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Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Department of School Education and Literacy}

New Delhi, 2"^ June,2017


The Principal Accounts Officer,

Principal Accounts Office,
Department of School Education & Literacy
New Delhi.

Subject: state Plan Scheme-Implementation of the Scheme for Providing Quality

Education in Madarsas (SPQEM] - Release of Z""! installment for the
year 2015-16 to State Government of Uttar Pradesh in respect of 1405
out of 1446 madarsas(renewal) during 2016-17.

15 9 7ni'5 had
15^9^015 h J approved an expendituretheofGovernment
Rs. 4008.24ofLakh
meeting heldLakh
Eight on
for P Four Thousand only] to State Government of Uttar Pradesh under the Scheme
for thr yefr 16 r" Madarsas(SPQEM] under Lot No. 1405(1446] Madarsas
(renewal) as indicated Gtant-m-A.d .s for givmg assistance to 1405(1446) Madrasas
V ill

S.No. Proposals

mo^s'" Cjraduate teachers @ Rs .6,000 per month for 12 935.28

2. Salary for 2134 Post Graduate/li.Ld. teachers @ Rs. 12,000 per month
lor 12 months

Total 4008.24
-1(1% of grant released as 1®'installment 2004 12
2 installment to be released 2004 12
paucity of funds, grant released
Gfrant to be released asrrrmaining payment of 2"" Installment

\G^- (Tit. Ww)

M^wiv/oevt. of tn««

warn m«TT '»tn ■

D/o Scnool EduCBllon 0. L»t«f»oy
^ f«wrt/New o»ir>i


2 In continuation of this Ministry's sanction letter dated I am directed

to convey the sanction of the President of India to release a sum of Rs. 8,84,05,54^ [Rs
Eight Crore Eighty Four Lakh Five Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Nine only)
RemainrnTbalance of 2"=. installment to Secretary, Department of Minonty Welfare and
Wakf Section-3, Government of Uttar Pradesh for implementation of the above mentioned
scheme for the year 2015-16 subject to fulfilling of all terms and conditions laid down n
the scheme and in terms of this Ministry's letter dated 29.10.2008. This is also subject to
the condition that the Madrasas seeking financial assistance fulfill
per para 9-13 of the Scheme and all the teachers are actually engaged during 2015-16 and
possess requisite qualification. This is also subject to that there is no duplicity and the
macher-pupil ratio as envisaged in this Scheme is maintained. This is purely a voluntary
scheme and the concerned institution has to apply to the State Government.
3 The expenditure involved is debitable to Demand No.57- Department of School
Education and Literacy - Major Head '3601 Grants-in-Aid to State Government 06-Grants for
State Plan Scheme, 101-Elementary Education-Other Grants, 09-Development of Minorities
Education Scheme for Madarsas/ Minorities, 01-Scheme for Providing education
Madarsas/Minorities; 09.01.31-Grant-in-aid General(Plan)2017-18.
4 It is certified that the grant in aid is being released in accordance with the pattern of
assistance approved by the Planning Commission and the Ministry as also m conformity
with the rules and regulations of the scheme.

5 The amount of the grant is to be utilized only for the purpose for which it was
sanctioned. Accounts from the State Government to be furnished to the Central
Government within one year of issue of the sanction positively along with the —^
report regarding number of Madrasas receiving assistance, total number of beneficiary
students and the amounts received and utilized by the Madrasas.
6 On receipt of the sanction letter, the Principal Accounts Officer may issue an advice
to Reserve Bank of India (Central Accounts Section), Nagpur for affording credit to the
balance of the State Government. The Principal Accounts Officer may forward a copy of the
advice to the Accountant General and Finance Department of State Government concerned
along with a copy to the undersigned.
7. It may also be ensured that utilization certificate in respect of this grant may be
furnished as a separate and distinct set of proposal as forwarded to this Department under
Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madarsas[SPQEM).

D/oScbool Education a iTtTracy
ra wO/New Deinl

grantee is called upon to do so.

Dy. No.189/17-IF.n dated 31.05.2017.

Yours faithfully

(K. J.Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt^^\ndia
(K ..'cr«t»ry
' lodW*
■ o H>vo.
Copy forwarded for
^ rJ _ .information
CODV lorwcliucu iw*
. ... ... _ and necessary action
IlH-ar to:-1

1 Secretary, Social Welfare, Government of Uttar Pradesh

2. Accountant General(A&E]. Government of Uttar Pradesh
3. The Finance Department, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
4. The Director General of Audit Revenue, New Delhi
5. IF.Il Section/Guard file

* _ "S./

(K. J. Simgh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
/^. tJI.
(K. J' •ry

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