to keep the one-task the furniture production system of a Brazilian company. Partici-
worker. However, the gains derived by a better work system patory ergonomics was used to identify workers' needs and to
employing skillful workers should be economically effective, even design, prototype and test a new sustainable production system for
considering the training costs and the higher wages these workers the wooden frame assembly, straps placement, foam gluing and
deserve. upholstery sectors. Interviews/questionnaires carried out before
the intervention indicated that the existing functional model of
4.2. The role of participatory ergonomics work organization was stressful and tiring. Body pain (mainly in
back, arms, hands and legs) was associated with repetitive work,
Implementing ergonomic changes is difficult: in general, people inappropriate postures/motion and materials handling. Designed
are resistant to change, often do not like to embrace new ways of alternatives focused on enhancing ergonomic aspects (larger and
doing things, old habits are difficult to break, therefore people often richer teamwork, adoption of safe motion and postures, reduced
resist to participate in the change process (Neumann et al., 1999). load handling and elimination of manual transportation), reducing
Although participatory ergonomics is difficult to implement in wastes and turning the process more flexible to facilitate
most companies around the world (Vink et al., 2008; Guimara ~es, manufacturing of different product models in reduced setup.
2009), the studied company adopted most of the introduced con- The tested cellular model reduced workload in 42% and postural
cepts, and keeps an Ergonomics Committee that embraced mac- risk decreased from OWAS level 4 or 3 to level 2. It required 35% less
roergonomic principles, which are applied in all sectors of all time to assembly wooden frames and straps, and 32.2% less time to
factories hold by the Company. The new production system was perform foam-gluing operations. The average production gain of
installed in the new facilities under the supervision of this Com- the cellular system over the functional one was 46%, 25% attribut-
mittee. As of 2012, the Company has trained multiskilled workers able to elimination of unnecessary load handling, transportation
who are being paid about 20% more than the one-task worker. and waiting (i.e. these are both production wastes and potentially
Participatory ergonomics also supported the creation of an harmful activities), and 21% being related to manufacturing times.
appropriate environment for workers freely and fully expressing The positive results are due to ergonomic improvements, mainly
their concerns with the impacts of the changes. For example, in the work enlargement and enrichment, teamwork, better workstation
first three days, workers were confused about the way of working design and placement of manufacturing parts and production
in the just prototyped new system, and complained about feeling materials. Under the production point of view, the use of
more pain than the usual. The researchers explained that it was due manufacturing cells enhanced process flexibility and products flow,
to the use of other muscular groups to perform the new tasks. just-in-time delivery of materials and components, as well as in-
Although the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) mechanism is ventory control. These gains confirm that ergonomic and produc-
not completely understood yet, it is well accepted that pain results tion goals are not incompatible and that a sustainable design is
from soreness of the temporary changes caused in muscles by achievable.
unaccustomed eccentric exercise (Nosaka, 2008). Actually, in the Although the university team did not follow up the imple-
second week, they expressed a reduced fatigue and discomfort/ mentation of solutions stage, it was clear that the major impact of
pain, and showed increased motivation and satisfaction with the the project was worker empowerment and engagement in the

~es, L.B.d.M., et al., Participatory ergonomics intervention for improving human and production
Please cite this article in press as: Guimara
outcomes of a Brazilian furniture company, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2015),
10 ~es et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics xxx (2015) 1e11
L.B.M. Guimara

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