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Development Needs Analysis

Name of the Writer

Name of the Institute

Development Needs Analysis 2

Reflective Report

This report is designed to analyze the personal experience of the business management

course. According to Erasmus, Strydom, and Rudansky-Kloppers (2016), a Business

management course refers to teaching students about tactics of business and helps them learning

strategies and tools that could be used to manage a business successfully. Business management

courses help in understanding all the tools required to earn success in a professional environment

as indicated by Uhl and Gollenia (2016). it helps in the betterment of not only the technical skills

but this course also helps in improving the soft skills of a person like communication skills,

presentation skills, etc.

Studying business management at Coventry University helped me in grooming myself further.

Since the university is an international university, it helped me connect with people from

different countries and backgrounds which helped me in exploring different cultures more.

During the whole business management program, the teachers taught the course in a very

professional manner and helped every student related to course-related problems.

The study of different models like SWOT and PESTLE model helped in understanding how

analyses are done in an organization and based on those analyses how decision-making has been

done in an organization as said by Gürel and Tat (2017). the decision-making part of the course

helped in developing a correct way to make a decision not only in professional life but in person

as well. The decision-making helped in understanding the importance of making accurate

decisions in an organization and the research of different case studies helped in evaluating what

could lead if the decision went wrong for an organization. the study of different analytical tools

of decision-making like SWOT and PESTLE model helped in understanding the fact that not
Development Needs Analysis 3

only internal factors but external factors and the position of competitors especially plays a key

part in the decision-making of an organization as highlighted by Perera (2017).

The marketing subject of the business management course was highly beneficial for the students.

This course helped me realize the importance of marketing in today's world. Vinerean (2017)

said that the change in marketing tactics and the evolution and popularity of digital marketing

helped in understanding how organizations need to change their strategies and decisions based

on the recent trends going on in the market. this course helped me in earning on my own as well

by becoming a freelancer who helps companies in the marketing of the products. The product life

cycle theory helped in understanding the fact that the marketing strategies must be changed

timely based on the products as well as the requirements by the customers.

The biggest success of Coventry University, in my opinion, is that they have designed their

course exceptionally well. The course has brilliantly covered all the parts that are required in any

organization. it had the module of accounting and finance which helped in understanding what

accounting is and opened a new opportunity for students to do CFA after this course and become

an auditor or an accountant indicated by Just (2019). This module helped in learning how to

prepare a balance sheet, income statement as well as the importance of accounting in a business

so that the operations would be transparent. The financing part of this module helped in learning

how organizations arrange finances for their operations so that a business could run smoothly.

According to Anwer, Aftab, Shah, and Waheed (2017), The continuous flow model, the fast

chain model, and the agile model, etc helped in learning about the supply chain management and

the importance of supply chain management in today’s business world. The model also teaches

the importance of delivering goods on time and how it could improve the sales of a business. this
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model also helps in understanding the need for satisfying the stakeholders involved with an

organization that could make or break a company’s revenue (Mangan, and Lalwani, 2016).

The course also helped in learning how to make an effective strategy and the importance of

making a flawless strategy for an organization. the module helped in understanding what to keep

in mind before developing a strategy and the importance of giving importance to the consensus

of the leaders of the organization as mentioned by Vanhaverbeke, Roijakkers, Lorenz, and

Chesbrough (2017). the balanced scorecard and porter five models make it easier to understand

the process of developing a strategy. The models break the process of forming a strategy into

some steps which would help in making strategy keeping in mind all the necessities and would

help in implementing those strategies.

Other than the modules related to the technicalities, the models related to communication skills

and personal grooming has also helped a lot. the course helped in developing yourself personally

as well. Group tasks and presentations helped in improving communication skills with others

whereas the individual task helped in improving the research skills as well as according to

Levine (2016). The course has given equal value to the technical and soft skills which have

helped students a lot. The course has also helped in understanding how to manage time and do

work on time and under the given deadlines. The program of the university to send students in

the third year for studying in another university or working somewhere is an excellent initiative

by the management that has helped students in knowing about the professional environment as

well as exploring and interacting with people of different backgrounds. The course is designed

very well but just needs to minimize one or two modules related to the soft skills of students so

that they could learn about the technical skills more otherwise the way of teaching and the

behavior of teachers is remarkable that has helped in studying the whole course very easily.
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Importance of Self-Awareness in Future Career

Ardelt and Grunwald (2018) said that self-awareness suggests a sensible and accurate

impression of one’s attitudes, values, skills, limitations, and lifestyle. Self-Awareness in its most

important structure expects people to get rid of the need to absorb elements of knowledge and

evaluate what is important to them in life. There is no doubt that both conscience and convention

are important for effective professional dynamism and the appointment of a board of directors.

According to Parsonson and Alquicira (2019), All major career models are about explaining how

people receive and use personal data to make professional decisions and shape their careers. The

main suspicion that motivates the most, if not all, assumptions about a significant career

improvement is that self-informing is crucial to create the basis and create meaningful

professions. Furthermore, leaders believe that most vocational models are based on the

assumption that professional success and personal fulfillment are undoubtedly achieved by

people who bring knowledge to themselves and their work. Competence also plays a key role in

self-organization models. In principle, self-awareness is presented as a process in which the

individual acts in his or her name. This includes self-assessment, self-control, and other related

procedures. Competence understood as both a feature and skill is seen as fundamental for

managing individual performance and achieving administrative size. Intense awareness of one's

attitudes, traits, skills, and lifestyle allow people to set themselves appropriate professional goals,

create appropriate professional methods, and manage their behavior effectively as mentioned by

Özek and Ferraris (2018).

Thus, as indicated by Alaydrus and Hamid (2019), Self-awareness is important to access

especially for a future career as individual who would be aware of what he wants profession

could make him happy can help him develop his skills related to that field and would help him in
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understanding about things more clearly as that would be according to his interest and would

help him in working dedicatedly.

SWOT Analysis

Phadermrod, Crowder, and Wills (2019), mentioned that SWOT analysis is widely used

to examine an organization or a person’s situation by observing the Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunites, and threats. The model is widely used and is known for its authenticity and the

accuracy of results. Below is the SWOT analysis done on the personal development needs to

help evaluate me and know the weaknesses I could work on and the Opportunites I could avail as

well as the threats so that I could prepare myself according to that.


The biggest strength of mine I consider is the communication skills I have which help me

in talking and convincing someone easily. Also, I have a good presentation skill which is

required in professional life very often. The problem-solving skills also make me stand better

than others as I can solve problems on my own. I have done two internships as well and I am a

freelancer and thus I know how to work in a professional environment. also, I am very good at

time management and complete my work on time and could invest extra time at work if required.


My biggest weakness is my intolerable attitude towards unethical behaviors. I cannot

tolerate a person talking disrespectfully. Also, sometimes I lack stress management skills and get

frustrated over the extra burden of work. Also, I am not very social and won’t be participating in

events outside the office but I am working on improving this weakness and trying to be more

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I have an opportunity to work as a manager or a consultant in business because of my

business management degree. Also, I have an opportunity to do post-graduation in Supply chain

management which is a very demanding field nowadays.


The biggest threat for me is the tough competition going on in the market and hundreds

of business management students graduating every year. Also, some people have done different

extracurricular courses and have more technical and soft skills than me which could be a threat to


Need for Improvement

By looking at the weaknesses and threats, I need to focus on my skills even more and

should do some extra courses so that I could be considered for the job. Also, I need to work on

my stress management and need to take courses for improving that so that I could be count as a

perfect candidate for a job.

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Phadermrod, B., Crowder, R.M. and Wills, G.B., 2019. Importance-performance analysis based

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