Approved - Course Outline - COVID-19 Training - MoEH - MoH

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COVID-19 Pandemic

Students' Training Program

Prepared by:
Rania Abu Seir, Ph.D.
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Faculty of Health Professions
Al-Quds University

Target Students
o Medical Students: 6th year
o Nursing and Midwifery Students: 4th year
o Medical Laboratory Sciences Students: 4th year

This training program will be conducted in phases as the following:

This is an introductory phase that will cover theoretical knowledge and practices needed to
deal with COVID-19 pandemic and will be delivered via e-learning platforms in each
university. This phase will be conducted under the umbrella of the MoEH and will be
considered as an introductory level for phase-II.

This is a practical phase in which students will perform hands-on training under the umbrella
of the MoH and the MoHE and will be designed later.

Phase-I Design
Course Description
This course provides an introduction about COVID-19 and is intended for senior medical
students, Nursing, Midwifery, and Medical Laboratory Sciences. This course covers what you
need to know and to do concerning the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) including
background on the disease, infection prevention and control with particular emphasis on the
proper use of personal protective equipment, and disinfection and decontamination. Also,
sample collection and laboratory testing will be covered. By the end of this course, we believe
students will be well prepared with proper and sufficient theoretical knowledge to join hand-
on training by the Ministry of Health and join HealthCare Workers in fighting the Coronavirus
pandemic in addition to their role in recognizing and preventing the spread of the virus through
community awareness.
Upon the completion of this training, the student will be able to have the following
o Demonstrate knowledge about the SARS-CoV-2 as a potentially infectious agent.
o Acquire knowledge in infection prevention and control necessary to fight the COVID-
19 pandemic.
o Be able to educate the patients and community as to the facts and how to maintain
their health

Professional Skills
o Engage in practical training to use the personal protective equipment correctly and
according to the IPC guidelines.
o Perform clinical laboratory testing according to the standardized protocols and
procedures utilizing quality control.

Attitudes and Values

o Encourage the positive attitude of students towards voluntary work in supporting the
healthcare system and the community in addition to the personal benefits.
o Ensure the professional and ethical practices of the students with the patients
and the community during the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to the civic duty in
times of crisis.

Outline of the Training

• Module 1: Background
o Coronaviruses and Respiratory Tract Infections
o Routes of Transmission
o Incubation and Infectious Period
o Symptoms
o Comorbidities
o Status in the World and in Palestine

• Module 2: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

o Definition of IPC
o Standard Precautions
o Transmission Based Precautions
- Hand hygiene
- Respiratory and cough hygiene
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Safe management of fabrics
- Safe management of body fluids
- Safe disposal of wastes
- Environmental cleaning and disinfection
o Management of Exposure to Suspected/ Confirmed COVID-19 Cases
• Module 3: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Workers
o Risk Evaluation and PPE
o Requirements for the Use of PPE (When and How to use them)

• Module 4: Laboratory Testing

o Collection and Handling of Laboratory Specimens from Suspected or
Confirmed COVID -19 Patient
o Diagnostic Tests for COVID -19

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