It Is Important To Note That in The Optimal Q The Two Costs Are Equal

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Demand D 12000
Ordering S 25
Holding h 0.5
Working days 250
Leadtime 5

a. Q optimal 1095.445115
b. r 240
c. T 22.82177323 Days
d. Total Cost
Ordering 273.8612788
Holding 273.8612788
CT 547.7225575
It is important to note that
in the optimal Q the two
costs are equal.
Price 10
Cost 8
Salvage 5
Uniform Demand 200 800

a. Shortage Cost 2
Excess Cost 3
Service Level (SL) P(D<=Q*) 0.4
Q (optimal) 440

b. P (stockout)= P(D>= Q*) 0.6 remember is (1- SL)

c. Nivel de Servicio P(D<=Q*) 0.85 0.15

d. Shortage Cost
Lost sale + goodwill 2
goodwill 14.93492196 We want obtain this value
Excess cost 3
Service Level (SL) P(D<=Q*) 0.85
Goal Seek 0.849510321 Goal Seek in Excel
Clear x 0,85*(2+x +3)= (2+x)
x 15 Answer
Exercise 35
Stockout 88000
Cost 100
Disposal Costs 145
Poisson Mean
Shortage Cost 88000 Why? It is the cost of not have one spare part
Excess Cost 245 Disposal + purchase cost
Service Level P(D<=Q*) 0.997223638733073 at least this level
Q Optimal 9 part since you must satisfy the SL .
X ( spare partes) Poisson
0 0.040762203978366
1 0.171201256709138
2 0.379903741078373
3 0.602519724405557
4 0.780612511067304
5 0.894591894530823
6 0.955380899044699
7 0.983170158251042
8 0.99428586193358 This does not meet SL
9 0.998238112131815 This is greater than SL
10 0.999502832195251
11 0.999870750759159
12 0.999968862376201
13 0.999993012928089
14 0.999998533054234
15 0.999999710681145
16 0.999999946206528
17 0.999999990540717

b. if you carry 0 spare parts the SL = 0,0407622

Use this Equation Cs/ (Cs+Ce) =0,0407622 Find Cs

Cs = (Cs+245)*0,0407622
Cs -0,0407622Cs = 245*0,0407622 9.986739975
0,9592379*Cs = 9,98673997
Cs 10.41111905
So for Cs between 0 and 10,41 the best strategy is to carry zero spare parts
one spare part

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