Colégio de Aplicação Da UFRGS (CAP) : file:///C:/Users/55519/Downloads/Fanzine PDF

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MEN 1056 – Estágio Supervisionado em Língua Inglesa III 1/2020

Lecturer: Daiane Aline Kummer –


1. “Revista Bem Legal” is a Journal from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul where
researchers/teachers publish their papers, experiences and projects, especially those applied in
public schools1. Choose one English learning project from the website of the Journal and
analyze it similarly to the project from Ricardo e Silva (2011) 2. Complete the schematic
description of the learning project in terms of its context, objective(s), theme, rationale,
participants, methodology and outcomes.

SchoolColégio de Aplicação da UFRGS (CAP)

Theme Fanzine as an instrument of interaction in English classes.
Dificulties on working orality in classroom of public education.
Production of fanzines.
2° year of high school.
Discussions regarding genres, Theme selection, Explanation of the theme
“fanzine”, Pre-movie questions, The movie, Activity post-movie (reading reviews),
Selecting a movie to do a review (in trios), Text production (fanzine) and
publication on a Facebook page.
Outcomes Production of a booklet.
Link3 file:///C:/Users/55519/Downloads/Fanzine.pdf

2. Explain why you chose this project.

Because I did not know what a “fanzine” was and I also thought it would be something
extraordinary that I could use in my project but it is just a different type of a review.

RICARDO, F. C.; SILVA, M. V. S. Valorização do patrimônio público escolar. Revista Bem Legal, vol. 1, n.1, p. 11-
19. 2011.
Link url do projeto

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